[tor-project] Nina’s Monthly Status Report: May 2024

Nina nina13 at riseup.net
Wed Jun 5 12:03:38 UTC 2024

Hi! Below is my May’24 report!

In May, I resolved 790 tickets:

  * On Telegram (@TorProjectSupportBot) - 539

  * On RT (frontdesk at tpo) - 242

  * On WhatsApp (+447421000612) - 9

  * and on Signal (+17787431312) - 0

The focus of my work remains the same - I help Russian-speaking users of 
Tor Browser to install the browser and bypass internet censorship. In 
May we got a lot of questions from iOS and macOS users from Russiaand 
more specificallywhichsoftware they should install and where they should 
get it.

Also, I help with troubleshooting and keep an eye on issues and bugs to 
report themto Tor developers.

There are several bugs/issues I reported in May:

  * Built-in bridges andsomebridges obtained by email do not work in

  * Error in Tor Browser "Unable to start Tor:java.io.lo" [2]

  * BridgeDB does not give ipv6 bridge [3]

  * BridgeDB gives one and only bridge [4]

In May I also took part in theCommunity Teamdocumentation sprint, whose 
purpose was to fill the gap in the existing documentation. So I authored 
and added to the several articles in the Support portaland Tor Browser 
user manual.

  * I added a section "System requirements" to the "Installation"
    article [5]

  * Added "letterboxing" term to the glossary [6]

  * Updated NoScriptdescription for "PLUGINS, ADD-ONS AND JAVASCRIPT"
    article on the support portal [7]

  * Wrote an article "Why are modern onion service addresses so long?" [8]

[5] https://tb-manual.torproject.org/installation/
[6] https://support.torproject.org/glossary/letterboxing/
[7] https://tb-manual.torproject.org/plugins/
[8] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/support/-/issues/211#note_3029489
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