TOR Park Exit Node Question

Giorgos Pallas gpall at
Fri Sep 30 11:04:46 UTC 2005

Martin Balvers wrote:

>What I mean is, is it normal for the Tonga server to claim over 4 MB of
>bandwidth ? If so, why are other servers that are on a 100 Mbit link not
>reporting more bandwidth ?
>While typing this it occurred to me that the default
>MaxAdvertisedBandwith is 2 MB and that Tonga has probably set it higher...
Whis has also been a question of mine. Why my tor router handles a very 
low traffic volume (~30 KB in and out) while at the same time has 100% 
connectivity, 100Mbps of real bandwidth and stays up for more than a 
week (until it crashes due to memory ;-)... Could anyone help with that? 
It's frustrating wanting to share (bandwidth in our case) with the 
community but not being able to do so!


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