[tor-project] Anti-censorship meeting notes, 2021 July 15

Cecylia Bocovich cohosh at torproject.org
Thu Jul 15 16:31:13 UTC 2021

Hey everyone,

Here are our meeting logs:


and our meeting pad:

Anti-censorship work meeting pad

Next meeting: Thursday July 15th 16:00 UTC

Weekly meetings, every Thursday at 16:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC
(channel is logged while meetings are in progress)

== Goal of this meeting ==

Weekly checkin about the status of anti-censorship work at Tor.
Coordinate collaboration between people/teams on anti-censorship at Tor.

== Announcements ==

    Tor Browser 10.5 released with Snowflake.


    Peep the charts 👀



    Job opening on the anti-censorship team:

== Discussion ==

    Snowflake usage metrics after stable release

    How's the performance in places that are geographically far from the

    Is the spike globally distributed or centered on certain countries?

    Today's bridge-stats:

    bridge-stats-end 2021-07-14 17:36:29 (86400 s)


== Actions ==

== Interesting links ==

    snowflake-client.exe in TB 10.5 detected as malware




== Reading group ==

    We will discuss "" on

    Questions to ask and goals to have:

    What aspects of the paper are questionable?

    Are there immediate actions we can take based on this work?

    Are there long-term actions we can take based on this work?

    Is there future work that we want to call out, in hopes that others
will pick it up?

== Updates ==

    This week:
        - What you worked on this week.
    Next week:
        - What you are planning to work on next week.
    Help with:

         - Something you need help with.

cecylia (cohosh): last updated 2021-07-15
Last week:
    - reviewed snowflake!47
    - finished moat shim (bridgedb#32276)
    - bridgestrap reviews
    - bumped version of snowflake
    - updated snowflake proxy Docker image
    - attended some of PETS
    - deployed changes to snowflake.tp.o (snowflake-webext!18)
    - looked into snowflake performance tuning as a result of dcf's email

        - opened

    - did some cleaning up of Snowflake repository READMEs (snowflake!49)
This week:
    - followup review for rdsys!11
    - more work on snowflake documentation (snowflake#40031)
    - check and maintain snowflake censorhsip measurements
    - start work on a Conjure PT for Tor
Needs help with:
    - review snowflake!48 (kcp + smux parameter tuning)
    - review of snowflake!49

arlolra: 2021-07-08

    Last week:

    - More snowflake!39

    Next week:

    - Maybe get back to snowflake-webext #10

    Help with:


dcf: 2021-07-15

    Last week:

    Next week:

    - AMP cache rendezvous for snowflake

    - look at KCP/smux buffer size increase

    Help with:


    Last week:

    -Off due to final exams

    Next week:

    -Work on bridgebox for rdsys

    -More research on httpt #4

    Help with:


hanneloresx: 2021-3-4

    Last week:

    - Submitted MR for bridgestrap issue #14

    Next week:

    - Finish bridgestrap #14

    - Find new issue to work on

    Help with:


maxb: 2021-07-15

    Last week:

    - Opened
re: utls for broker negotiation

    - Worked on github.com/max-b/nat-testing for

    - Added a snowflake-proxy-no-nat and a snowflake-client-no-nat to
help with debugging

    - Successfully making connections from snowflake-client and
snoflake-client-no-nat through the snowflake-proxy-no-nat, but not
having any success with the snowflake-proxy (with nat).

    - Added a local dockerized STUN server

    Next week:

    - Use wireshark to figure out the difference between successful
snowflake-proxy-no-nat and unsuccessful snowflake-proxy-nat

    - Work on implementing different NAT types, particularly in a way
that's conducive to automatic testing

    - Add testing wrapper w/ "pass/fail" conditions

meskio: 2021-07-15

    Last week:

          - fix bridgestrap CollecTor bug so it properly reports if
bridges are functional (bridgestrap!8)

          - short bridgestrap CollecTor metrics by the hashed
fingerprint to don't reveal information (bridgestrap!9)

          - deploy bridgestrap with CollecTor metrics

          - report number of connected clients from snowflake webext to
the broker (snowlfake-webext!19)

       - gettor rdsys integration (rdsys!11 rdsys#32)

       - document our server setup in TPA wiki

    Next week:

    - submit the "final" gettor rdsys integration (rdsys!11 rdsys#32)

    Help with:


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