[tor-commits] [tor/maint-0.4.3] Add a shareable continuous-integration script.

nickm at torproject.org nickm at torproject.org
Mon Aug 10 23:33:15 UTC 2020

commit cb027b392f0f93d543cad1689e407b5fd71c2dec
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 10 15:58:28 2020 -0400

    Add a shareable continuous-integration script.
    Eventually this should be used by every one of our CI scripts.
 scripts/ci/ci-driver.sh | 424 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 424 insertions(+)

diff --git a/scripts/ci/ci-driver.sh b/scripts/ci/ci-driver.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..50728a137e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ci/ci-driver.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+# This script is used to build Tor for continuous integration.  It should
+# be kept the same for all supported Tor versions.
+# It's subject to the regular Tor license; see LICENSE for copying
+# information.
+set -o errexit
+set -o nounset
+# Options for this script.
+# Options for which CI system this is.
+# Options for how to build Tor.  All should be yes/no.
+# Options for which tests to run.   All should be yes/no.
+# Options for where the Tor source is.
+# Options for where to build.
+# How parallel should we run make?
+# Should we stop after make finds an error?
+# What make target should we use for chutney?
+# Where do we find our additional testing tools?
+# Preliminary functions.
+# Terminal coloring/emphasis stuff.
+if [[ "${COLOR_CI}" == "yes" ]]; then
+    T_RED=$(tput setaf 1 || true)
+    T_GREEN=$(tput setaf 2 || true)
+    T_DIM=$(tput dim || true)
+    T_BOLD=$(tput bold || true)
+    T_RESET=$(tput sgr0 || true)
+    T_RED=
+    T_GREEN=
+    T_DIM=
+    T_BOLD=
+    T_RESET=
+function error()
+    echo "${T_BOLD}${T_RED}ERROR:${T_RESET} $*" 1>&2
+function die()
+    echo "${T_BOLD}${T_RED}FATAL ERROR:${T_RESET} $*" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+function hooray()
+    echo "${T_BOLD}${T_GREEN}$*${T_RESET}"
+if [[ "${DEBUG_CI}" == "yes" ]]; then
+    function debug()
+    {
+        echo "${T_DIM}(debug): $*${T_RESET}"
+    }
+    function debug()
+    {
+        :
+    }
+function yes_or_no()
+    local varname="$1"
+    local value="${!varname}"
+    debug "${varname} is ${value}"
+    if [[ "${value}" != 'yes' && "${value}" != 'no' ]]; then
+        die "${varname} must be 'yes' or 'no'.  Got unexpected value ${value}".
+    fi
+function incompatible()
+    local varname1="$1"
+    local varname2="$2"
+    local val1="${!varname1}"
+    local val2="${!varname2}"
+    if [[ "${val1}" = 'yes' && "${val2}" = 'yes' ]]; then
+        die "Cannot set both ${varname1} and ${varname2}: they are incompatible."
+    fi
+function runcmd()
+    echo "${T_BOLD}\$ $*${T_RESET}"
+    if ! "$@" ; then
+        error "command '$*' has failed."
+        return 1
+    fi
+function show_git_version()
+    local tool="$1"
+    local dir="$2"
+    local version="?????"
+    if [[ -e "$dir/.git" ]] ; then
+        version=$(cd "$dir"; git rev-parse HEAD)
+    fi
+    echo "${T_BOLD}$tool:${T_RESET} $version"
+if [[ "${ON_GITLAB}" == "yes" ]]; then
+    function start_section()
+    {
+	local label="$1"
+	local stamp
+	stamp=$(date +%s)
+	printf "section_start:%s:%s\r\e[0K" "$stamp" "$label"
