"SHTTPD": Windows web-server, light-weight, stand-alone and multi-platform (Unix, etc)

Tony Tony at tdrmail.co.uk
Wed Jun 7 20:33:24 UTC 2006


Hi, If you are not trying to run this on a desktop then Windows Server
2003 already comes with IIS6 - which is it might surprise you to know is
one of the most secure web servers around as regards known
vulnerabilities. One minor denial of service issue in 2004 is the only
issue with IIS6 since release. See

For anyone interested, several very large hosting companies have
recently migrated to Windows server (from Linux / Apache).

See http://news.netcraft.com/ 

"Microsoft continues to gain share in the web server market, chipping
away at Apache's commanding lead. The number of hostnames on Windows
servers grew by 4.5 million, giving Microsoft 29.7% market share, a gain
of 4.25% for the month. Apache had a decline of 429K hostnames, and
loses 3.5% to 61.25%.

Apache's lead over Microsoft, which stood at 48.2% in March, has been
narrowed to 31.5%, a shift of 16.7% in just three months.

The largest movement of sites from Apache to IIS was once again at Go
Daddy, with over 1.6M hostnames moving from Apache to IIS this month.
While those parked domains were a major factor in Microsoft's gains,
Windows also saw solid growth in active sites, hostnames that contain
content and likely to represent developed web sites."

Probably surprising to most on this list, but true!

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-or-talk at freehaven.net [mailto:owner-or-talk at freehaven.net]
On Behalf Of Anothony Georgeo
Sent: 07 June 2006 17:54
To: or-talk at freehaven.net
Subject: "SHTTPD": Windows web-server, light-weight, stand-alone and
multi-platform (Unix, etc)


I was reading
and I thought I could help with the the following 
If you're on Windows, ...what should we suggest here? 
Is there a good simple free software (not just 
"freeware") web server for Windows? Please let me know

what we should say here.

IMO "Shttpd" ("Simple HTTPD") is a worthy candidate as

a Windows web-server for use with HiddenServices.  

Shttpd is a very nice, secure(SSL), free & open-source
(MIT license), light-weight and stand-alone web-server

which is multi-platform (Win32, Unix, Linux, *BSD, 
MacOS, QNX, Solaris).  

Shttpd has a great and easy to use GUI and the code
Shttpd was security reviewed by Adam Zeldis.

Quotes from the site:

SHTTPD is a lightweight web server. The main design 
goals are the ease of use and the ability to embed. 
Ideal for personal use, web-based software demos (like

PHP, Perl etc), quick file sharing. A care has been 
taken to make the code secure. SHTTPD is licensed
the terms of MIT license.

* Small. Fast. No bloat, no installation. 
* CGI, SSL, digest auth, resumed download, aliases
* Standard logging (combined format)
* Very simple and clean embedded API
* dietlibc friendly. NOT that friendly to the uClibc 


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