[tor-commits] [Git][tpo/applications/tor-browser][base-browser-128.2.0esr-14.0-1] fixup! Firefox preference overrides.

morgan (@morgan) git at gitlab.torproject.org
Wed Sep 4 18:03:06 UTC 2024

morgan pushed to branch base-browser-128.2.0esr-14.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser

74f94da7 by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2024-09-04T18:02:42+00:00
fixup! Firefox preference overrides.

Bug 42494: Enable Arial Black and Arial Narrow on macOS.

They seem to be available in all versions of macOS we support, so
enable them to improve compatibility.

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- browser/app/profile/001-base-profile.js


@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ pref("font.name-list.emoji", "Noto Color Emoji");
 pref("gfx.bundled-fonts.activate", 1);
 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
-pref("font.system.whitelist", "AppleGothic, Apple Color Emoji, Arial, Courier, Courier New, Geneva, Georgia, Heiti TC, Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN, Kailasa, Lucida Grande, Menlo, Monaco, PingFang HK, PingFang SC, PingFang TC, Songti SC, Songti TC, Tahoma, Thonburi, Times, Times New Roman, Verdana, STIX Two Math, Noto Sans Adlam, Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Bassa Vah, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Chakma, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Elbasan, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Grantha, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Khojki, Noto Sans Khudawadi, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Mahajani, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Masaram Gondi, Noto Sans Medefaidrin, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mende Kikakui, Noto Sans Miao, Noto Sans Modi, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Mro, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans Multani, Noto Sans Newa, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Osage, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong, Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Sharada, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sora Sompeng, Noto Sans Soyombo, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols 2, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Takri, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Tifinagh Adrar, Noto Sans Tifinagh Agraw Imazighen, Noto Sans Tifinagh Ahaggar, Noto Sans Tifinagh Air, Noto Sans Tifinagh APT, Noto Sans Tifinagh Azawagh, Noto Sans Tifinagh Ghat, Noto Sans Tifinagh Hawad, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Tifinagh Rhissa Ixa, Noto Sans Tifinagh SIL, Noto Sans Tifinagh Tawellemmet, Noto Sans Tirhuta, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Wancho, Noto Sans Warang Citi, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Sans Zanabazar Square, Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Balinese, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Dogra, Noto Serif Ethiopic, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Grantha, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Gurmukhi, Noto Serif Hebrew, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Khojki, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Myanmar, Noto Serif NP Hmong, Noto Serif Sinhala, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Tibetan, Noto Serif Yezidi");
+pref("font.system.whitelist", "AppleGothic, Apple Color Emoji, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Courier, Courier New, Geneva, Georgia, Heiti TC, Helvetica, Helvetica Neue, Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN, Kailasa, Lucida Grande, Menlo, Monaco, PingFang HK, PingFang SC, PingFang TC, Songti SC, Songti TC, Tahoma, Thonburi, Times, Times New Roman, Verdana, STIX Two Math, Noto Sans Adlam, Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Bassa Vah, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Chakma, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Elbasan, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Grantha, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Khojki, Noto Sans Khudawadi, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Mahajani, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Masaram Gondi, Noto Sans Medefaidrin, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mende Kikakui, Noto Sans Miao, Noto Sans Modi, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Mro, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans Multani, Noto Sans Newa, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Osage, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong, Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Sharada, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sora Sompeng, Noto Sans Soyombo, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols 2, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Takri, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Tifinagh Adrar, Noto Sans Tifinagh Agraw Imazighen, Noto Sans Tifinagh Ahaggar, Noto Sans Tifinagh Air, Noto Sans Tifinagh APT, Noto Sans Tifinagh Azawagh, Noto Sans Tifinagh Ghat, Noto Sans Tifinagh Hawad, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Tifinagh Rhissa Ixa, Noto Sans Tifinagh SIL, Noto Sans Tifinagh Tawellemmet, Noto Sans Tirhuta, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Wancho, Noto Sans Warang Citi, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Sans Zanabazar Square, Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Balinese, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Dogra, Noto Serif Ethiopic, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Grantha, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Gurmukhi, Noto Serif Hebrew, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Khojki, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Myanmar, Noto Serif NP Hmong, Noto Serif Sinhala, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Tibetan, Noto Serif Yezidi");
 // Armenian
 pref("font.name-list.serif.x-armn", "Noto Serif Armenian, Times, Times New Roman");

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/commit/74f94da789025d58ead290272f751cd81a70198c

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/commit/74f94da789025d58ead290272f751cd81a70198c
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