ABC blocking Tor servers?

John Kimble det.j.kimble at
Mon Dec 11 16:30:03 UTC 2006

On 12/12/06, David Kammering <david.kammering at> wrote:
> Brian C schrieb:
> Hi,
> > When I go to:
> >
> > I get the message: "Only viewers within the United States can watch
> > these full-length episodes."
> Doesn't seem to be an issue with Tor. I get the same message from a
> non-Torr'ed IP address in Germany registered to Arcor (a big ISP in
> Germany).
> They simply block all non-US users. And if you happen to use a non-US
> based Exit Node, ABC won't let you in.
> David

You'll want to use the "MapAddress" torrc parameter to specify an exit
node located within the US. MapAddress does not take wildcards, so
you'll probably have to find out which hostnames have this
US-only restriction, and add MapAddress lines to your torrc as needed.

- John

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