[tor-relays] Difficulties testing my bridge

binarynoise binarynoise at mail.de
Fri Nov 11 20:45:32 UTC 2022

Hello everyone,

I run a bridge and as I was doing maintenance on my server, I wanted to
check whether my bridge works and whether the bandwidth is really as
low as advertised in the relay search (it's not, maybe because no-one
uses it, as it's on reserved distribution).

So I started my tor-browser, opened htop locally and on the server and
started browsing.
Everything went smoothly, but something was odd: I did not see any
traffic on my server (that idles most of the time, so I should see my
bridges traffic).

Checked connection-info: no bridge there.

Went to settings, checked the bridge settings: yes, I had entered by
bridge-line. Odd.

Continued to the tor logs: oh, bridge-line didn't parse. Interesting.
(I put in the server's identity key ed25519 fingerprint instead of the
not-ed25519 one and put my bridges name somewhere there too).

Ok, but why doesn't it tell me?
Why is there no big "Couldn't connect to your configured bridges"-
warning after hitting the connect-to-tor-button?

Anyway, does some tool exist, where you enter your bridge's information
or run it on the server, that tells you if the recommended versions of
tor + dependencies are installed and actually used?
That would make the task of keeping the bridge healthy easier.


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