Wikipedia & Tor

Marc Abel m-abel at
Tue Sep 27 17:28:24 UTC 2005


You make a good point there.


On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:28, Adam Shostack wrote:
> Marc,
> 	You're right, but I think that we should search for arguments
> that help people see what we're doing and why.  If you put Wikipedia
> in the same set as China, then pretty soon you'll have no allies.
>         There are folks who will never see what we want to accomplish
> or why.  There are others who might, and starting out with "Wikipedia
> is asking for it," while possibly correct, will not help us win any
> popularity contests.
> 	Without a bit of popularity, it becomes much harder to fight
> the caleas, the retention orders, and the rest of the encroachments.
> Adam

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