[tor-commits] [tor/master] Split all controller events code into a new control_events.c

asn at torproject.org asn at torproject.org
Tue Mar 26 14:41:25 UTC 2019

commit a49f506e05364eb0fd14d02e3cd482941942928e
Author: Nick Mathewson <nickm at torproject.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 25 12:11:59 2019 -0400

    Split all controller events code into a new control_events.c
    Also, split the formatting code shared by control.c and
    control_events.c into controller_fmt.c.
 scripts/maint/practracker/exceptions.txt   |   18 +-
 src/app/config/config.c                    |    1 +
 src/app/config/statefile.c                 |    2 +-
 src/app/main/main.c                        |    1 +
 src/core/include.am                        |    4 +
 src/core/mainloop/connection.c             |    1 +
 src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c               |    1 +
 src/core/or/circuitbuild.c                 |    2 +-
 src/core/or/circuitlist.c                  |    2 +-
 src/core/or/circuitstats.c                 |    2 +-
 src/core/or/circuituse.c                   |    2 +-
 src/core/or/command.c                      |    2 +-
 src/core/or/connection_edge.c              |    2 +-
 src/core/or/connection_or.c                |    2 +-
 src/core/or/relay.c                        |    2 +-
 src/core/proto/proto_socks.c               |    2 +-
 src/feature/client/addressmap.c            |    2 +-
 src/feature/client/dnsserv.c               |    2 +-
 src/feature/client/entrynodes.c            |    2 +-
 src/feature/client/transports.c            |    2 +-
 src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.c |    2 +-
 src/feature/control/control.c              | 2546 +---------------------------
 src/feature/control/control.h              |  317 +---
 src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c    |    2 +-
 src/feature/control/control_events.c       | 2280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/feature/control/control_events.h       |  343 ++++
 src/feature/control/control_fmt.c          |  289 ++++
 src/feature/control/control_fmt.h          |   28 +
 src/feature/dirclient/dirclient.c          |    2 +-
 src/feature/hibernate/hibernate.c          |    2 +-
 src/feature/hs/hs_control.c                |    2 +-
 src/feature/nodelist/dirlist.c             |    2 +-
 src/feature/nodelist/networkstatus.c       |    2 +-
 src/feature/nodelist/nodelist.c            |    2 +-
 src/feature/nodelist/routerlist.c          |    2 +-
 src/feature/relay/dns.c                    |    2 +-
 src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c             |    3 +-
 src/feature/relay/router.c                 |    2 +-
 src/feature/relay/selftest.c               |    2 +-
 src/feature/rend/rendclient.c              |    2 +-
 src/feature/rend/rendcommon.c              |    2 +-
 src/feature/rend/rendservice.c             |    2 +-
 src/feature/stats/geoip_stats.c            |    2 +-
 src/test/test_controller_events.c          |    3 +-
 src/test/test_extorport.c                  |    2 +-
 src/test/test_hs.c                         |    3 +-
 src/test/test_hs_control.c                 |    3 +-
 src/test/test_pt.c                         |    4 +-
 src/test/test_util.c                       |    1 +
 src/test/testing_common.c                  |    1 +
 50 files changed, 3022 insertions(+), 2887 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/maint/practracker/exceptions.txt b/scripts/maint/practracker/exceptions.txt
index fee22ec7f..15f16fdb4 100644
--- a/scripts/maint/practracker/exceptions.txt
+++ b/scripts/maint/practracker/exceptions.txt
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ problem function-size /src/core/or/relay.c:connection_edge_process_relay_cell_no
 problem function-size /src/core/or/relay.c:connection_edge_process_relay_cell() 520
 problem function-size /src/core/or/relay.c:connection_edge_package_raw_inbuf() 130
 problem function-size /src/core/or/relay.c:circuit_resume_edge_reading_helper() 148
-problem file-size /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c 3050
-problem include-count /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c 65
+problem file-size /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c 3051
+problem include-count /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c 66
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c:conn_close_if_marked() 108
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c:run_connection_housekeeping() 123
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c:CALLBACK() 116
-problem file-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c 5547
-problem include-count /src/core/mainloop/connection.c 60
+problem file-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c 5548
+problem include-count /src/core/mainloop/connection.c 61
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c:connection_free_minimal() 184
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c:connection_listener_new() 328
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c:connection_handle_listener_read() 161
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c:connection_handle_write_im
