[community] Building Community in Southern Europe

Kevin Gallagher kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu
Fri Jun 8 11:00:28 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

Sorry I went dark for a while. Just wanted to give an update about what's
going on.

I'm currently in Portugal and settled in nicely. I've had a few meetings
with a CS student named Francisco, who seems genuinely excited about
building up a general privacy scene here in Lisbon. Apparently there is no
privacy scene here currently. He has a few interested parties already, and
he needs my help setting up a Cryptoparty in Lisbon, so I'm currently
helping with that. After we set that up we will be talking about setting up
something more Tor-specific. I'm also trying to encourage him to join the
Tor mailing lists and IRC channels so TPO and the Tor community can easily
reach out to him in the future.

As for Spain, well, I haven't even had time to think about that yet. I've
been so busy with organizing this stuff here and doing my day job that I've
not had time to reach out to anyone. I'm wondering if this is something a
few of us at PETS can talk about and action.

Anyway, I'll give more updates as they become available.



Kevin Gallagher
PhD Candidate, Department of Computer Science
New York University Tandon School of Engineering
2 MetroTech Center, 10th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (757) 202-8961
Email: kevin.gallagher at nyu.edu
Key Fingerprint: D02B 25CB 0F7D E276 06C3  BF08 53E4 C50F 8247 4861

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 12:10 PM, Kevin Gallagher <kcg295 at nyu.edu> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Sorry I haven't been around for community meetings. These past few weeks
> have been a bit busy.
> Soon I'm going to be heading over to Portugal, and I'll also spend some
> time in Spain. I'll be there for the whole summer. I remember that after
> one of our NYC meetings we discussed that the (known) Tor community in
> southern Europe is quite small. While I'm there I'd like to try to build it
> up and get the people there more involved (if that's fine with TPO). So far
> I reached out and set up a meeting with one university student who is
> interested in Internet freedom and privacy, but I'd rather not put all of
> my eggs into one basket.
> Are there any tips about how I should go about trying to build up a
> community while I'm there? Any places that typically work in community
> building efforts (libraries, schools, etc.), especially for meeting space?
> I'd love any tips on how I should approach this.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Gallagher
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Center For Cybersecurity
> NYU Tandon School of Engineering
> Key Fingerprint: D02B 25CB 0F7D E276 06C3  BF08 53E4 C50F 8247 4861
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