[tor-mirrors] Mirror de-listed from website

Fabian Bustillos fabian.bustillos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 04:28:59 UTC 2014

My mirror got removed from the site, last time that the "Tor MirrorCheck
Agent" checked my mirror was jan 11. - - [11/Jan/2014:11:00:34 -0800] "GET
/torproject//project/trace/www-master.torproject.org HTTP/1.1" 200 303 "-"
"Tor MirrorCheck Agent" - - [11/Jan/2014:11:00:35 -0800] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 9216954 "-" "Tor MirrorCheck Agent"

>From here:

i do get:

Sun Jan 12 20:56:00 UTC 2014

Does it get rechecked automatically when a mirror gets removed? Info
should be added at the "how to run a mirror" at the main site about
how the mirrors get checked or removed.

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