[tor-commits] [translation/tor-launcher-network-settings] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=tor-launcher-network-settings

translation at torproject.org translation at torproject.org
Sun Oct 20 16:52:27 UTC 2019

commit 3d5181f542b08efbeaede8c9832166874ce430ce
Author: Translation commit bot <translation at torproject.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 20 16:52:25 2019 +0000

 sk/network-settings.dtd | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sk/network-settings.dtd b/sk/network-settings.dtd
index 8abac1092..fa1c37167 100644
--- a/sk/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/sk/network-settings.dtd
@@ -64,20 +64,20 @@
 <!-- #31286 about:preferences strings  -->
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.categoryTitle "Tor">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettings "Nastavenia Tor">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettingsDescription "Tor Browser routes your traffic over the Tor Network, run by thousands of volunteers around the world." >
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettingsDescription "Prehliadač Tor smeruje váš prenos cez sieť Tor, prevádzkovanú tisíckami dobrovoľníkov z celého sveta." >
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.learnMore "Zistite viac">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.bridges "Mosty">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Bridges help you access the Tor Network in places where Tor is blocked. Depending on where you are, one bridge may work better than another.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Premostenia vám pomáhajú pripojiť sa k sieti Tor tam, kde je Tor blokovaný. V závislosti od toho, kde sa nachádzate niektoré premostenie môže fungovať lepšie ako iné.">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.useBridge "Použiť premostenie">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.requestNewBridge "Požiadať o nové premostenie.">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.provideBridge "Poskytnúť premostenie">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.advanced "Pokročilé">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.advancedDescription "Configure how Tor Browser connects to the internet.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.firewallPortsPlaceholder "Comma-separated values">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.advancedDescription "Nastavte, akým spôsobom sa prehliadač Tor pripája na internet.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.firewallPortsPlaceholder "Hodnoty oddelené čiarkou">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogTitle "Vyžiadať Premostenie">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogWaitPrompt "Contacting BridgeDB. Please Wait.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogWaitPrompt "Spájam sa s databázou Premostení. Prosím čakajte.">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogSolvePrompt "Vyrieš CAPTCHA na vyžiadanie premostenia.">
 <!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeErrorBadSolution "Riešenie nie je správne. Prosím skúste znova.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewTorLogs "View the Tor logs.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewLogs "View Logs…">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.torLogsDialogTitle "Tor Logs">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewTorLogs "Zobraziť záznamy Tor.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewLogs "Zobraziť záznamy...">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.torLogsDialogTitle "Záznamy Tor">

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