 problem function-size /src/core/mainloop/connection.c:assert_connection_ok() 143
 problem function-size /src/app/config/confparse.c:config_assign_value() 205
 problem function-size /src/app/config/confparse.c:config_get_assigned_option() 129
-problem file-size /src/app/config/config.c 8488
-problem include-count /src/app/config/config.c 84
+problem file-size /src/app/config/config.c 8489
+problem include-count /src/app/config/config.c 85
 problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:options_act_reversible() 296
 problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:options_act() 588
 problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:resolve_my_address() 192
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:parse_port_config() 452
 problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:parse_ports() 170
 problem function-size /src/app/config/config.c:getinfo_helper_config() 116
 problem function-size /src/app/main/ntmain.c:nt_service_install() 125
-problem include-count /src/app/main/main.c 83
+problem include-count /src/app/main/main.c 84
 problem function-size /src/app/main/main.c:dumpstats() 102
 problem function-size /src/app/main/main.c:tor_init() 136
 problem function-size /src/app/main/main.c:sandbox_init_filter() 291
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ problem function-size /src/feature/keymgt/loadkey.c:ed_key_init_from_file() 333
 problem function-size /src/feature/dircommon/consdiff.c:gen_ed_diff() 204
 problem function-size /src/feature/dircommon/consdiff.c:apply_ed_diff() 159
 problem file-size /src/feature/control/control.c 7592
-problem include-count /src/feature/control/control.c 83
+problem include-count /src/feature/control/control.c 90
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:handle_control_authenticate() 188
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:getinfo_helper_misc() 109
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:getinfo_helper_dir() 304
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:handle_control_hspost() 117
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:handle_control_add_onion() 293
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:add_onion_helper_keyarg() 125
 problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:connection_control_process_inbuf() 239
-problem function-size /src/feature/control/control.c:control_event_stream_status() 119
+problem function-size /src/feature/control/control_events.c:control_event_stream_status() 119
 problem function-size /src/feature/stats/rephist.c:rep_hist_load_mtbf_data() 185
 problem function-size /src/feature/stats/rephist.c:rep_hist_format_exit_stats() 148
 problem function-size /src/feature/dircache/consdiffmgr.c:consdiffmgr_cleanup() 115
diff --git a/src/app/config/config.c b/src/app/config/config.c
index 7476f7817..1966910a8 100644
--- a/src/app/config/config.c
+++ b/src/app/config/config.c
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/bwauth.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/guardfraction.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/consdiffmgr.h"
diff --git a/src/app/config/statefile.c b/src/app/config/statefile.c
index 9681f6f8b..fdfd68b24 100644
--- a/src/app/config/statefile.c
+++ b/src/app/config/statefile.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/netstatus.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
 #include "feature/stats/rephist.h"
diff --git a/src/app/main/main.c b/src/app/main/main.c
index ec15109f6..56978f9ba 100644
--- a/src/app/main/main.c
+++ b/src/app/main/main.c
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/bwauth.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/keypin.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/process_descs.h"
diff --git a/src/core/include.am b/src/core/include.am
index ae47c75e0..58fcb784f 100644
--- a/src/core/include.am
+++ b/src/core/include.am
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ LIBTOR_APP_A_SOURCES = 				\
 	src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_maps.c	\
 	src/feature/control/control.c		\
 	src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c	\
+	src/feature/control/control_events.c	\
+	src/feature/control/control_fmt.c	\
 	src/feature/control/fmt_serverstatus.c  \
 	src/feature/control/getinfo_geoip.c	\
 	src/feature/dirauth/keypin.c		\
@@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ noinst_HEADERS +=					\
 	src/feature/control/btrack_sys.h		\
 	src/feature/control/control.h			\
 	src/feature/control/control_connection_st.h	\
+	src/feature/control/control_events.h	        \
+	src/feature/control/control_fmt.h                \
 	src/feature/control/fmt_serverstatus.h		\
 	src/feature/control/getinfo_geoip.h		\
 	src/feature/dirauth/authmode.h			\
diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/connection.c b/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
index 65ccd3a94..40e548a13 100644
--- a/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
+++ b/src/core/mainloop/connection.c
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/authmode.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
