[tor-reports] Arturo's February

Arturo Filastò art at torproject.org
Sun Mar 3 20:53:03 UTC 2013

In February I ended up getting chicken pox and was out of order for about a
week, that said this is what I did:

# Top 5 things I did in February:

> * Work on debugging #8123

Not much progress was done here as I am not able to reproduce the bug. If somebody is able to reproduce this bug help in debugging it and fixing it is greatly appreciated.

> * Finish speccing out the currently implemented ooniprobe tests

Wrote the specification for all the base test template formats and for the following ooniprobe core tests:

* DNS Consistency

* HTTP Requests

* HTTP Host

Still missing the specification of:

* TCP Connect

* Traceroute

* Invalid Request Line

* HTTP Header Field manipulation

> * Consolidate the reporting format of the various ooniprobe tests with the
    goal of having the least amount of key nesting as possible.

Done here: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/pull/59

> * Add support for exposing the oonib collector also over SSL and pin the SSL
    certificates of the ooniprobe backend colllector in the client

Not done yet.

> * Make the running of Tor a soft dependency and come up with an acceptable
    strategy for determining the probes IP address.

Not done yet, but some ideas of how to do this have been identified here:

In addition to the above tasks I also did:

 * Fix multiple inheritance in test #7999

 * Fixed up the setup.py script for ooniprobe

 * Fixed some bugs in the DNS lookup test

 * Fix some bugs in the HTTP Request test: 

# Top things I plan to do in March:

 * Make ooniprobe into a daemon

 * Start working on the ooniprobe HTTP API

 * Start working on the ooniprobe User Interface
 * Finish specifying the tests that are not specified

~ Art.

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