[tor-commits] [tor/master] Add test for torrc %include functionality and seccomp sandbox

nickm at torproject.org nickm at torproject.org
Wed Aug 12 18:42:39 UTC 2020

commit 49dab42782e06e51c218cf40b8cbb98b80d9803f
Author: Daniel Pinto <danielpinto52 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 22:09:51 2020 +0100

    Add test for torrc %include functionality and seccomp sandbox
    Tests %include with files and folders, modifying and reloading
    the config file with sandbox enabled and reponse of SAVECONF and
    getinfo config-can-saveconf control commmands.
 .travis.yml              |   4 +-
 src/test/include.am      |   3 +
 src/test/test_include.py | 196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/test/test_include.sh | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 01343e65d9..aaca3a7368 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ install:
   - dd ibs=1 count=1024 if=/dev/urandom > ~/.torrc
-  # Skip test_rebind on macOS
-  - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export TOR_SKIP_TEST_REBIND=true; fi
+  # Skip test_rebind and test_include on macOS
+  - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then export TOR_SKIP_TEST_REBIND=true; export TOR_SKIP_TEST_INCLUDE=true; fi
   - ./autogen.sh
   - echo "Configure flags are $CONFIGURE_FLAGS CC=\"$CC $C_DIALECT_OPTIONS\""
diff --git a/src/test/include.am b/src/test/include.am
index c049053438..478547d655 100644
--- a/src/test/include.am
+++ b/src/test/include.am
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ else
 # Only do this when coverage is not on, since it invokes lots of code
 # in a kind of unpredictable way.
 TESTSCRIPTS += src/test/test_rebind.sh
+TESTSCRIPTS += src/test/test_include.sh
@@ -431,6 +432,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
 	src/test/slownacl_curve25519.py \
 	src/test/test_rebind.sh \
 	src/test/test_rebind.py \
+	src/test/test_include.sh \
+	src/test/test_include.py \
 	src/test/zero_length_keys.sh \
 	scripts/maint/run_check_subsystem_order.sh \
 	src/test/rust_supp.txt \
diff --git a/src/test/test_include.py b/src/test/test_include.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ac87ee8fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/test_include.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Future imports for Python 2.7, mandatory in 3.0
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import errno
+import logging
+import os
+import random
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import re
+LOG_WAIT = 0.1
+def fail(msg):
+    logging.error('FAIL')
+    sys.exit(msg)
+def skip(msg):
+    logging.warning('SKIP: {}'.format(msg))
+    sys.exit(77)
+def wait_for_log(s):
+    cutoff = time.time() + LOG_TIMEOUT
+    while time.time() < cutoff:
+        l = tor_process.stdout.readline()
+        l = l.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace')
+        if s in l:
+            logging.info('Tor logged: "{}"'.format(l.strip()))
+            return
+        # readline() returns a blank string when there is no output
+        # avoid busy-waiting
+        if len(l) == 0:
+            logging.debug('Tor has not logged anything, waiting for "{}"'.format(s))
+            time.sleep(LOG_WAIT)
+        else:
+            logging.info('Tor logged: "{}", waiting for "{}"'.format(l.strip(), s))
+    fail('Could not find "{}" in logs after {} seconds'.format(s, LOG_TIMEOUT))
+def pick_random_port():
+    port = 0
+    random.seed()
+    for i in range(8):
+        port = random.randint(10000, 60000)
+        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        if s.connect_ex(('', port)) == 0:
+            s.close()
+        else:
+            break
+    if port == 0:
+        fail('Could not find a random free port between 10000 and 60000')
+    return port
+def check_control_list(control_out_file, expected, value_name):
+    received_count = 0
+    for e in expected:
+        received = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+        received_count += 1
+        parts = re.split('[ =-]', received.strip())
+        if len(parts) != 3 or parts[0] != '250' or parts[1] != value_name or parts[2] != e:
+            fail('Unexpected value in response line "{}". Expected {} for value {}'.format(received, e, value_name))
+        if received.startswith('250 '):
+            break
+    if received_count != len(expected):
+        fail('Expected response with {} lines but received {} lines'.format(len(expected), received_count))
+                    format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(message)s',
+                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
+    fail("ERROR: unsupported Python version (should be >= 2.7)")
+if sys.hexversion > 0x03000000 and sys.hexversion < 0x03010000:
+    fail("ERROR: unsupported Python3 version (should be >= 3.1)")
+if 'TOR_SKIP_TEST_INCLUDE' in os.environ:
+    skip('$TOR_SKIP_TEST_INCLUDE is set')
+control_port = pick_random_port()
+assert control_port != 0
+if len(sys.argv) < 4:
+     fail('Usage: %s <path-to-tor> <data-dir> <torrc>' % sys.argv[0])
+if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
+    fail('ERROR: cannot find tor at %s' % sys.argv[1])
+if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]):
+    fail('ERROR: cannot find datadir at %s' % sys.argv[2])
+if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[3]):
+    fail('ERROR: cannot find torrcdir at %s' % sys.argv[3])
+tor_path = sys.argv[1]
+data_dir = sys.argv[2]
+torrc_dir = sys.argv[3]
+empty_torrc_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'empty_torrc')
+open(empty_torrc_path, 'w').close()
+empty_defaults_torrc_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'empty_defaults_torrc')
+open(empty_defaults_torrc_path, 'w').close()
+torrc = os.path.join(torrc_dir, 'torrc')
+tor_process = subprocess.Popen([tor_path,
+                               '-DataDirectory', data_dir,
+                               '-ControlPort', '{}'.format(control_port),
+                               '-Log', 'info stdout',
+                               '-LogTimeGranularity', '1',
