[tor-relays] tor network change and event detection

nusenu nusenu-lists at riseup.net
Mon Oct 23 19:37:00 UTC 2017

> As some of you know, TDP did a little suite of shell scripts based on
> OONI data to look at diversity statistics:

I think you mean onionoo (not OONI).

> In other words, daily reports would be run on, say, bw consensus by
> country, and if there was some statistically significant change over N
> periods of time, it would be noted. Or if a particular OS drops or
> jumps. Or if a particular AS jumps or declines for relays, bridges,
> whatever.

something related:

as ML: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/ornetradar


Then there is (will be) metrics-bot, I made some feature requests
similar to your examples above here:


also related:

twitter: @nusenu_

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