[tor-relays] fedora firewalled BAD tor receipe

Carlos eff_03675549 at posteo.se
Mon May 13 19:23:03 UTC 2024

> Hi,
> the recipe on the torproject page the way it is displayed does not 
> allow for the firewall to be properly set.
> This results operators new to FEDORA installing Bridges WITHOUT any 
> firewall.
> This is both because firewalld does not come in natively with most 
> fedora VPS and because 

> ***** firewalld remains inactive when not started even when enabled. 
> *****
> please add the line
> sudo dnf install firewalld
> sudo systemctl enable firewalld
> systemctl start firewalld;
> firewall-cmd --add-port TODO1/tcp --permanent
> firewall-cmd --add-port TODO2/tcp --permanent
> systemctl status firewalld;
> firewall-cmd --reload
> at the location where firewall-cmd is stated in the existing 
> torproject recipe webpage for fedora!
> Please kindly confirm / infirm the website update.
> Carlos.
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