[tor-dev] Improved circuit-setup protocol [was: Re: Designing and implementing improved circuit-setup protocol [was: GSoC 2011]]

Robert Ransom rransom.8774 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 06:59:15 UTC 2011

On Thu, 7 Apr 2011 17:18:12 -0400
Nick Mathewson <nickm at freehaven.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Robert Ransom <rransom.8774 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!  I'm going to wait on a full review of your create/extend proposal
> till it's done, but I though I could potentially answer some questions
> and offer some comments:
> 1) I think CREATE cells need to get a field asking for a specific way
> of handling RELAY cells.  If we ever update the relay crypto (that is,
> the stuff described in 5.5 and 6.1 today) to do something other than
> AES128_CTR for the encryption, SHA1 for the digest, we'll need a way
> to ask for it.  I suppose that we could do that via adding a new
> handshake type for a new desired link protocol, but it seems like the
> two could be more or less orthogonal.

I thought the desired relay ciphersuite should be specified in the
handshake data, so that circuit handshakes could encrypt the relay
ciphersuite specifier chosen by the client until we make a more
thoughtful decision as to whether it's safe to expose that to the
preceding relay.

> 2) I don't get the rationale behind the variable-length type names.
> Elsewhere in our protocol we'd just use a 1- or 2-byte type field.  Do
> we win a lot by letting these be longer?

I don't know, but we certainly don't lose anything -- I don't expect to
overflow the 509 bytes currently available for EXTEND-ish cells until
we start using a post-quantum cryptosystem, and I assume the PQ
encryption systems with short enough keys that we would be willing to
use them purely for performance reasons are patented, so we can't
switch to them for at least a few years.

> 3) By convention, everything in our protocol is in "network"
> (big-endian) byte-order.


> 4) There needs to be an authenticated way for the client to know which
> handshake types and link specifier types a given node supports.  This
> could be as simple as a series of statements like "Tor versions xyz
> and later will support handshake type Y", or as complex as advertising
> them in router descriptors.

The protocols that a relay is willing to support do need to be
specified in its descriptor.

> 5) I like the idea of separating the link specifiers from the
> handshake type in EXTENDED cells.


There is no way to avoid separating the part which the relay receiving
the EXTEND2 cell must process from the part which the relay being
extended to must process.  Splitting up those two pieces further is
bad: in my earlier drafts, I made the mistake of specifying the format
of link specifiers by separating the connection address from an
identity key fingerprint.  That would have precluded link specifiers
that contain an encryption key instead of the hash of a signature key
(see below for more details).

> 6) I also think it'd be smart to figure out the actual link specifier
> and handshake types that we want to move to before we decide that we
> are confident that this format is right.  Those can be a different
> proposal, though.

See below, but yes, they should be in separate proposals.

> 7) Here's a first cut of what I think might go in a link specifier format:
>   * V4Address -- an ipv4 address, set to 0 if there is no IPv4 address
> for the node [4 bytes]
>   * V4ORPort [2 bytes]
>   * V6Address -- an ipv6 address, set to 0 if there is no IPv6 address
> for the node [16 bytes]
>   * V6ORPort [2 bytes]
>   * SHA256 of RSA1024 identity key [32 bytes]
> When we decide what longer identity keys should look like, we can add
> a new link specifier format that supports those.

There is no reason to fix the identity key length in that link
specifier.  Your link specifier format is clearly tied to TLS-over-TCP
link protocols, so the SHA256 hash might as well be computed over any
public key (or, alternatively, certificate) that the relay presents in
its certificate chain.  It would be useful to include some indication of
which certificate in the chain needs to match the hash, though.

But when we switch to a UDP-based link protocol, we will want to
include an encryption key (which serves as a link
handshake-authentication key) in the link specifier, so that the first
CREATE cell can be sent in the UDP packet that opens the link.  This
means that the first CREATE cell on a newly opened link won't get
forward secrecy from the link protocol, but we need to design circuit
handshakes to provide forward secrecy even if the attacker sees *both*
messages in the handshake anyway, so I don't consider this a problem.

