More than you necessarily wanted to know about tor_strndup performance improvements from late-2004 [was Re: tor callgrinds]

Watson Ladd watsonbladd at
Sun Feb 18 15:19:15 UTC 2007

Christopher Layne wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 04:04:04PM -0500, Nick Mathewson wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 10:12:20PM -0500, Watson Ladd wrote:
>>  [...]
>>> 2: Won't strlcpy run in time proportional to n? strncpy can't be much
>>> faster as both functions need to loop from 0..n, load the character and
>>> check if its null, and then copy it. The big difference is strncpy keeps
>>> on going.
>> You're confused about how strlcpy works when n is much smaller than
>> the length of the source string.  Look at the return value of strlcpy:
>> it's the length of the original string.  To find the length of the
>> original string, strlcpy basically has to walk over the whole thing.
>> So while the running time of strncpy(dst,src,siz) is O(siz),
>> strlcpy(dst,src,siz) is O(strlen(src)).  That's a big problem for
>> tor_strndup: its most performance-relevant use case is copying a small
>> portion of a much longer string, as when we're parsing router
>> descriptors.  In this use case, strncpy is obviously better.
> Technically though shouldn't strlcpy() not have to do this? It already
> knows thelength, as it is provided to it. The only anecdote to this is
> that it will supercede an 'actual' length if it detects a '\0' along the
> copy. This isn't typically bad as it's already walking the string
> anyways.
It provides the length of the source string, not the destination string.
This lets you compute the space you need, but is slower. I made the same
> e.g. OpenBSD copy (same as Tor's):
> /*
>  * Copy src to string dst of size siz.  At most siz-1 characters
>  * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
>  * Returns strlen(src); if retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
>  */
> size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz)
> {
> 	register char *d = dst;
> 	register const char *s = src;
> 	register size_t n = siz;
> 	if (n == 0)
> 		return(strlen(s));
> 	while (*s != '\0') {
> 		if (n != 1) {
> 			*d++ = *s;
> 			n--;
> 		}
> 		s++;
> 	}
> 	*d = '\0';
> 	return(s - src);	/* count does not include NUL */
> }
> Provided the string 'onion\0routing\0', with n being 13, only 6 loop
> cycles will actually happen.
No, OpenBSD strlcpy is different. It returns strlen(src) which Tor copy
>> This isn't one of those hypothetical armchair optimizations, by the
>> way: we profiled Tor before and after, and found out that the time
>> spent copying strings went way down after we made the change.  (I'm
>> afraid I don't still have the numbers; this change came in the
>> 0.0.9pre6 develoment, was back in November of 2004.)
> Unfortunately this may be due to the fact that strlcpy() vs strncpy()s
> implementation may have been one of C vs asm. :-/
> I've always been on the fence about the whole strlcpy vs strncpy vs
> snprintf vs sprintf("%.*s", len, str) issue. For one, I tend to not
> use many str* functions in general. Secondarily, the "bonus" of strncpy
> zero-filling the remaining end of the dst buffer as some kind of security
> benefit that others have brought up in the past, I find to be completely
> baseless as it's depending on defensive programming and the possibility of
> a buffer overflow happening in the first place.
> Also, when it comes to strlcpy, you're actually better off using:
> /* provided we've allocated dst as s_len + 1 bytes */
> l = MIN(d_len, s_len);
> memcpy(dst, src, l); dst[l] = '\0';
I don't think we need s_len+1 bytes. I think we need l+1 bytes as we
could be copying a small section of a giant string, so allocating
s_len+1 bytes will be too much most of the time. Isn't the basis for
using stncpy that we are only copying a small section of huge strings?
> The rationale here being that you've handled the length issues, you already
> know the length (typically) of the source ahead of time (how else would you
> pre-allocate for dst? if it's an auto or static buffer, then you know the
> length as well).
> In most asm implementations of str* functions the maximum length they will
> operate on, chunk-wise, is a 4-byte integer. The reason being that they
> will do the old 'is there a null in 4 bytes' trick, check it's alignment,
> and if everything looks good, copy off the equivalent space of an int in
> one call. But the bonus of using memcpy() is that memcpy() knows the entire
> length ahead of time - and if it can make use of, provided the asm backend
> code is there, it will use higher order optimizations such as mmx and/or
> sse ops to copy much more than 4 bytes at once. It also doesn't have to
> deal with even checking for nul's at all. It's entire goal is to copy data
> as fast as possible, especially since it's use is widespread inside the
> kernel and networking code.
> This is from Solaris. It does not do any mmx or amd-specific tricks to
> make things even faster, but it is relatively optimized and nothing out
> of the ordinary.