diff --git a/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c b/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
index 18e87fa87..c9f2b0d89 100644
--- a/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
+++ b/src/core/mainloop/mainloop.c
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/authmode.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/reachability.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/consdiffmgr.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/circuitbuild.c b/src/core/or/circuitbuild.c
index 3ec1e01f1..f8e87bf02 100644
--- a/src/core/or/circuitbuild.c
+++ b/src/core/or/circuitbuild.c
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/describe.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/microdesc.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/circuitlist.c b/src/core/or/circuitlist.c
index 0d3665ce7..afbde0643 100644
--- a/src/core/or/circuitlist.c
+++ b/src/core/or/circuitlist.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_dh.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/circuitstats.c b/src/core/or/circuitstats.c
index c6ea2fff9..e5a3bac30 100644
--- a/src/core/or/circuitstats.c
+++ b/src/core/or/circuitstats.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #include "core/or/circuitstats.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "app/config/confparse.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/circuituse.c b/src/core/or/circuituse.c
index fd782c0cd..2d0e75e53 100644
--- a/src/core/or/circuituse.c
+++ b/src/core/or/circuituse.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/bridges.h"
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_circuit.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/command.c b/src/core/or/command.c
index 5fb6640c2..77e5447ce 100644
--- a/src/core/or/command.c
+++ b/src/core/or/command.c
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 #include "core/or/dos.h"
 #include "core/or/onion.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/describe.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/connection_edge.c b/src/core/or/connection_edge.c
index cc240bdc9..071a8c91e 100644
--- a/src/core/or/connection_edge.c
+++ b/src/core/or/connection_edge.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/addressmap.h"
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
 #include "feature/client/dnsserv.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/connection_or.c b/src/core/or/connection_or.c
index 55047da16..841ba8fa3 100644
--- a/src/core/or/connection_or.c
+++ b/src/core/or/connection_or.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/reachability.h"
diff --git a/src/core/or/relay.c b/src/core/or/relay.c
index 7f7fa2fe1..a166904a5 100644
--- a/src/core/or/relay.c
+++ b/src/core/or/relay.c
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
diff --git a/src/core/proto/proto_socks.c b/src/core/proto/proto_socks.c
index ac0c9e911..b657a7b75 100644
--- a/src/core/proto/proto_socks.c
+++ b/src/core/proto/proto_socks.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/addressmap.h"
 #include "lib/buf/buffers.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "feature/relay/ext_orport.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/client/addressmap.c b/src/feature/client/addressmap.c
index bbe786a6a..c5a27ce8c 100644
--- a/src/feature/client/addressmap.c
+++ b/src/feature/client/addressmap.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "core/or/circuituse.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/relay/dns.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/routerset.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/client/dnsserv.c b/src/feature/client/dnsserv.c
index 44e0caaaf..7fb3fff6c 100644
--- a/src/feature/client/dnsserv.c
+++ b/src/feature/client/dnsserv.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/netstatus.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/client/entrynodes.c b/src/feature/client/entrynodes.c
index e543289ce..e59f8b34e 100644
--- a/src/feature/client/entrynodes.c
+++ b/src/feature/client/entrynodes.c
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/describe.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/microdesc.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/client/transports.c b/src/feature/client/transports.c
index 6fb357b46..97bfc8ae3 100644
--- a/src/feature/client/transports.c
+++ b/src/feature/client/transports.c
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 #include "app/config/statefile.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
 #include "feature/relay/ext_orport.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/encoding/confline.h"
 #include "lib/encoding/kvline.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.c b/src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.c
index ee142f287..535aa8f61 100644
--- a/src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.c
+++ b/src/feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "core/or/orconn_event.h"
 #include "feature/control/btrack_orconn.h"
 #include "feature/control/btrack_orconn_cevent.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
  * Have we completed our first OR connection?
