Tor is out

Roger Dingledine arma at
Sat Sep 10 03:34:34 UTC 2005

This is the sixth development snapshot for the 0.1.1.x series. It
fixes some bugs in, and adds new features including exit
enclaves, improved hidden service speed, remote reachability detection
by the dirservers, fixes to let the Tor network bootstrap again, and a
start on the new directory design.

Changes in version - 2005-09-09
  o Fixes on
    - We broke fascistfirewall in Oops.
    - Fix segfault in unit tests in Oops.
    - Fix bug with tor_memmem finding a match at the end of the string.
    - Make unit tests run without segfaulting.
    - Resolve some solaris x86 compile warnings.
    - Handle duplicate lines in approved-routers files without warning.
    - Fix bug where as soon as a server refused any requests due to his
      exit policy (e.g. when we ask for localhost and he tells us that's and he won't do it), we decided he wasn't obeying his
      exit policy using him for any exits.
    - Only do openssl hardware accelerator stuff if openssl version is
      at least 0.9.7.

  o New controller features/fixes:
    - Add a "RESETCONF" command so you can set config options like
      AllowUnverifiedNodes and LongLivedPorts to "". Also, if you give
      a config option in the torrc with no value, then it clears it
      entirely (rather than setting it to its default).
    - Add a "GETINFO config-file" to tell us where torrc is.
    - Avoid sending blank lines when GETINFO replies should be empty.
    - Add a QUIT command for the controller (for using it manually).
    - Fix a bug in SAVECONF that was adding default dirservers and
      other redundant entries to the torrc file.

  o Start on the new directory design:
    - Generate, publish, cache, serve new network-status format.
    - Publish individual descriptors (by fingerprint, by "all", and by
      "tell me yours").
    - Publish client and server recommended versions separately.
    - Allow tor_gzip_uncompress() to handle multiple concatenated
      compressed strings. Serve compressed groups of router
      descriptors. The compression logic here could be more
    - Distinguish v1 authorities (all currently trusted directories)
      from v2 authorities (all trusted directories).
    - Change DirServers config line to note which dirs are v1 authorities.
    - Add configuration option "V1AuthoritativeDirectory 1" which
      moria1, moria2, and tor26 should set.
    - Remove option when getting directory cache to see whether they
      support running-routers; they all do now. Replace it with one
      to see whether caches support v2 stuff.

  o New features:
    - Dirservers now do their own external reachability testing of each
      Tor server, and only list them as running if they've been found to
      be reachable. We also send back warnings to the server's logs if
      it uploads a descriptor that we already believe is unreachable.
    - Implement exit enclaves: if we know an IP address for the
      destination, and there's a running Tor server at that address
      which allows exit to the destination, then extend the circuit to
      that exit first. This provides end-to-end encryption and end-to-end
      authentication. Also, if the user wants a .exit address or enclave,
      use 4 hops rather than 3, and cannibalize a general circ for it
      if you can.
    - Permit transitioning from ORPort=0 to ORPort!=0, and back, from the
      controller. Also, rotate dns and cpu workers if the controller
      changes options that will affect them; and initialize the dns
      worker cache tree whether or not we start out as a server.
    - Only upload a new server descriptor when options change, 18
      hours have passed, uptime is reset, or bandwidth changes a lot.
    - Check [X-]Forwarded-For headers in HTTP requests when generating
      log messages. This lets people run dirservers (and caches) behind
      Apache but still know which IP addresses are causing warnings.

  o Config option changes:
    - Replace (Fascist)Firewall* config options with a new
      ReachableAddresses option that understands address policies.
      For example, "ReachableAddresses *:80,*:443"
    - Get rid of IgnoreVersion undocumented config option, and make us
      only warn, never exit, when we're running an obsolete version.
    - Make MonthlyAccountingStart config option truly obsolete now.

  o Fixes on 0.1.0.x:
    - Reject ports 465 and 587 in the default exit policy, since
      people have started using them for spam too.
    - It turns out we couldn't bootstrap a network since we added
      reachability detection in Good thing the Tor network
      has never gone down. Add an AssumeReachable config option to let
      servers and dirservers bootstrap. When we're trying to build a
      high-uptime or high-bandwidth circuit but there aren't enough
      suitable servers, try being less picky rather than simply failing.
    - Our logic to decide if the OR we connected to was the right guy
      was brittle and maybe open to a mitm for unverified routers.
    - We weren't cannibalizing circuits correctly for
      CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_ESTABLISH_INTRO, so we were being forced to
      build those from scratch. This should make hidden services faster.
    - Predict required circuits better, with an eye toward making hidden
      services faster on the service end.
    - Retry streams if the exit node sends back a 'misc' failure. This
      should result in fewer random failures. Also, after failing
      from resolve failed or misc, reset the num failures, so we give
      it a fair shake next time we try.
    - Clean up the rendezvous warn log msgs, and downgrade some to info.
    - Reduce severity on logs about dns worker spawning and culling.
    - When we're shutting down and we do something like try to post a
      server descriptor or rendezvous descriptor, don't complain that
      we seem to be unreachable. Of course we are, we're shutting down.
      We don't use them yet, but maybe one day our DNS resolver will be
      able to discover them.
    - Make ContactInfo mandatory for authoritative directory servers.
    - Require server descriptors to list IPv4 addresses -- hostnames
      are no longer allowed. This also fixes some potential security
      problems with people providing hostnames as their address and then
      preferentially resolving them to partition users.
    - Change log line for unreachability to explicitly suggest /etc/hosts
      as the culprit. Also make it clearer what IP address and ports we're
      testing for reachability.
    - Put quotes around user-supplied strings when logging so users are
      more likely to realize if they add bad characters (like quotes)
      to the torrc.
    - Let auth dir servers start without specifying an Address config
    - Make unit tests (and other invocations that aren't the real Tor)
      run without launching listeners, creating subdirectories, and so on.

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