Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Wed Sep 28 11:15:37 UTC 2005

David Benfell wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 19:36:04 -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
>>That seems to me to be no major problem.  A digitally signed token from
>>Tor which says, in effect, "No guarantees, but this user is Alice has
>>been around for a few months, and hasn't caused any trouble, so we
>>figure they are more or less ok" would be fine.  And if that user causes
>>us grief, then we just say "Sorry, Alice, even though Tor thinks you're
>>ok, we're blocking you anyway."
>>Or the signed token could say "Here's a random user, a new account, we
>>don't know anything about him, his name is Bob" -- and we can choose to
>>block it or accept it, based on empirical evidence.
> And how is *this* anonymous?

Because they come to you anonymously.  You can't figure out who they
really are in the real world.  All you know is that they are the same
person as before.


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