[tor-project] people.tpo down

Peter Palfrader weasel at torproject.org
Mon May 23 22:26:38 UTC 2016

On Mon, 23 May 2016, Peter Palfrader wrote:

> Hi,
> just fwi.  perdulce (aka people.tpo) has been down since
> Friday->Saturday night.  The out-of-band management system is failing at

Correction: Thu->Friday actually - nagios reported FS issues around
0145Z on Friday.

> stopping/starting it.  We have opened a ticket with the hoster, but so
> far haven't heard back from them.

Still no reply.

In the meantime, I've made a new perdulce elsewhere.

Home directories are restored as of Thursday morning, so we'll have lost
any updates that happened during Thursday.

I have not restored cronjobs, or package lists.  If you need anything,
please let us know.

ssh host keys:
2048 e2:5c:c0:f7:7c:29:dd:ee:20:14:4d:c1:2f:b5:c8:4f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub (RSA)
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDmtJJfByrkwUNyh6B4NnCp0jZ/Kpe+gBGfFv1+uY82w23TTUmTjsvSHpBSr054teKCqIsgkBpF8/zA979gbYTYU23lyd0PKqwUCbyO+99aULUpNPtgxqwP8UwEb3JMLEq8qHuOxfoYSU1VT5+3Ja7AqPz2DtnRbmdsPOlPDxYV5WVnxCPqP7kEYM4FgQY595CAQyUbTbjls2VVAnGQjwgIBr43LZK030OMUSX4K7qpqC+E5LorHbjHPgh4oWqJD9YUwPq8hcL3OABP5a4EgWGWjVhwFbMtZORL6NJ9wd1mrKKkxjtONeKjbKCq4R7wCU2BoMZkYBHIAmTwonOiHIa5 root at perdulce

256 e7:57:81:f0:92:2b:81:a5:02:c1:6d:db:d9:5c:ab:2d /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub (ED25519)
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGOnZX95ZQ0mliL0++Enm4oXMdf1caZrGEgMjw5Ykuwp root at perdulce

base64'd that'd be TsPRzpDIA72a3jWlaGzJE0qN5Ya+fDJdqYP+/msMnnw= and
/5Fc6NlhrIkZIqKr2YQerbqh5Jdwh3HOE+gEXAV3b/c= - but since I'm doing this
manually I might have convered the wrong things.
                            |  .''`.       ** Debian **
      Peter Palfrader       | : :' :      The  universal
 https://www.palfrader.org/ | `. `'      Operating System
                            |   `-    https://www.debian.org/

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