[tor-relays] Shutdown of my digital ocean guard relay

mick mbm at rlogin.net
Thu Oct 15 10:41:52 UTC 2020

Hi Guys

I today received notification from DO that they have changed their
Terms of Service and Acceptable Useage policies. Having read those
changed notices it is clear to me that DO are no longer really Tor
friendly. They do not allow exits and whilst my guard relay there
(at roof.rlogin.net with fingerprint
has been running for nearly seven years I can no longer do that because
of the likely bandwidth charges in future. My DO relay has been
using around 12 TiB per month for some time now and I could afford to
let it run because I was a "legacy" customer (i.e. early adopter of DO
services who was given "free bandwidth forever"). It looks to me from
their new ToS that I will no longer enjoy that status after 22 October.
So I have shut it down.

Any other relay operator using DO services should read their new ToS (1)
and AUP (2) and decide for themselves whether they will be affected.

My other guard relay at sink.rlogin.net on Hetzner's network will
continue in operation.


(1) https://www.digitalocean.com/legal/terms-of-service-agreement/

(2) https://www.digitalocean.com/legal/acceptable-use-policy/ 

 Mick Morgan
 gpg fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B  72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312

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