upgrate to .13-alpha now no traffic?

Michael Holstein michael.holstein at csuohio.edu
Tue Feb 28 14:43:37 UTC 2006

Last night I upgraded from .12-alpha to .13-alpha (.14 not in BSD ports 
yet) .. and all traffic suddenly stopped.

Config didn't change, still using Xinetd to forward OR and DIR ports to 
non-privileged ones bound to loopback .. but getting message about DIR 
and OR not being externally reachable (but they are .. I can connect to 
them from home).

I don't know what else to check to debug this .. I (temporarily) turned 
logging back on for xinetd, and I see plenty of connections comming in, 
but I'm still not publishing my service descriptor.

What else should I check? .. anyone that can check from outside can hit -- that's the router (nick is 'csutor').


Michael Holstein CISSP GCIA
Cleveland State University

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