[tor-relays] Guard node suddenly sending twice what it receives

Logforme m7527 at abc.se
Wed Dec 20 19:29:48 UTC 2017

My little guard node (855BC2DABE24C861CD887DB9B2E950424B49FC34) have 
suddenly started to behave strangely. iftop (my "bandwidth monitor"), 
shows twice as much sent traffic as received traffic. The traffic seems 
to be distributed to a lot of ip addresses. No ip address stands out as 
receiving very much traffic: https://imgur.com/a/dAUzc

Given the last few days of DDoS attacks (my node is still targeted by 
those) I naturally assume this is another attack.
First it is lots of connections (mitigated with connection limits)
Then it is massive amounts of memory per circuit (MaxMemInQueues fixes 
And now this.

Could this be a third attack vector or am I seeing something "normal" 
(though I often check my bandwidth and I've never seen this before). My 
node recently got the HSDir flag after the last crash. Could the network 
be starved for HSDir machines and this is what I'm seeing?

Being a linux noob I don't know how to figure out exactly what kind of 
traffic this is. Suggestions gratefully accepted.

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