+                               '-FetchServerDescriptors', '0',
+                               '-DisableNetwork', '1',
+                               '-f', torrc,
+                               '--defaults-torrc', empty_defaults_torrc_path,
+                               ],
+                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+if tor_process == None:
+    fail('ERROR: running tor failed')
+wait_for_log('Opened Control listener on')
+control_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+if control_socket.connect_ex(('', control_port)):
+    tor_process.terminate()
+    fail('Cannot connect to ControlPort')
+control_out_file = control_socket.makefile('r')
+control_socket.sendall('AUTHENTICATE \r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+res = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+if res != '250 OK':
+    tor_process.terminate()
+    fail('Cannot authenticate. Response was: {}'.format(res))
+# test configuration file values and order
+control_socket.sendall('GETCONF NodeFamily\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+check_control_list(control_out_file, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '4' , '5'], 'NodeFamily')
+# test reloading the configuration file with seccomp sandbox enabled
+foo_path = os.path.join(torrc_dir, 'torrc.d', 'foo')
+with open(foo_path, 'a') as foo:
+    foo.write('NodeFamily 7')
+control_socket.sendall('SIGNAL RELOAD\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+wait_for_log('Reloading config and resetting internal state.')
+res = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+if res != '250 OK':
+    tor_process.terminate()
+    fail('Cannot reload configuration. Response was: {}'.format(res))
+control_socket.sendall('GETCONF NodeFamily\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+check_control_list(control_out_file, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '4' , '5'], 'NodeFamily')
+# test that config-can-saveconf is 0 because we have a %include
+control_socket.sendall('getinfo config-can-saveconf\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+res = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+if res != '250-config-can-saveconf=0':
+    tor_process.terminate()
+    fail('getinfo config-can-saveconf returned wrong response: {}'.format(res))
+    res = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+    if res != '250 OK':
+        tor_process.terminate()
+        fail('getinfo failed. Response was: {}'.format(res))
+# test that saveconf returns error because we have a %include
+res = control_out_file.readline().strip()
+if res != '551 Unable to write configuration to disk.':
+    tor_process.terminate()
+    fail('SAVECONF returned wrong response. Response was: {}'.format(res))
+control_socket.sendall('SIGNAL HALT\r\n'.encode('ascii'))
+wait_for_log('exiting cleanly')
+    tor_process.terminate()
+except OSError as e:
+    if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: # errno 3: No such process
+        # assume tor has already exited due to SIGNAL HALT
+        logging.warn("Tor has already exited")
+    else:
+        raise
diff --git a/src/test/test_include.sh b/src/test/test_include.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6cf695fe44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/test_include.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+umask 077
+set -e
+set -x
+# emulate realpath(), in case coreutils or equivalent is not installed.
+abspath() {
+    f="$*"
+    if [ -d "$f" ]; then
+        dir="$f"
+        base=""
+    else
+        dir="$(dirname "$f")"
+        base="/$(basename "$f")"
+    fi
+    dir="$(cd "$dir" && pwd)"
+    echo "$dir$base"
+UNAME_OS=$(uname -s | cut -d_ -f1)
+if test "$UNAME_OS" = 'CYGWIN' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MSYS' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW32' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW64'; then
+  if test "$APPVEYOR" = 'True'; then
+    echo "This test is disabled on Windows CI, as it requires firewall exemptions. Skipping." >&2
+    exit 77
+  fi
+# find the tor binary
+if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
+  TOR_BINARY="${1}"
+  shift
+  TOR_BINARY="${TESTING_TOR_BINARY:-./src/app/tor}"
+TOR_BINARY="$(abspath "$TOR_BINARY")"
+if "${TOR_BINARY}" --list-modules | grep -q "relay: no"; then
+  echo "This test requires the relay module. Skipping." >&2
+  exit 77
+clean () {
+  if [ -n "$tmpdir" ] && [ -d "$tmpdir" ]; then
+    rm -rf "$tmpdir"
+  fi
+trap clean EXIT HUP INT TERM
+tmpdir="$(mktemp -d -t tor_include_test.XXXXXX)"
+if [ -z "$tmpdir" ]; then
+  echo >&2 mktemp failed
+  exit 2
+elif [ ! -d "$tmpdir" ]; then
+  echo >&2 mktemp failed to make a directory
+  exit 3
+mkdir "$datadir"
+mkdir "$configdir"
+# translate paths to windows format
+if test "$UNAME_OS" = 'CYGWIN' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MSYS' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW32' || \
+   test "$UNAME_OS" = 'MINGW64'; then
+    datadir=$(cygpath --windows "$datadir")
+    configdir=$(cygpath --windows "$configdir")
+# create test folder structure in configdir
+mkdir "$torrcd"
+mkdir "$torrcd/folder"
+mkdir "$torrcd/empty_folder"
+echo "NodeFamily 1" > "$torrcd/01_one.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 2" > "$torrcd/02_two.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 3" > "$torrcd/aa_three.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 42" > "$torrcd/.hidden.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 6" > "$torrcd/foo"
+touch "$torrcd/empty.conf"
+echo "# comment" > "$torrcd/comment.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 4" > "$torrcd/folder/04_four.conf"
+echo "NodeFamily 5" > "$torrcd/folder/05_five.conf"
+echo "Sandbox 1" > "$torrc"
+echo "
+%include $torrcd/*.conf
+%include $torrcd/f*
+%include $torrcd/*/*
+%include $torrcd/empty_folder
+%include $torrcd/empty.conf
+%include $torrcd/comment.conf
+" >> "$torrc"
+"${PYTHON:-python}" "${abs_top_srcdir:-.}/src/test/test_include.py" "${TOR_BINARY}" "$datadir" "$configdir"
+exit $?

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