[tor-reports] Philipp's November 2013

Philipp Winter phw at torproject.org
Sat Dec 7 23:35:44 UTC 2013

- I released ScrambleSuit version 2013.11.a.  Note that it's not
  compatible with version 2013.10.a as it uses a different
  Diffie-Hellman group.  I also extended the protocol
  specification quite a bit.  The ChangeLog lists all changes:

- I set up a dedicated build machine to experiment with gitian.
  So far, I'm at least able to build the tor binary which is
  necessary since ScrambleSuit requires at least v0.2.5.1-alpha
  which adds the "ServerTransportOptions" torrc option.  I
  managed to manually create a ScrambleSuit bundle but the long
  term plan is to help with the PTTBB and get it in there rather
  than ship yet another bundle.

- I published exitmap which can be used to do stuff over all
  exit relays.  So far, we used it to check for false positives
  on check.torproject.org:
  At this point it's far from user friendly.  Once it improves,
  I'll send a dedicates email to tor-dev at .


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