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control.c b/src/feature/control/control.c
index f4bb0d38a..d56ff41b0 100644
--- a/src/feature/control/control.c
+++ b/src/feature/control/control.c
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 /* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
  * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */
 /* See LICENSE for licensing information */
@@ -33,7 +32,9 @@
  * stack.
 #include "core/or/or.h"
@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@
 #include "feature/client/dnsserv.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_fmt.h"
 #include "feature/control/fmt_serverstatus.h"
 #include "feature/control/getinfo_geoip.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
@@ -134,30 +137,6 @@
  * finished authentication and is accepting commands. */
-/** Bitfield: The bit 1<<e is set if <b>any</b> open control
- * connection is interested in events of type <b>e</b>.  We use this
- * so that we can decide to skip generating event messages that nobody
- * has interest in without having to walk over the global connection
- * list to find out.
- **/
-typedef uint64_t event_mask_t;
-/** An event mask of all the events that any controller is interested in
- * receiving. */
-static event_mask_t global_event_mask = 0;
-/** True iff we have disabled log messages from being sent to the controller */
-static int disable_log_messages = 0;
-/** Macro: true if any control connection is interested in events of type
- * <b>e</b>. */
-  (!! (global_event_mask & EVENT_MASK_(e)))
-/** Macro: true if any event from the bitfield 'e' is interesting. */
-  (!! (global_event_mask & (e)))
 /** If we're using cookie-type authentication, how long should our cookies be?
@@ -181,20 +160,7 @@ static uint8_t *authentication_cookie = NULL;
 static smartlist_t *detached_onion_services = NULL;
-static void connection_printf_to_buf(control_connection_t *conn,
-                                     const char *format, ...)
-static void send_control_event_impl(uint16_t event,
-                                    const char *format, va_list ap)
-static int control_event_status(int type, int severity, const char *format,
-                                va_list args)
 static void send_control_done(control_connection_t *conn);
-static void send_control_event(uint16_t event,
-                               const char *format, ...)
 static int handle_control_setconf(control_connection_t *conn, uint32_t len,
                                   char *body);
 static int handle_control_resetconf(control_connection_t *conn, uint32_t len,
@@ -247,18 +213,8 @@ static int handle_control_add_onion(control_connection_t *conn, uint32_t len,
                                     const char *body);
 static int handle_control_del_onion(control_connection_t *conn, uint32_t len,
                                     const char *body);
-static int write_stream_target_to_buf(entry_connection_t *conn, char *buf,
-                                      size_t len);
-static void orconn_target_get_name(char *buf, size_t len,
-                                   or_connection_t *conn);
-static int get_cached_network_liveness(void);
-static void set_cached_network_liveness(int liveness);
-static void flush_queued_events_cb(mainloop_event_t *event, void *arg);
 static char * download_status_to_string(const download_status_t *dl);
-static void control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(uint64_t *r, uint64_t *w);
 /** Convert a connection_t* to an control_connection_t*; assert if the cast is
  * invalid. */
@@ -269,211 +225,6 @@ TO_CONTROL_CONN(connection_t *c)
   return DOWNCAST(control_connection_t, c);
-/** Given a control event code for a message event, return the corresponding
- * log severity. */
-static inline int
-event_to_log_severity(int event)
-  switch (event) {
-    case EVENT_DEBUG_MSG: return LOG_DEBUG;
-    case EVENT_INFO_MSG: return LOG_INFO;