+	echo "${T_BOLD}${T_GREEN}========= $label${T_RESET}"
+    }
+    function end_section()
+    {
+	local label="$1"
+	local stamp
+	stamp=$(date +%s)
+	printf "section_end:%s:%s\r\e[0K" "$stamp" "$label"
+    }
+    function start_section()
+    {
+	true
+    }
+    function end_section()
+    {
+	true
+    }
+if [[ "$*" == "" ]]; then
+    RUN_STAGE_BUILD="yes"
+    RUN_STAGE_TEST="yes"
+    RUN_STAGE_TEST="no"
+    for stage in "$@"; do
+	case "$stage" in
+	    configure)
+		;;
+	    build)
+		;;
+	    test)
+		;;
+	    *)
+		error "Unknown stage $stage"
+		;;
+	esac
+    done
+# Validate inputs.
+debug Validating inputs
+yes_or_no DEBUG_CI
+yes_or_no COLOR_CI
+yes_or_no ON_GITLAB
+yes_or_no HARDENING
+yes_or_no COVERAGE
+yes_or_no RUST
+yes_or_no DOXYGEN
+yes_or_no ASCIIDOC
+yes_or_no CHECK
+yes_or_no STEM
+yes_or_no DISTCHECK
+incompatible DISTCHECK CHECK
+incompatible DISTCHECK STEM
+if [[ "${CHUTNEY}" = yes && "${CHUTNEY_PATH}" = '' ]] ; then
+    die "CHUTNEY is set to 'yes', but CHUTNEY_PATH was not specified."
+if [[ "${STEM}" = yes && "${STEM_PATH}" = '' ]] ; then
+    die "STEM is set to 'yes', but STEM_PATH was not specified."
+# Set up options for make and configure.
+if [[ "$MAKE_J_OPT" != "" ]]; then
+    make_options+=("$MAKE_J_OPT")
+if [[ "$MAKE_K_OPT" != "" ]]; then
+    make_options+=("$MAKE_K_OPT")
+if [[ "$FATAL_WARNINGS" == "yes" ]]; then
+    configure_options+=("--enable-fatal-warnings")
+if [[ "$HARDENING" == "yes" ]]; then
+    configure_options+=("--enable-fragile-hardening")
+if [[ "$COVERAGE" == "yes" ]]; then
+    configure_options+=("--enable-coverage")
+if [[ "$RUST" == "yes" ]]; then
+    configure_options+=("--enable-rust")
+if [[ "$ASCIIDOC" != "yes" ]]; then
+    configure_options+=("--disable-asciidoc")
+# Tell the user about our versions of different tools and packages.
+uname -a
+python -V || echo "no 'python' binary."
+python3 -V || echo "no 'pythone' binary."
+show_git_version Tor "${CI_SRCDIR}"
+if [[ "${STEM}" = "yes" ]]; then
+    show_git_version Stem "${STEM_PATH}"
+if [[ "${CHUTNEY}" = "yes" ]]; then
+    show_git_version Chutney "${CHUTNEY_PATH}"
+# Make sure the directories are all there.
+# Make sure CI_SRCDIR exists and has a file we expect.
+if [[ ! -d "$CI_SRCDIR" ]] ; then
+    die "CI_SRCDIR=${CI_SRCDIR} is not a directory"
+if [[ ! -f "$CI_SRCDIR/src/core/or/or.h" ]] ; then
+    die "CI_SRCDIR=${CI_SRCDIR} does not look like a Tor directory."
+# Make CI_SRCDIR absolute.
+CI_SRCDIR=$(cd "$CI_SRCDIR" && pwd)
+# Create an "artifacts" directory to copy artifacts into.
+mkdir -p ./artifacts
+if [[ "$RUN_STAGE_CONFIGURE" = "yes" ]]; then
+    start_section "Autogen"
+    runcmd cd "${CI_SRCDIR}"
+    runcmd ./autogen.sh
+    runcmd mkdir -p "${CI_BUILDDIR}"
+    runcmd cd "${CI_BUILDDIR}"
+    end_section "Autogen"
+    # make the builddir absolute too.
+    CI_BUILDDIR=$(pwd)
+    start_section "Configure"
+    if ! runcmd "${CI_SRCDIR}"/configure "${configure_options[@]}" ; then
+	error "Here is the end of config.log:"
+	runcmd tail config.log
+	die "Unable to continue"
+    fi
+    end_section "Configure"
+    debug "Skipping configure stage. Making sure that ${CI_BUILDDIR}/config.log exists."
+    if [[ ! -d "${CI_BUILDDIR}" ]]; then
+	die "Build directory ${CI_BUILDDIR} did not exist!";
+    fi