> 8) This is totally back-of-the-envelope stuff, but it might be a good
> starting point for crypto discussion.
> Here's a first cut of what I think might go in an improved RSA handshake:
>   * First 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash of the onion key [8 bytes]
>     (This is here so that onion key rotation can work without having
> to sometimes try the wrong onion key incorrectly.)
>   * PK-encrypted:
>     * Padding [PK_PAD_LEN bytes]
>     * SHA256 hash of all remaining fields. [32 bytes]
>     * Symmetric key seed [16 bytes]
>     * The first part of g^x. [as much will fit in the PK-encrypted portion]
>   * Symmetrically encrypted:
>      * The rest of g^x.
>      * 0 bytes for padding.

If you really want to keep using RSA, I would suggest just ‘grizzling’
the data (affix a random nonce and an integrity check computed over the
nonce and data, then BEAR/LION/LIONESS-encrypt with a fixed key), then
RSA-encrypting the ‘grizzle’.  According to
<http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/grizzle.pdf>, that is provably
secure, for some definitions of “provably” and “secure”.  (I haven't
followed the reference to the Jakobsson-Stern-Yung paper yet.)  That
appears to me to be a ‘plaintext-aware’ encryption algorithm (in the
terms of <http://freehaven.net/anonbib/#tap:pet2006>).

But in that case, we would also benefit from replacing the
Diffie-Hellman handshake with the obvious RSA-only one.  The client
generates an ephemeral RSA keypair, encrypts its public key, a random
256-bit string, and the desired relay ciphersuite specifier with the
relay's public ‘onion key’, and sends the encrypted blob in the
EXTEND-ish cell; the relay encrypts a random string with the client's
ephemeral public key, and sends the encrypted blob back to the client;
the resulting shared secret key is the SHA256 hash of the client's
random 256-bit string followed by the string chosen and sent by the
relay. This has two advantages: (1) an attacker who grabs a relay's
onion key after the fact can no longer benefit from performing
index-calculus precomputations in a fixed DH group, but must attack
each client's RSA key separately, and (2) computing x^65537 (or better,
x^3) is faster than computing g^x for large random x.  Some schemes
very close to this one are described (and proved secure, again for some
values of “proved” and “secure”) in <http://eprint.iacr.org/1999/012>.

> Here's a first cut of what I think might go in a hypothetical
> diffie-hellman based handshake, for use with something like
> Curve25519.  (I'm using g^x and g^y notation here as if this were
> diffie-hellman in Z_p, since I don't yet trust myself to write ECC
> stuff correctly.  I'm assuming that the node's public onion key is
> g^x.)
>    * SHA256 of all remaining fields. [32 bytes]
>    * First 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash of the onion key (8 bytes)
>    * g^y1 [DH_LEN bytes]
>    * Encrypted using a symmetric key based on g^(x*y1):
>        * g^y2 [DH_LEN bytes]
>        * 0 bytes for padding
> In both cases, we'll want a new key derivation function.

I see no MAC here -- the symmetrically encrypted blob *must* be
MAC-ed.  (I suggest using Salsa20 encryption, and using 32 extra bytes
of Salsa20 output as a key for a Poly1305 MAC.)  Also, the SHA256 at
the beginning is unnecessary, and we will want to include a relay
ciphersuite specifier in the encrypted blob.  Other than those changes,
that is what I had in mind.

This is essentially TAP using a better DH group and a stronger
encryption algorithm, and it clearly inherits TAP's security proof.

I have another possible design, mainly to force us to stop calling the
circuit handshake-authentication key an ‘onion key’:  The client sends
an ephemeral DH public key and a relay ciphersuite specifier to the
relay, and the relay replies with an EDH public key of its own and a
hash of the client's message, signed with the relay's circuit HA key.
(I assume this is basically what our TLS configuration does at the link
layer.)  I doubt that we will want to use this, but I'm quite sure that
it meets all of the circuit-extension handshake requirements that I
listed in torspec.git/proposals/ideas/xxx-crypto-requirements.txt , and
the HA key for this protocol cannot be accurately referred to as an
‘onion key’ because nothing is ever encrypted with it.

Robert Ransom
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