[tor-relays] Feedback wanted: letter to my university's library

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Mon Oct 2 05:08:35 UTC 2017

On 01.10.2017 22:52, teor wrote:
> AWS is an expensive way to run a relay, because they charge per GB.
> Capped providers can cost less, and you can use AccountingMax to
> limit your usage.
> Here's a list of providers that allow tor: 
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs

For non-exit relays, you actually don't have to limit yourself to ISPs
that "allow Tor". Be careful with "unmetered/unlimited" offers. I would
be honest up front in terms of data usage, and find out what kind of
"fair use policy" the ISP has. Often, the customer support can give you
an exact number, even if it's not stated anywhere on their website.

lowendbox.com is a good place to find cheap virtual machines, for
example. Again, for non-exits (like the current "strugees"), I wouldn't
tell the ISP that what you're doing is pushing encrypted traffic for
some network. For exits, it's a bit more difficult.

I hope Alison can help you with the uni library. That's a really good
idea. Internet and policies can be hugely different between different
universities, so at least for non-exit relays, it should be pretty
straightforward: Here also, I would suggest to first (without making a
lot of noise about it) to find out what the rules around Internet usage
are, and just set one up.

Moritz Bartl

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