[tor-dev] Proposal: Adding x-namespace to relay descriptor for key:value pairs

Virgil Griffith i at virgil.gr
Wed Sep 30 11:20:06 UTC 2015

Yes I did.  Here's the modified proposal.

Filename: ExtraRelayDescriptorFields.txt
Title: Adding X-namespace to extra-info descriptor for key:value pairs
Author: Virgil Griffith
Created: 2015-09-30
Status: Open

1. Motivation
We wish to allow developers to build new applications atop relays. Towards
this end, we wish to add the ability for users to specify arbitrary new
key-value entries under the "X-" namespace to the extra-info descriptor.
The canonical applications for this are adding a bitcoin donation address,
networking of tor2web nodes, and display operator information on a
Roster[1] page.

2. Proposal
Allow optional key-value lines in the relay's torrc file.

The following would be added to section 2.1.2 of the dir-spec [2]
(Extra-info document format):

"X-" CustomKey SP CustomValue NL

CustomKeyChar = "a"-"z" / "0" - "9" / "-" / "_"
CustomKey = 1*32 CustomKeyChar

CustomValueChar = atext / specials
CustomValue = 1*1024 CustomValueChar

There can be multiple X-fields, for example...

X-bitcoin 19mP9FKrXqL46Si58pHdhGKow88SUPy1V8
X-gravatar https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/d27fce46c9ac41a41bb52455ae75701d
X-linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/virgilgr
X-keybase http://fncuwbiisyh6ak3i.onion/virgil
X-favoritequote Be excellent to each other.  Party on dudes!
X-foo bar

The same CustomKey appearing more than once is disallowed.
Possible values for CustomValueChar as specified per RFC 2822
sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.4 [3].

The sum size accounting for all such custom fields is truncated to 5

To mitigate the chance of a malformed torrc file, I additionally propose
that the relay descriptor be scanned and if it does not match the
specification, that it exit with error telling her torrc file is a likely

[1] http://tor-roster.org
[2] https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt#n700
[3] https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2822.txt

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:49 PM Virgil Griffith <i at virgil.gr> wrote:

> Filename: ExtraRelayDescriptorFields.txt
> Title: Adding x-namespace to relay descriptor for key:value pairs
> Author: Virgil Griffith
> Created: 2015-09-30
> Status: Open
> 1. Motivation
> We wish to allow developers to build new applications atop relays. Towards
> this end, we wish to add the ability for users to specify arbitrary new
> key-value entries under the "X-" namespace to the router descriptor [1].
> The canonical applications for this are adding a bitcoin donation address
> and networking of tor2web nodes.
> 2. Proposal
> Allow optional key-value lines in the relay's torrc file.  These lines
> will be mirrored in the relay's descriptor which is then published in the
> directory consensus.
> The following would be added to section 2.1.2 of the dir-spec
> (Extra-info document format):
> ========================================================
> "X-" CustomKey SP CustomValue NL
> CustomKeyChar = "a"-"z" / "0" - "9" / "-" / "_"
> CustomKey = 1*32 CustomKeyChar
> CustomValueChar = atext / specials
> CustomValue = 1*1024 CustomValueChar
> Custom fields can appear multiple times, for example...
> X-bitcoin 19mP9FKrXqL46Si58pHdhGKow88SUPy1V8
> X-gravatar https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/d27fce46c9ac41a41bb52455ae75701d
> X-favoritequote Be excellent to each other.  Party on dudes!
> X-foo bar
> If the same CustomKey appearing more than once is disallowed.
> Possible values for CustomValueChar as specified per RFC 2822.
> The sum size accounting for all such custom fields is truncated to 5
> kilobytes.
> ========================================================
> To mitigate the chance of a malformed torrc file, I additionally propose
> that the relay descriptor be scanned and if it does not match the
> specification, that it exit with error telling her torrc file is a likely
> culprit.
> -V
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