distribution of per-port traffic across exit nodes

Geoffrey Goodell goodell at cassandra.eecs.harvard.edu
Wed May 25 22:48:03 UTC 2005

Suppose that there are three routers (A, B, C), all with equal capacity.
Router A is configured to exit to port A, router B is configured to exit
to port B, and router C is configured to exit to both ports.  Suppose
also that traffic through the Tor network is evenly distributed between
ports A and B.

How will Tor distribute exit traffic across these servers?  In
particular, will router C receive more exit traffic overall simply
because it has a more liberal exit policy (e.g. routers A and B each
receive 1/4 of the total traffic), or will routers A and B take up more
of the slack since they have more conservative policies (e.g.  routers A
and B each receive 1/3 of the total traffic)?


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