[tor-commits] [snowflake/master] Make a WS class to eliminate globals

arlo at torproject.org arlo at torproject.org
Wed May 8 15:41:17 UTC 2019

commit bd5887a8765f76b46f9203a216c6896a076dfebe
Author: Arlo Breault <arlolra at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed May 1 10:11:15 2019 -0400

    Make a WS class to eliminate globals
 proxy/Cakefile                   |   1 +
 proxy/proxypair.coffee           |   2 +-
 proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee      |  35 -------------
 proxy/spec/websocket.spec.coffee |  38 ++++++++++++++
 proxy/websocket.coffee           | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 5 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/proxy/Cakefile b/proxy/Cakefile
index d984c1b..7da528e 100644
--- a/proxy/Cakefile
+++ b/proxy/Cakefile
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ FILES_SPEC = [
+  'spec/websocket.spec.coffee'
 OUTFILE = 'build/snowflake.js'
diff --git a/proxy/proxypair.coffee b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
index ee2f3e7..81ddd41 100644
--- a/proxy/proxypair.coffee
+++ b/proxy/proxypair.coffee
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ProxyPair
     if peer_ip?
       params.push(["client_ip", peer_ip])
-    @relay = makeWebsocket @relayAddr, params
+    @relay = WS.makeWebsocket @relayAddr, params
     @relay.label = 'websocket-relay'
     @relay.onopen = =>
       if @timer
diff --git a/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
index fd5b77e..19f0041 100644
--- a/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
+++ b/proxy/spec/util.spec.coffee
@@ -2,41 +2,6 @@
 jasmine tests for Snowflake utils
-describe 'BuildUrl', ->
-  it 'should parse just protocol and host', ->
-    expect(buildUrl('http', 'example.com')).toBe 'http://example.com'
-  it 'should handle different ports', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80
-      .toBe 'http://example.com'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 81
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:81'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 443
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:443'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 444
-      .toBe 'http://example.com:444'
-  it 'should handle paths', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80,'/test?k=%#v'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test%3Fk%3D%25%23v'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test'
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test'
-  it 'should handle params', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['k', '%#v']]
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?k=%25%23v'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
-      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?a=b&c=d'
-  it 'should handle ips', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', ''
-      .toBe ''
-    expect buildUrl 'http', '1:2::3:4'
-      .toBe 'http://[1:2::3:4]'
-  it 'should handle bogus', ->
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog][us'
-      .toBe 'http://bog%5D%5Bus'
-    expect buildUrl 'http', 'bog:u]s'
-      .toBe 'http://bog%3Au%5Ds'
 describe 'Parse', ->
   describe 'cookie', ->
diff --git a/proxy/spec/websocket.spec.coffee b/proxy/spec/websocket.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178bcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy/spec/websocket.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+jasmine tests for Snowflake websocket
+describe 'BuildUrl', ->
+  it 'should parse just protocol and host', ->
+    expect(WS.buildUrl('http', 'example.com')).toBe 'http://example.com'
+  it 'should handle different ports', ->
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80
+      .toBe 'http://example.com'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 81
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:81'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 443
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:443'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 444
+      .toBe 'http://example.com:444'
+  it 'should handle paths', ->
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80,'/test?k=%#v'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test%3Fk%3D%25%23v'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test'
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test'
+  it 'should handle params', ->
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['k', '%#v']]
