[tor-relays] TorWeather replacement features

Postmaster postmaster at coolcomputers.info
Thu Feb 10 01:21:06 UTC 2022

How important are private (non-public) ways to subscribe to 
notifications for you? 1
How important are configurable downtime periods to you and what 
timeframe would you choose? 3
How important are recovery notifications (i.e. down -> up) to you? 2

How important would be matrix as a second notification method to you? 3
Would you use one or multiple notification methods at the same time? 
Just email for me.

John C.

On 2022-02-09 08:09 PM, nusenu wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently working on a TorWeather replacement (mainly using a 
> byproduct of another project)
> that should be helpful for relay operators to get notifications about 
> their relay downtimes
> and other issues.
> I believe such a service will contribute to a more healthy tor network
> and better informed operators leading to less relays running on
> old vulnerable and end-of-life tor versions.
> For those that did not have the chance to use TorWeather in the past
> before it died due to lack of a maintainer:
> It was a simple software as a service for relay operators that allowed
> them to subscribe for email notifications in case their relay dropped
> out of consensus (and a few more use-cases).
> The service will be for the operator of the relay(s).
> Subscribing and notifications will be aggregated by operators,
> meaning if multiple relays from a single operator go down at the same 
> time,
> it will produce a single notification only (instead of one per relay).
> If a new relay gets added by an operator no additional steps are
> required to get notification for the newly added relays.
> You can rate the items below with these levels:
> (off-list replies are fine as well)
> 1 = must have
> 2 = should have
> 3 = nice to have
> The system will use the email address in your CIISS email field,
> which implies it is public. How important are private (non-public) ways 
> to subscribe
> to notifications for you? (non-public email address)
> TorWeather used to have an option where the operator was able to 
> specify after
> what amount of downtime they would get a notification.
> I would simply go with a single static value: "2 consensus are missing 
> your relays" (2 hours) -> notify.
> How important are configurable downtime periods to you and what 
> timeframe would you choose?
> I'm primarily focusing on notifications about "changed to the worse" 
> (i.e. up -> down; ok -> eol).
> How important are recovery notifications (i.e. down -> up) to you?
> What would be the next most useful/important notification use-case for 
> you after
> - relay dropped out of consensus
> - relay is running a vulnerable/end-of-life tor release
> - relay lost guard/exit flag
> The first notification method will be email.
> How important would be matrix as a second notification method to you?
> Would you use one or multiple notification methods at the same time?
> kind regards,
> nusenu
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