FreeBSD with xinetd

Michael Holstein michael.holstein at
Wed Feb 8 15:58:09 UTC 2006

I'm running a TOR server (nick=csutor) on FreeBSD, using xinetd to 
forward the connections from 80/443 to higher ports so tor dosen't run 
as root.

I'm trying to maximize the efficiency of this .. I started with the 
default of 25 processes under xinetd, but these quickly filled. I then 
tried 250, which also filled. Now, I'm using 500 processes for xinetd -- 
and it seems to hover around 300 or so.

Despite what everyone says about TOR being cpu/memory intense, I'm using 
far more memory keeping all those xinetd connections open. Does anyone 
know a better way to do this on FreeBSD?


Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA
Cleveland State University

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