[tor-mirrors] new mirror / introduction

Sebastian Urbach sebastian at urbach.org
Tue Sep 13 16:10:27 UTC 2011

Hi all,

My name is Sebastian "goose" Urbach. 34 years old from Hanau, Hessen,
Germany. Im the founder of the CCC-Hanau and also a long-time CCC

I run different services on my servers like a wikileaks mirror, The
Document Foundation / LibreOffice mirror, a tor relay, two SKS
key-servers an rfc-server.

My tor-relay is running well and the next logical step would be a
tor-website-mirror, at least thats what i thought.  

The tor mirror is up and running, updated every hour:



Gigabit connection and a lot of free traffic are guaranteed ;-) Please
consider to list my server on the official mirror list website.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely

Sebastian Urbach

Religion is something left over from the infancy of
our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt
reason and science as our guidelines.

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970),
British philosopher, logician, mathematician,
historian, and social critic.
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