[tor-onions] domain socket as HiddenServicePort target -- permissions!?

Johannes tor-l1sts at ko-sys.com
Thu Jun 16 14:14:22 UTC 2016

Hello Ivan,

thanks for your reply. I am afraid you are describing a situation that
you and I expect(ed) to be reality. But it is not.

Test 0:

INET socket, just to check basic connectivity of the .onion address.

=> works

Test 1:

Socket /tmp/hstest.socket with perms 0666. This is not a good idea, but
could work.

=> It does NOT work.

Test 2:

Socket at /srv/hstest/test.socket; directory /srv/hstest has group of
the Tor user, setgid set (02750), socket file  correctly inherits the
group of the Tor user and has perms 0660. This is a setup that I think
is reasonable.

* Confirmed via debug log, that the correct socket path is used.

* Checked with a local unix domain http client, ran as the Tor daemon's
user => works.

* Checked via onion: => does NOT work.

Test x:

Some unknown ad hoc created set of directory layout, ownerships and
permissions--using root privileges that will totally not be available to
the daemon's user and in its chroot. Not reproducible, because of the
magnitude of possible combinations, the inability to debug this via
Tor's logging, lack of documentation and my current level of frustration

=> Worked. Somehow. Forgot how, because I didn't know what to look for.


Obviously there are some checks done by Tor on the socket, the
containing directory or both. My question is: What *exactly* is checked
and what is the rationale in this case in contrast to the rationale
applied to the checks done for domain sockets at other functionality
than HS?


On 06/15/2016 09:32 PM, Ivan Markin wrote:

> A unix socket should be readable and writeable for the user under which
> you're running tor ("tor", "_tor" etc). As well as for the server (nginx
> or whatever). So you need some combination that provides 'rw-' access
> for all relevant users ("nginx"/"www", "tor"/"_tor"...). E.g. this can
> be accomplished by adding these users to some "onionservice" group or
> whichever you like.
> P.S. You can test connectivity with `curl` by running something like this:
> $ curl --unix-socket /path/to/socket http:///
> --
> Sweet onions,
> Ivan Markin
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