[tor-mirrors] Mirror list should be up to date as of now

Sebastian Hahn mail at sebastianhahn.net
Mon Jul 13 12:52:10 UTC 2015

Dear Daniel,

> On 13 Jul 2015, at 14:30, Daniel Pajonzeck <lists at bitfactory.ws> wrote:
> On 13.07.2015 00:51, Sebastian Hahn wrote:
>> Sorry for the long wait. If you notice any unexpected entries
>> or think you should be on the list but aren’t, I’ll check what
>> the problem is.
> Hey Sebastian,
> there are some misplaced commata in _this_ list[0]. This causes a couple
> of entries are in the wrong column.

Thanks a lot for your observations. Note that your list is not the one
that is currently being used, as the website is tracked in a git
repository now[2].

> I also changed the protocol from 'http' to 'https' for
> 'http://tormirror.piratenpartei-bayern.de/dist/' in the
> 'httpsDistMirror'-column. I get a 404-response, but I think it's
> potentially correct.

I’m removing the dist entries, they can be added again if they start
mirroring the distribution directory again.

> The 27th line (tor.hoi-polloi.org) had multiple typos.
> The EFF redirects http to https, so I removed
> 'https://tor.eff.org[/dist/]' from the 'httpWebsiteMirror'- and
> 'httpDistMirror'-column.
> I attached a patch.
> After patching, I guess the mirror website[1] gets some more mirrors -
> including mine.

Do you want to make a new patch using git and send that, or should I
adapt your patch to the current version? If so, how would you want to
be credited for your work?


> [0] https://svn.torproject.org/svn/website/trunk/include/tor-mirrors.csv
> [1] https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/mirrors.html.en

[2]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/project/web/webwml.git/

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