[tor-relays] expected IPv6 traffic for an exit relay

Tim Wilson-Brown - teor teor2345 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 18:39:38 UTC 2015

> On 13 Dec 2015, at 02:52, Toralf Förster <toralf.foerster at gmx.de> wrote:
> Signed PGP part
> I opened my exit for IPv6 after Moritz encouraged us to do so here at this list.
> I do observe a traffic of 1-2 GB. for IPv6, IPv4 is always abound 300 GB/day. The exit is configure for 8 MB/sec throughgput (==20 TB/month).
> I do wonder, what are expected values for IPv6.
> Furthermore between 11th of August and 25th of September I observed a traffic of about 30-40 GB per day for IPv6 - but why only in this time frame ?

Tor Browser 5.0.4 has its SOCKSPort configured with "IPv6Traffic PreferIPv6".
This means that if your DNS resolver returns IPv6 records, Tor Browser and your Exit should default to using IPv6 to websites that have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address.

Is your DNS resolver correctly returning AAAA records along with A records for all sites that have them?
(If it's only returning AAAA records for a few sites, or for IPv6-only sites, that could be your problem.)

As far as I know, nothing changed in Tor Browser that could cause a dramatic IPv6 traffic drop-off.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP 968F094B

teor at blah dot im
OTR CAD08081 9755866D 89E2A06F E3558B7F B5A9D14F

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