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?k=%25%23v'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'example.com', 80, '/test', [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
+      .toBe 'http://example.com/test?a=b&c=d'
+  it 'should handle ips', ->
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', ''
+      .toBe ''
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', '1:2::3:4'
+      .toBe 'http://[1:2::3:4]'
+  it 'should handle bogus', ->
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'bog][us'
+      .toBe 'http://bog%5D%5Bus'
+    expect WS.buildUrl 'http', 'bog:u]s'
+      .toBe 'http://bog%3Au%5Ds'
diff --git a/proxy/websocket.coffee b/proxy/websocket.coffee
index 5487df1..00a65a8 100644
--- a/proxy/websocket.coffee
+++ b/proxy/websocket.coffee
@@ -2,58 +2,59 @@
 Only websocket-specific stuff.
-  http:  80
-  https: 443
-# Build an escaped URL string from unescaped components. Only scheme and host
-# are required. See RFC 3986, section 3.
-buildUrl = (scheme, host, port, path, params) ->
-  parts = []
-  parts.push(encodeURIComponent scheme)
-  parts.push '://'
-  # If it contains a colon but no square brackets, treat it as IPv6.
-  if host.match(/:/) && !host.match(/[[\]]/)
-    parts.push '['
-    parts.push host
-    parts.push ']'
-  else
-    parts.push(encodeURIComponent host)
-  if undefined != port && DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme] != port
-    parts.push ':'
-    parts.push(encodeURIComponent port.toString())
-  if undefined != path && '' != path
-    if !path.match(/^\//)
-      path = '/' + path
+class WS
+  @WSS_ENABLED: true
+    http:  80
+    https: 443
+  # Build an escaped URL string from unescaped components. Only scheme and host
+  # are required. See RFC 3986, section 3.
+  @buildUrl: (scheme, host, port, path, params) ->
+    parts = []
+    parts.push(encodeURIComponent scheme)
+    parts.push '://'
+    # If it contains a colon but no square brackets, treat it as IPv6.
+    if host.match(/:/) && !host.match(/[[\]]/)
+      parts.push '['
+      parts.push host
+      parts.push ']'
+    else
+      parts.push(encodeURIComponent host)
+    if undefined != port && @DEFAULT_PORTS[scheme] != port
+      parts.push ':'
+      parts.push(encodeURIComponent port.toString())
+    if undefined != path && '' != path
+      if !path.match(/^\//)
+        path = '/' + path
+      ###
+      Slash is significant so we must protect it from encodeURIComponent, while
+      still encoding question mark and number sign. RFC 3986, section 3.3: 'The
+      path is terminated by the first question mark ('?') or number sign ('#')
+      character, or by the end of the URI. ... A path consists of a sequence of
+      path segments separated by a slash ('/') character.'
+      ###
+      path = path.replace /[^\/]+/, (m) ->
+        encodeURIComponent m
+      parts.push path
+    if undefined != params
+      parts.push '?'
+      parts.push Query.buildString params
+    parts.join ''
+  @makeWebsocket: (addr, params) ->
+    wsProtocol = if @WSS_ENABLED then 'wss' else 'ws'
+    url = @buildUrl wsProtocol, addr.host, addr.port, '/', params
+    ws = new WebSocket url
-    Slash is significant so we must protect it from encodeURIComponent, while
-    still encoding question mark and number sign. RFC 3986, section 3.3: 'The
-    path is terminated by the first question mark ('?') or number sign ('#')
-    character, or by the end of the URI. ... A path consists of a sequence of
-    path segments separated by a slash ('/') character.'
+    'User agents can use this as a hint for how to handle incoming binary data: if
+    the attribute is set to 'blob', it is safe to spool it to disk, and if it is
+    set to 'arraybuffer', it is likely more efficient to keep the data in memory.'
-    path = path.replace /[^\/]+/, (m) ->
-      encodeURIComponent m
-    parts.push path
-  if undefined != params
-    parts.push '?'
-    parts.push Query.buildString params
-  parts.join ''
-makeWebsocket = (addr, params) ->
-  wsProtocol = if WSS_ENABLED then 'wss' else 'ws'
-  url = buildUrl wsProtocol, addr.host, addr.port, '/', params
-  ws = new WebSocket url
-  ###
-  'User agents can use this as a hint for how to handle incoming binary data: if
-  the attribute is set to 'blob', it is safe to spool it to disk, and if it is
-  set to 'arraybuffer', it is likely more efficient to keep the data in memory.'
-  ###
-  ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
-  ws
+    ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
+    ws

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