-    case EVENT_NOTICE_MSG: return LOG_NOTICE;
-    case EVENT_WARN_MSG: return LOG_WARN;
-    case EVENT_ERR_MSG: return LOG_ERR;
-    default: return -1;
-  }
-/** Given a log severity, return the corresponding control event code. */
-static inline int
-log_severity_to_event(int severity)
-  switch (severity) {
-    case LOG_DEBUG: return EVENT_DEBUG_MSG;
-    case LOG_INFO: return EVENT_INFO_MSG;
-    case LOG_NOTICE: return EVENT_NOTICE_MSG;
-    case LOG_WARN: return EVENT_WARN_MSG;
-    case LOG_ERR: return EVENT_ERR_MSG;
-    default: return -1;
-  }
-/** Helper: clear bandwidth counters of all origin circuits. */
-static void
-  origin_circuit_t *ocirc;
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
-    if (!CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
-      continue;
-    ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
-    ocirc->n_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_read_circ_bw = 0;
-    ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw = 0;
-    ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw = 0;
-  }
-/** Set <b>global_event_mask*</b> to the bitwise OR of each live control
- * connection's event_mask field. */
-  smartlist_t *conns = get_connection_array();
-  event_mask_t old_mask, new_mask;
-  old_mask = global_event_mask;
-  int any_old_per_sec_events = control_any_per_second_event_enabled();
-  global_event_mask = 0;
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(conns, connection_t *, _conn,
-  {
-    if (_conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL &&
-        STATE_IS_OPEN(_conn->state)) {
-      control_connection_t *conn = TO_CONTROL_CONN(_conn);
-      global_event_mask |= conn->event_mask;
-    }
-  });
-  new_mask = global_event_mask;
-  /* Handle the aftermath.  Set up the log callback to tell us only what
-   * we want to hear...*/
-  control_adjust_event_log_severity();
-  /* Macro: true if ev was false before and is true now. */
-#define NEWLY_ENABLED(ev) \
-  (! (old_mask & (ev)) && (new_mask & (ev)))
-  /* ...then, if we've started logging stream or circ bw, clear the
-   * appropriate fields. */
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(conns, connection_t *, conn,
-    {
-      if (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP) {
-        edge_connection_t *edge_conn = TO_EDGE_CONN(conn);
-        edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-    clear_circ_bw_fields();
-  }
-    uint64_t r, w;
-    control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(&r, &w);
-  }
-  if (any_old_per_sec_events != control_any_per_second_event_enabled()) {
-    rescan_periodic_events(get_options());
-  }
-/** Adjust the log severities that result in control_event_logmsg being called
- * to match the severity of log messages that any controllers are interested
- * in. */
-  int i;
-  int min_log_event=EVENT_ERR_MSG, max_log_event=EVENT_DEBUG_MSG;
-  for (i = EVENT_DEBUG_MSG; i <= EVENT_ERR_MSG; ++i) {
-      min_log_event = i;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = EVENT_ERR_MSG; i >= EVENT_DEBUG_MSG; --i) {
-      max_log_event = i;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-    if (min_log_event > EVENT_NOTICE_MSG)
-      min_log_event = EVENT_NOTICE_MSG;
-    if (max_log_event < EVENT_ERR_MSG)
-      max_log_event = EVENT_ERR_MSG;
-  }
-  if (min_log_event <= max_log_event)
-    change_callback_log_severity(event_to_log_severity(min_log_event),
-                                 event_to_log_severity(max_log_event),
-                                 control_event_logmsg);
-  else
-    change_callback_log_severity(LOG_ERR, LOG_ERR,
-                                 control_event_logmsg);
-/** Return true iff the event with code <b>c</b> is being sent to any current
- * control connection.  This is useful if the amount of work needed to prepare
- * to call the appropriate control_event_...() function is high.
