[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] update .gitlab-ci.yml

cohosh at torproject.org cohosh at torproject.org
Tue Jul 14 13:16:45 UTC 2020

commit d44fc238150c64a7a5045e756d1e9e2dbe0a3e5a
Author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at eds.org>
Date:   Tue Jun 30 21:47:48 2020 +0200

    update .gitlab-ci.yml
 .gitlab-ci.yml | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index b7fd956..18902e6 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,29 +1,139 @@
-image: golang:1.10-stretch
-  paths:
-    - .gradle/wrapper
-    - .gradle/caches
-  # Create symbolic links under $GOPATH, this is needed for local build
-  - export src=$GOPATH/src
-  - mkdir -p $src/git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports
-  - mkdir -p $src/gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE
-  - ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR $src/git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git
-  - ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR $src/gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH
-  script:
+# Set things up to use the OS-native packages for Go.  Anything that
+# is downloaded by go during the `go fmt` stage is not coming from the
+# Debian/Ubuntu repo. So those would need to be packaged for this to
+# make it into Debian and/or Ubuntu.
+.debian-native-template: &debian-native-template
+  variables:
+    DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
+    GOPATH: /usr/share/gocode
+  before_script:
     - apt-get -qy update
-    - apt-get -qy install libx11-dev
-    - cd $src/gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/client
-    - go get ./...
-    - go build ./...
+    - apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends
+        build-essential
+        ca-certificates
+        git
+        golang
+        golang-github-cheekybits-genny-dev
+        golang-github-jtolds-gls-dev
+        golang-github-klauspost-reedsolomon-dev
+        golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go-dev
+        golang-github-smartystreets-assertions-dev
+        golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey-dev
+        golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm-dev
+        golang-github-xtaci-kcp-dev
+        golang-github-xtaci-smux-dev
+        golang-golang-x-crypto-dev
+        golang-golang-x-net-dev
+        golang-golang-x-sys-dev
+        golang-golang-x-text-dev
+        golang-golang-x-xerrors-dev
+        lbzip2
+# use Go installed as part of the official, Debian-based Docker images
+.golang-docker-debian-template: &golang-docker-debian-template
+  variables:
+    DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
+  before_script:
+    - apt-get -qy update
+    - apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends
+        ca-certificates
+        git
+        lbzip2
+.test-template: &test-template
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - client/*.aar
+      - client/*.jar
+      - client/client
+    expire_in: 1 day
+    when: on_success
+  after_script:
+    - echo "Download debug artifacts from https://gitlab.com/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}/-/jobs"
+  script:
+    - test -z "$(go fmt ./...)"
     - go vet ./...
     - go test -v -race ./...
-    # this file changes every time but should not be cached
-    - rm -f $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
-    - rm -fr $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
+    - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/client/
+    - go get
+    - go build
+    # build for Android if this is the right job
+    - test "$CI_JOB_NAME" = "android" || exit 0
+    - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$PWD/.gradle
+    # This build was setup before go.mod was a thing, go back to the old days!
+    # 920f6791f3ec8e7467c43ee0cefffe63200bed2b broke the gomobile build.
+    # https://dev.to/maelvls/why-is-go111module-everywhere-and-everything-about-go-modules-24k
+    - export GO111MODULE=off
+    - go version
+    - go env
+    - go get golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
+    - go get golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gobind
+    - go install golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gomobile
+    - go install golang.org/x/mobile/cmd/gobind
+    - echo y | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'ndk-bundle' > /dev/null
+    - gomobile init
+    # Create symbolic links under $GOPATH, this is needed for local build
+    - export src=$GOPATH/src
+    - mkdir -p $src/git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports
+    - mkdir -p $src/github.com/keroserene
+    - mkdir -p $src/gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE
+    - ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR $src/git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake
+    - ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR $src/github.com/keroserene/snowflake
+    - ln -s $CI_PROJECT_DIR $src/gitlab.com/$CI_PROJECT_PATH
+    - git -C $CI_PROJECT_DIR reset --hard
+    - git -C $CI_PROJECT_DIR clean -fdx
+    - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/client
+    # gomobile builds a shared library not a CLI executable
+    - sed -i 's,^package main$,package snowflakeclient,' snowflake.go client_test.go
+    - gomobile bind -v -target=android git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake/client
+# -- jobs ------------------------------------------------------------
+  image: registry.gitlab.com/fdroid/ci-images-client
+  variables:
+    GOPATH: "/go"
+  cache:
+    paths:
+      - .gradle/wrapper
+      - .gradle/caches
+  before_script:
+    - apt-get -qy update
+    - apt-get -qy install --no-install-recommends
+        build-essential
+        gnupg
+        wget
+    - cd /usr/local
+    - export gotarball="go1.13.12.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
+    - wget -q https://dl.google.com/go/${gotarball}
+    - wget -q https://dl.google.com/go/${gotarball}.asc
+    - curl https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | gpg --import
+    - gpg --verify ${gotarball}.asc
+    - echo "9cacc6653563771b458c13056265aa0c21b8a23ca9408278484e4efde4160618  ${gotarball}" | sha256sum -c
+    - tar -xzf ${gotarball}
+    - export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"  # putting this in 'variables:' cause weird runner errors
+    - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR
+  <<: *test-template
+  image: golang:1.13-stretch
+  <<: *golang-docker-debian-template
+  <<: *test-template
+  image: golang:1.14-stretch
+  <<: *golang-docker-debian-template
+  <<: *test-template
+  image: debian:testing
+  <<: *debian-native-template
+  <<: *test-template

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