Tor nodes question

ADB firefox-gen at
Mon Aug 15 00:55:39 UTC 2005

Why would one want to do that? Tor depends on connection entropy, and 
the more random paths a data stream can go through the better. Are you 
worried about performance problems (the only reason I could think of 
unless I"m missing something).


mw_prev1 at wrote:

>I did read the Tor docs before posting here so I'm aware of your
>suggestion, the problem I'm having is that I can't find a way to
>restrict ALL entry and exit nodes in a particular country without having
>to go through the list and exclude them individually, and then keep
>scanning the list everyday to exclude any new nodes that are added.
>Surely there must be a simpler way?   Can't I just set it up to exclude
>all nodes from a particular country?
>On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 10:09:05 -0700 (PDT), "S K" <sk4list at>
>>1 and 2 - use entrynodes, exitnodes StrictExitNodes
>>and StrictEntryNodes, making sure that entry and exit
>>nodes are in different continents. Check out for a
>>list of tor nodes by country:
>>As for 3, if all the Tor servers are controlled by the
>>adversary, you are indeed traceable.
>>--- mw_prev1 at wrote:
>>>I've just started using Tor and would appreciate
>>>any help with a few points I'm unsure about.
>>>1. Is it possible to restrict entry/exit nodes by
>>>geographical location of the node?
>>>2. Is it possible to ensure that each node in the
>>>circuit is located in a different country?  What
>>>are the chances that all 3 nodes will be located
>>>in the US, for example?  Is there any way to
>>>tell if this has happened?
>>>3. Is it possible to trace individual packets back
>>>through the 3-node circuit?  If the exit node
>>>knows which node sent the packet, and that node
>>>(middle node) knows the entry node, and the entry
>>>node knows your IP, then couldn't someone trace 
>>>any packets leaving the exit node back to source?
>>>  mw_prev1 at
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