- */
-control_event_is_interesting(int event)
-  return EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event);
-/** Return true if any event that needs to fire once a second is enabled. */
-  );
-/* The value of 'get_bytes_read()' the previous time that
- * control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec() as called. */
-static uint64_t stats_prev_n_read = 0;
-/* The value of 'get_bytes_written()' the previous time that
- * control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec() as called. */
-static uint64_t stats_prev_n_written = 0;
- * Set <b>n_read</b> and <b>n_written</b> to the total number of bytes read
- * and written by Tor since the last call to this function.
- *
- * Call this only from the main thread.
- */
-static void
-control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(uint64_t *n_read,
-                              uint64_t *n_written)
-  const uint64_t stats_n_bytes_read = get_bytes_read();
-  const uint64_t stats_n_bytes_written = get_bytes_written();
-  *n_read = stats_n_bytes_read - stats_prev_n_read;
-  *n_written = stats_n_bytes_written - stats_prev_n_written;
-  stats_prev_n_read = stats_n_bytes_read;
-  stats_prev_n_written = stats_n_bytes_written;
- * Run all the controller events (if any) that are scheduled to trigger once
- * per second.
- */
-  if (!control_any_per_second_event_enabled())
-    return;
-  uint64_t bytes_read, bytes_written;
-  control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(&bytes_read, &bytes_written);
-  control_event_bandwidth_used((uint32_t)bytes_read,(uint32_t)bytes_written);
-  control_event_stream_bandwidth_used();
-  control_event_conn_bandwidth_used();
-  control_event_circ_bandwidth_used();
-  control_event_circuit_cell_stats();
 /** Append a NUL-terminated string <b>s</b> to the end of
  * <b>conn</b>-\>outbuf.
@@ -484,107 +235,6 @@ connection_write_str_to_buf(const char *s, control_connection_t *conn)
   connection_buf_add(s, len, TO_CONN(conn));
-/** Given a <b>len</b>-character string in <b>data</b>, made of lines
- * terminated by CRLF, allocate a new string in *<b>out</b>, and copy the
- * contents of <b>data</b> into *<b>out</b>, adding a period before any period
- * that appears at the start of a line, and adding a period-CRLF line at
- * the end. Replace all LF characters sequences with CRLF.  Return the number
- * of bytes in *<b>out</b>.
- */
-STATIC size_t
-write_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out)
-  tor_assert(len < SIZE_MAX - 9);
-  size_t sz_out = len+8+1;
-  char *outp;
-  const char *start = data, *end;
-  size_t i;
-  int start_of_line;
-  for (i=0; i < len; ++i) {
-    if (data[i] == '\n') {
-      sz_out += 2; /* Maybe add a CR; maybe add a dot. */
-      if (sz_out >= SIZE_T_CEILING) {
-        log_warn(LD_BUG, "Input to write_escaped_data was too long");
-        *out = tor_strdup(".\r\n");
-        return 3;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  *out = outp = tor_malloc(sz_out);
-  end = data+len;
-  start_of_line = 1;
-  while (data < end) {
-    if (*data == '\n') {
-      if (data > start && data[-1] != '\r')
-        *outp++ = '\r';
-      start_of_line = 1;
-    } else if (*data == '.') {
-      if (start_of_line) {
-        start_of_line = 0;
-        *outp++ = '.';
-      }
-    } else {
-      start_of_line = 0;
-    }
-    *outp++ = *data++;
-  }
-  if (outp < *out+2 || fast_memcmp(outp-2, "\r\n", 2)) {
-    *outp++ = '\r';
-    *outp++ = '\n';
-  }
-  *outp++ = '.';
-  *outp++ = '\r';
-  *outp++ = '\n';
-  *outp = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate just in case. */
-  tor_assert(outp >= *out);
-  tor_assert((size_t)(outp - *out) <= sz_out);
-  return outp - *out;
-/** Given a <b>len</b>-character string in <b>data</b>, made of lines
- * terminated by CRLF, allocate a new string in *<b>out</b>, and copy
- * the contents of <b>data</b> into *<b>out</b>, removing any period
- * that appears at the start of a line, and replacing all CRLF sequences
- * with LF.   Return the number of
- * bytes in *<b>out</b>. */
-STATIC size_t
-read_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out)
-  char *outp;
-  const char *next;
-  const char *end;
-  *out = outp = tor_malloc(len+1);
-  end = data+len;
-  while (data < end) {
-    /* we're at the start of a line. */
-    if (*data == '.')