+    if [[ ! -f "${CI_BUILDDIR}/config.log" ]]; then
+	die "Tor was not configured in ${CI_BUILDDIR}!";
+    fi
+    cp config.log "${CI_SRCDIR}"/artifacts
+    runcmd cd "${CI_BUILDDIR}"
+    CI_BUILDDIR=$(pwd)
+# Build Tor.
+if [[ "$RUN_STAGE_BUILD" = "yes" ]] ; then
+    if [[ "$DISTCHECK" = "no" ]]; then
+	start_section "Build"
+	runcmd make "${make_options[@]}" all
+        cp src/app/tor "${CI_SRCDIR}"/artifacts
+	end_section "Build"
+    else
+	export DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="${configure_options[*]}"
+	# XXXX Set make options?
+	start_section Distcheck
+	if runcmd make "${make_options[@]}" distcheck ; then
+            hooray "Distcheck was successful. Nothing further will be done."
+            # We have to exit early here, since we can't do any other tests.
+            cp tor-*.tar.gz "${CI_SRCDIR}"/artifacts
+            exit 0
+	else
+            error "Diagnostics:"
+            runcmd make show-distdir-testlog || true
+            runcmd make show-distdir-core || true
+            die "Unable to continue."
+	fi
+	end_section Distcheck
+    fi
+# Run tests.
+if [[ "$RUN_STAGE_TEST" == "no" ]]; then
+    echo "Skipping tests. Exiting now."
+    exit 0
+if [[ "$RUN_STAGE_BUILD" = "no" ]] ; then
+    debug "Skipped build stage. Making sure that ./src/app/tor exists."
+    if [[ ! -f "./src/app/tor" ]]; then
+	die "$(pwd)/src/app/tor does not exist"
+    fi
+if [[ "${DOXYGEN}" = 'yes' ]]; then
+    start_section Doxygen
+    if runcmd make doxygen; then
+	hooray "make doxygen has succeeded."
+    else
+    fi
+    end_section Doxygen
+if [[ "${CHECK}" = "yes" ]]; then
+    start_section "Check"
+    if runcmd make "${make_options[@]}" check; then
+        hooray "make check has succeeded."
+    else
+        error "Here are the contents of the test suite output:"
+        runcmd cat test_suite.log || true
+        FAILED_TESTS="${FAILED_TESTS} check"
+    fi
+    end_section "Check"
+if [[ "${CHUTNEY}" = "yes" ]]; then
+    start_section "Chutney"
+    if runcmd make "${CHUTNEY_MAKE_TARGET}"; then
+        hooray "Chutney tests have succeeded"
+    else
+        error "Chutney says:"
+        runcmd "${CHUTNEY_PATH}"/tools/diagnostics.sh || true
+        # XXXX These next two should be part of a make target.
+        runcmd ls test_network_log || true
+        runcmd cat test_network_log || true
+        FAILED_TESTS="${FAILED_TESTS} chutney"
+    fi
+    end_section "Chutney"
+if [[ "${STEM}" = "yes" ]]; then
+   start_section "Stem"
+   # XXXX This shold probably be part some test-stem make target.
+   if runcmd timelimit -p -t 520 -s USR1 -T 30 -S ABRT \
+         python3 "${STEM_PATH}/run_tests.py" \
+         --tor src/app/tor \
+         --integ --test control.controller \
+         --test control.base_controller \
+         --test process \
+         --log TRACE \
+         --log-file stem.log ; then
+       hooray "Stem tests have succeeded"
+   else
+       error "Stem output:"
+       runcmd tail -1000 "${STEM_PATH}"/test/data/tor_log
+       runcmd grep -v "SocketClosed" stem.log | tail -1000
+   fi
+   end_section "Stem"
+# TODO: Coverage
+if [[ "${FAILED_TESTS}" != "" ]]; then
+    die "Failed tests: ${FAILED_TESTS}"
+hooray "Everything seems fine."

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