securing remote access to privoxy with OpenVPN

Martin Balvers m.balvers at
Fri Jun 3 16:05:36 UTC 2005

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> I'm running a tor/privoxy combo on a remote colo box. Privoxy is bound to,
> so I (and anybody else) can use it from random locations.
> I'd like to use OpenVPN to secure my entire traffic to privoxy, while leaving
> privoxy open to other people. Is there a way to make it listen to a set of
> addresses (default 10.x.x.x for the TUN/TAP, and fallback for for 
> the rest of them)?
> Barring that, can I run tor on home network, and make it first hop mandatory
> to the colo box? (And if I can, how do I configure that?).

If you run a tor server on the colo box, you can use it as your entry
node. Just set EntryNodes <colo box nickname> in your torrc file at home.


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