Switching Tor on and off on Mac OS X Tiger

Josh huber at paradoxical.net
Thu Jan 26 16:07:55 UTC 2006

Jean-Paul Desbruères <iminium at wanadoo.fr> writes:

> As using Tor slows down quite a bit web browsing and as going
> to the weather forecast site for instance does not really need
> a protection is there a simple way to switch Tor on or off on
> Mac OS 10 Tiger ?

If you're using Firefox you should take a look at the SwitchProxy
extension.  Setup details for tor use are here:


Also, you could specify your weather site as a proxy exception.
If you want to do this with safari, enter e.g. weather.com into
the "Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains" text box:


(that image is from


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