configure/verify SSH connect thru Squid+Privoxy+Tor?

OpenMacNews OpenMacNews at
Tue Aug 30 18:33:26 UTC 2005


> 5ceb4a8678e84793736529e8fea92d
> Enjoy!  :)
> Using ssh via tor will give you the latter 2, i wouldn't force ssh
> through privoxy + squid, just use tor directly.  However, ymmv.

well thanks again. though this is 'thick' enuf, i have to print it out to stare 
at it ... i know, so very "90's".

but <waxing philosphical & general silliness> ...

"Torify". hmmmm. a new verb.


    "To Google, or NOT to Google, that is the question ..."

should it be"

    "To Torify, or NOT to Torify, that is the question ..."

or, rather, simply:

    "To Tor, or NOT to Tor, that is the question ..."


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