[tor-relays] Network Scan through Tor Exit Node (Port 80)

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Wed Mar 9 22:07:43 UTC 2011

On 09.03.2011 22:48, Arjan wrote:
>> We are saying hello on port 443, and then saying goodbye. Once. Using
>> normal TCP and TLS handshaking, no tricks. For the good of the internet.
> That would be enough to get me in trouble with my ISP for performing
> portscans (if I were running an exit node).

How could anyone judge what is a valid action, and what kind of
connections are not, if we are already fighting over this on this list?

EFF, you are welcome to use our Tor exits if you think it is useful for
the Observatory.

Moritz Bartl

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