[tor-relays] Tor Metrics 'Running' flag is back for bridges who don't publish the OrPort

Hiro hiro at torproject.org
Wed Jun 26 14:46:54 UTC 2024

On 6/23/24 21:59, Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 09:28:23PM +0200, lists at for-privacy.net wrote:
>> A few months ago there was a recommendation to not exposing OrPort for
>> bridges.
>> This had the unpleasant effect that all bridges were 'red' on Tor Metrics,
>> even though they were running perfectly fine.
>> I noticed yesterday after the meeting that everything is 'green' again.
>> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/ForPrivacyNET
>> Thank you, I believe these 6 people did that:
>> https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/team/-/issues/318
> Right -- I think we are still in the process of fixing that issue. The
> current situation as I understand it is that bridgestrap measures whether
> your obfs4 port is reachable, and it uploads these results to the metrics
> sites, and the metrics sites use them if available instead of looking
> at Running.
> But currently the "uploads to metrics" step happens once a day, while
> bridgestrap produces results way more frequently than that.
> And in the past there were surprises where the metrics side would say
> something like "I'll call you running if bridgestrap said you were
> reachable within the past three hours" -- which is a great design if
> you are getting the bridgestrap results rapidly, but not great if you
> get them once a day.
> So, I'm glad to see that your relay was green again for a bit, but I
> fear a bit more work remains until we get there *consistently*. :)
Yes I think the issue is somewhat hidden into collector and how/how 
often the tests from bridgestrap are processed.

I am counting to work on this when we are back the 2nd week of july.



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