[tor-relays] decrease in traffic

Trey Nolen tnolen at internetpro.net
Tue Oct 24 02:36:38 UTC 2017

On 10/23/2017 6:12 PM, teor wrote:
>> On 24 Oct 2017, at 09:08, s7r <s7r at sky-ip.org> wrote:
>> it looks like your relay has a measured by authority 'bastet' of
>> 355. That is not a big value. The other authorities measured this:
>> 278;
>> 355;
>> 367;
>> 803;
>> So it looks like the speed was pretty much the same for the measurements
>> performed on your relay by different servers on different networks. If
>> you say you are sure there is nothing automated (at either OS level,
>> hypervisor level, local router/network level or something upstream) that
>> could throttle this in case of continuous high usage
> Your AS shows up as BellSouth.net, which redirects to AT&T.
> Have you asked them if they're throttling you?
> (Or do you work for BellSouth?)
>> there's not much
>> you can do other than waiting some time to see the next speed measurements.
> You can check the warning and notice level Tor logs to see the amount
> of traffic Tor thinks it is handling.
> You can also tap or mouse over the bandwidth in Atlas, and it will show
> you what's limiting your relay - in this case, it appears to be the consensus
> weight. (The observed maximum bandwidth is 2.44 MBps, and the rate and
> burst are 5 and 10 MBps.)
> Unfortunately, sometimes relays get stuck in a low measurement category.
> We're working on a test environment, so we can start fixing issues like this.
> In the meantime, you can try the following things:
> * restart the relay
> * change the IP address
> * delete all the relay keys and start again
> You might want to wait a week or so after trying each step.
> Please let us know if one of these things works, it will help us diagnose
> the issue.

I've already restarted the relay (been about 5-6 days).  It was doing 
this before the restart although it continues to decline. I'll delete 
the whole VPS and create a new one.
LOL...guess I'll be starting new on my t-shirt authorization (but that 
is another thread...).

Trey Nolen

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