http status 403 (unapproved server) response from dirserver - Tor tor at
Tue Feb 1 02:46:39 UTC 2005

Does anyone have any idea about this?
I have setup a tor server on my network and have sent in the fingerprint to
tor-ops. Also, I have gotten a confirmation from tor-ops that my node has been
added to the approved servers list. However I still keep getting the following
warning message in my tor log:

Feb 01 10:41:37.249 [warn] connection_dir_client_reached_eof(): http status 403
(unapproved server) response from dirserver. Is your clock skewed? Have you
mailed us your identity fingerprint? Are you using the right key? Are you using
a private IP address? See

Is this normal? Or anyone has any idea?


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