[tor-relays] using Arm to manage nodes

jason at icetor.is jason at icetor.is
Fri Feb 7 20:43:10 UTC 2014

Additionally does anyone know what effects the client locale statistics
on page 2? I've had those statistics come and go and I can't figure out
what causes them to disappear.

On 02/07/2014 06:24 PM, jason at icetor.is wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is something that's bothered me for quite some time. I often use
> arm (https://www.torproject.org/projects/arm.html.en) for monitoring my
> relays and to keep a quick eye on things like overall bandwidth
> consumed, traffic stats and my favorite client locale statistics. I run
> it in a screen session and often when I re-attach the session often the
> keymapping is all messed up and the arrow keys will offer to close arm.
> Usually it will correct after I shift-m to get to the menu and switch
> around a few times. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you
> solve it?
> -Jason
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