[tor-relays] relayor v0.3.0 is released

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Tue Oct 31 12:01:00 UTC 2017


relayor v0.3.0 has been released.


Whether you run a single or many relays, relayor
helps you with running relays with minimal effort (automate everything).

Introduction to get you started:

Main benefits for a tor relay operator

* automation - no more manual setup tasks
* security:
	offline Ed25519 master keys
	every tor instance is run with a distinct user
* automatically makes use of IPv6 IPs (if available)
* automatic tor instance generation (two by default - configurable)
* enables tor's Sandbox feature by default on Debian-based systems
* easily choose between alpha/non-alpha releases
* easily restore a relay setup
* easily choose between exit relay/non-exit relay mode
* automatic deployment of a tor exit notice html page via tor's DirPort
* automatic MyFamily management

Supported Operating Systems
    Debian 8, 9 and Debian Testing
    OpenBSD 6.1
    FreeBSD 10.3, 11.1
    HardenedBSD 11
    Ubuntu 16.04
    CentOS 7
    Fedora 26

Notable changes since v0.2.1:
- enable tor's Sandbox feature by _default_ on Debian based systems
- add support for automatic use of OutboundBindAddressExit via simple
on/off boolean (opt-in)
- add support for HardenedBSD
- add support for tor alpha releases on FreeBSD/HardenedBSD
- add support for more torrc options
- performance improvement due to the use of dynamic includes (ansible)

The minimal required ansible version has been increased to 2.4.1 due to
show-stopper bugs in older versions.


twitter: @nusenu_

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