> memcpy.s:
>      40 	ENTRY(memcpy)
>      41 	movl	%edi,%edx	/ save register variables
>      42 	pushl	%esi
>      43 	movl	8(%esp),%edi	/ %edi = dest address
>      44 	movl	12(%esp),%esi	/ %esi = source address
>      45 	movl	16(%esp),%ecx	/ %ecx = length of string
>      46 	movl	%edi,%eax	/ return value from the call
>      47 
>      48 	shrl	$2,%ecx		/ %ecx = number of words to move
>      49 	rep ; smovl		/ move the words
>      50 
>      51 	movl	16(%esp),%ecx	/ %ecx = number of bytes to move
>      52 	andl	$0x3,%ecx	/ %ecx = number of bytes left to move
>      53 	rep ; smovb		/ move the bytes
>      54 
>      55 	popl	%esi		/ restore register variables
>      56 	movl	%edx,%edi
>      57 	ret
>      58 	SET_SIZE(memcpy)
> strncpy.s:
>      65 	ENTRY(strncpy)
>      66 	pushl	%edi			/ save register variables
>      67 	pushl	%esi
>      68 
>      69 	movl	16(%esp), %eax		/ %eax = source string address
>      70 	movl	12(%esp), %edi		/ %edi = destination string address
>      71 	movl	20(%esp), %esi		/ %esi = number of bytes
>      72 
>      73 	testl	$3, %eax		/ if %eax not word aligned
>      74 	jnz	.L1			/ goto .L1
>      75 .L8:
>      76 	cmpl	$4, %esi		/ if number of bytes < 4
>      77 	jb	.L4			/ goto .L4
>      78 	.align	4
>      79 .L2:
>      80 	movl	(%eax), %edx		/ move 1 word from (%eax) to %edx
>      81 	movl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx
>      82 	andl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx = %edx & 0x7f7f7f7f
>      83 	addl	$4, %eax		/ next word
>      84 	addl	$0x7f7f7f7f, %ecx	/ %ecx += 0x7f7f7f7f
>      85 	orl	%edx, %ecx		/ %ecx |= %edx
>      86 	andl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ %ecx &= 0x80808080
>      87 	cmpl	$0x80808080, %ecx	/ if null byte in this word
>      88 	jne	.L3			/ goto .L3
>      89 	movl	%edx, (%edi)		/ copy this word to (%edi)
>      90 	subl	$4, %esi		/ decrement number of bytes by 4
>      91 	addl	$4, %edi		/ next word
>      92 	cmpl	$4, %esi		/ if number of bytes >= 4
>      93 	jae	.L2			/ goto .L2
>      94 	jmp	.L4			/ goto .L4
>      95 .L3:
>      96 	subl	$4, %eax		/ post-incremented
>      97 	.align	4
>      98 .L4:
>      99 	/ (number of bytes < 4) or (a null byte found in the word)
>     100 	cmpl	$0, %esi		/ if number of bytes == 0
>     101 	je	.L7			/ goto .L7 (finished)
>     102 	movb	(%eax), %dl		/ %dl = a byte in (%eax)
>     103 	decl	%esi			/ decrement number of bytes by 1
>     104 	movb	%dl, (%edi)		/ copy %dl to (%edi)
>     105 	incl	%eax			/ next byte
>     106 	incl	%edi			/ next byte
>     107 	cmpb	$0, %dl			/ compare %dl with a null byte
>     108 	je	.L5			/ if %dl is a null, goto .L5
>     109 	jmp	.L4			/ goto .L4
>     110 	.align	4
>     111 .L1:
>     112 	/ %eax not aligned
>     113 	cmpl	$0, %esi		/ if number of bytes == 0
>     114 	je	.L7			/ goto .L7 (finished)
>     115 	movb	(%eax), %dl		/ %dl = a byte in (%eax)
>     116 	decl	%esi			/ decrement number of bytes by 1
>     117 	movb	%dl, (%edi)		/ copy %dl to (%edi)
>     118 	incl	%edi			/ next byte
>     119 	incl	%eax			/ next byte
>     120 	cmpb	$0, %dl			/ compare %dl with a null byte
>     121 	je	.L5			/ if %dl is a null, goto .L5
>     122 	testl	$3, %eax		/ if %eax word aligned
>     123 	jz	.L8			/ goto .L8
>     124 	jmp	.L1			/ goto .L1 (not word aligned)
>     125 	.align	4
>     126 .L5:
>     127 	movl	%esi, %ecx		/ %ecx = length to copy null bytes
>     128 	xorl	%eax, %eax		/ clear %eax
>     129 	shrl	$2, %ecx		/ %ecx = words to copy null bytes
>     130 	rep ; sstol			/ rep;sstol is optimal
>     131 	andl	$3, %esi		/ %esi = leftover bytes
>     132 .L6:
>     133 	cmpl	$0, %esi		/ if number of bytes == 0
>     134 	jz	.L7			/ goto .L7 (finished)
>     135 	movb	$0, (%edi)		/ move a null byte to (%edi)
>     136 	decl	%esi			/ decrement number of bytes by 1
>     137 	incl	%edi			/ next byte
>     138 	jmp	.L6			/ goto .L6
>     139 	.align	4
>     140 .L7:
>     141 	movl	12(%esp), %eax		/ return the destination address
>     142 	popl	%esi			/ restore register variables
>     143 	popl	%edi
>     144 	ret
>     145 	SET_SIZE(strncpy)
> Both functions are in optimized assembly - but you don't even have be to be
> very knowledgable about asm (which I am not that much) to know that memcpy()
> will be faster than strncpy(), period.
