[tor-relays] Archive key from deb.torproject.org was renewed - mind the * deb * !

eff_03675549 at posteo.se eff_03675549 at posteo.se
Wed Aug 14 20:44:19 UTC 2024

> Hi all and cheers for all your replies.
> I aimed to convey: I have no (longer) update issues from the moment I 
> recently found out that the change introduced beginning of this month was
> rather this was
> AN UPDATE IN THE REPO ()we returned to a deb.only repos for all.
> And what this implies is HUGE, because most non-pro-active servers out 
> on the netwroks, all operators gone, who lost access to their 
> Unattended settlements, who trusted TOR, US ALL for respecting the 
> FEATURE of Unattendedness have now running server Eternally flown with 
> MiM-Repo-weak servers.
> I implied to ask: DO you guys realize that *Unattendness is a Feature* 
> to build around and not to change while asking everyone to upgrade / 
> Attend.
> Unattended servers are abandonned, they work and their owners could 
> have been killed, lost interest, yet they were meant to work for us all.
> What is the share of our network that will upgrade from non-deb, 
> obsoleting repos, and who is going to Man-In-the=Middle that repos and 
> OPA (acquire for free) ALL those lone servers.
> This is a monstruous danger to the network.
> Carlos.
> On 8/14/24 9:07 PM, Toralf Förster via tor-relays wrote:
>> On 8/14/24 19:44, boldsuck wrote:
>>> upgrades are running or not. And that I have to reboot because of 
>>> the kernel
>>> upgrade or similar. (I don't like auto reboots)
>> Ah, ok.
>> I like it and have therefore unattended upgrade configured
>> unconditionally for all packages [1].
>> Furthermore I do use needrestart to detect services and/or kernel
>> requiring a reboot and do it [2].
>> So it works all out of the box w/o manual intervention here.
>> [1]
>> https://github.com/toralf/tor-relays/blob/main/playbooks/roles/setup_common/tasks/auto-update.yaml 
>> [2]
>> https://github.com/toralf/tor-relays/blob/main/playbooks/roles/setup_common/tasks/reboot.yaml 
>> -- 
>> Toralf
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