dns-proxy-tor / freecap

Steven Colbert scolbert56 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 9 07:50:44 UTC 2006

I have to thank everyone for their replies -- I am
accessing via webmail now and will send out proper
replies when I get back to the office.  In the

I thought that Socks5 was god enough to stop leaks --
but apparently not. It seems from reading all the
responses, that this was a bit unclear... but to
re-hash, Frecap is not the app to use to stop DNS


> > Question 2: Is freecap a solution to dns leakage?
> Or
> > is this targeted for another situation?
> No, Freecap does not fix DNS leakage as it uses
> Socks5.  If you want to use a "socksifying" app I
> suggest TorCap or TorCap2; TorCap and TorCap2 use
> Socks4a.  TorCap is run completly from command line
> but it can't route the app "Stunnel" (usefull for
> Remailng).  TorCap2 uses a GUI and can route
> Stuennel.
> Hope this doesn't confuse you and is helpfull,
> Anogeorgeo
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