> So consider this simple little test program on Linux 2.6.20 w/ gcc-4.1.1:
> $ cat strn.c
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> static char buf[] = "an example string to use for copying bytes";
> /* word offsets:     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0  */
> static size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz)
> {
>         register char *d = dst;
>         register const char *s = src;
>         register size_t n = siz;
>         if (n == 0)
>                 return(strlen(s));
>         while (*s != '\0') {
>                 if (n != 1) {
>                         *d++ = *s;
>                         n--;
>                 }
>                 s++;
>         }
>         *d = '\0';
>         return(s - src);        /* count does not include NUL */
> }
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>         char *q;
>         int i, l = sizeof buf - 1;
>         if (argc <= 1)
>                 return EXIT_FAILURE;
>         if ((q = malloc(l * sizeof *q + 1)) == NULL)
>                 return EXIT_FAILURE;
>         switch (*argv[1]) {
>         case 'm':
>                 for (i = 16777216; i--; ) {
>                         /* one doesn't typically copy nul */
>                         memcpy(q, buf, l); q[l] = '\0';
> 		}
>                 break;
>         case 'l':
>                 for (i = 16777216; i--; )
>                         strlcpy(q, buf, l);
>                 break;
>         case 'n':
>                 for (i = 16777216; i--; )
>                         strncpy(q, buf, l);
>                 break;
>         case 's':
>                 for (i = 16777216; i--; )
>                         strcpy(q, buf);
>                 break;
>         default: break;
>         }
>         free(q);
>         return 0;
> }
> $ gcc -static -O3 -W -Wall -pedantic -o strn strn.c
> $ for i in l m s n; do TIMEFORMAT="$i r: %3lR u: %3lU s: %3lS"; for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do time ./strn $i; done; echo; done
> l r: 0m2.593s u: 0m2.380s s: 0m0.004s
> l r: 0m2.491s u: 0m2.436s s: 0m0.004s
> l r: 0m2.494s u: 0m2.408s s: 0m0.000s
> l r: 0m2.425s u: 0m2.364s s: 0m0.012s
> l r: 0m2.494s u: 0m2.408s s: 0m0.008s
> l r: 0m2.432s u: 0m2.380s s: 0m0.000s
> l r: 0m2.530s u: 0m2.420s s: 0m0.000s
> l r: 0m2.440s u: 0m2.388s s: 0m0.000s
> m r: 0m0.546s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.008s
> m r: 0m0.526s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.000s
> m r: 0m0.545s u: 0m0.512s s: 0m0.000s
> m r: 0m0.545s u: 0m0.512s s: 0m0.004s
> m r: 0m0.545s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.000s
> m r: 0m0.534s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.000s
> m r: 0m0.547s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.004s
> m r: 0m0.526s u: 0m0.508s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.738s u: 0m1.688s s: 0m0.000s
> s r: 0m1.760s u: 0m1.692s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.813s u: 0m1.712s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.736s u: 0m1.700s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.764s u: 0m1.700s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.757s u: 0m1.696s s: 0m0.004s
> s r: 0m1.745s u: 0m1.688s s: 0m0.008s
> s r: 0m1.749s u: 0m1.692s s: 0m0.000s
> n r: 0m1.913s u: 0m1.860s s: 0m0.004s
> n r: 0m1.945s u: 0m1.872s s: 0m0.000s
> n r: 0m1.920s u: 0m1.868s s: 0m0.000s
> n r: 0m1.951s u: 0m1.876s s: 0m0.004s
> n r: 0m1.973s u: 0m1.868s s: 0m0.036s
> n r: 0m1.918s u: 0m1.864s s: 0m0.000s
> n r: 0m1.922s u: 0m1.864s s: 0m0.004s
> n r: 0m1.935s u: 0m1.864s s: 0m0.004s
> Regardless of the differences between str, strn, and strl, memcpy just blows
> them out of the water. I even included the terminating nul for realistic use.
> -cl

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