[tor-relays] never mind (was Re: duplicated log output after SIGHUP)

Scott Bennett bennett at sdf.org
Fri Feb 7 14:23:37 UTC 2014

Scott Bennett <bennett at sdf.org> wrote:

>      I made a minor change to my torrc file and sent tor a SIGHUP.  The only
> logging I'm doing is "notice" level to a file.  Here's what has been going on
> since the SIGHUP.
> [log messages deleted --SB]
> And so on.  Is the duplication of messages after a reload a known bug?  
> Please note that the double logging I reported earlier has been corrected by
> commenting out the --Log stuff in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tor, so the new double
> logging appears to be a different problem.
     It occurs to me that I probably didn't restart tor the other time I was
getting duplicate logging, but just commented out the "Log " line in torrc
long enough to send a SIGHUP for a reload to disable one copy of log messages,
and then uncommented it again in torrc.  Sigh.
     Sorry for the noise.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at sdf.org   *or*   bennett at freeshell.org   *
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