-      ++data;
-    next = memchr(data, '\n', end-data);
-    if (next) {
-      size_t n_to_copy = next-data;
-      /* Don't copy a CR that precedes this LF. */
-      if (n_to_copy && *(next-1) == '\r')
-        --n_to_copy;
-      memcpy(outp, data, n_to_copy);
-      outp += n_to_copy;
-      data = next+1; /* This will point at the start of the next line,
-                      * or the end of the string, or a period. */
-    } else {
-      memcpy(outp, data, end-data);
-      outp += (end-data);
-      *outp = '\0';
-      return outp - *out;
-    }
-    *outp++ = '\n';
-  }
-  *outp = '\0';
-  return outp - *out;
 /** If the first <b>in_len_max</b> characters in <b>start</b> contain a
  * double-quoted string with escaped characters, return the length of that
  * string (as encoded, including quotes).  Otherwise return -1. */
@@ -716,29 +366,6 @@ control_connection_add_local_fd(tor_socket_t sock, unsigned flags)
   return 0;
-/** Acts like sprintf, but writes its formatted string to the end of
- * <b>conn</b>-\>outbuf. */
-static void
-connection_printf_to_buf(control_connection_t *conn, const char *format, ...)
-  va_list ap;
-  char *buf = NULL;
-  int len;
-  va_start(ap,format);
-  len = tor_vasprintf(&buf, format, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  if (len < 0) {
-    log_err(LD_BUG, "Unable to format string for controller.");
-    tor_assert(0);
-  }
-  connection_buf_add(buf, (size_t)len, TO_CONN(conn));
-  tor_free(buf);
 /** Write all of the open control ports to ControlPortWriteToFile */
@@ -790,256 +417,6 @@ send_control_done(control_connection_t *conn)
   connection_write_str_to_buf("250 OK\r\n", conn);
-/** Represents an event that's queued to be sent to one or more
- * controllers. */
-typedef struct queued_event_s {
-  uint16_t event;
-  char *msg;
-} queued_event_t;
-/** Pointer to int. If this is greater than 0, we don't allow new events to be
- * queued. */
-static tor_threadlocal_t block_event_queue_flag;
-/** Holds a smartlist of queued_event_t objects that may need to be sent
- * to one or more controllers */
-static smartlist_t *queued_control_events = NULL;
-/** True if the flush_queued_events_event is pending. */
-static int flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
-/** Lock to protect the above fields. */
-static tor_mutex_t *queued_control_events_lock = NULL;
-/** An event that should fire in order to flush the contents of
- * queued_control_events. */
-static mainloop_event_t *flush_queued_events_event = NULL;
-  if (queued_control_events == NULL) {
-    queued_control_events = smartlist_new();
-  }
-  if (flush_queued_events_event == NULL) {
-    struct event_base *b = tor_libevent_get_base();
-    if (b) {
-      flush_queued_events_event =
-        mainloop_event_new(flush_queued_events_cb, NULL);
-      tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
-    }
-  }
-  if (queued_control_events_lock == NULL) {
-    queued_control_events_lock = tor_mutex_new();
-    tor_threadlocal_init(&block_event_queue_flag);
-  }
-static int *
-  int *val = tor_threadlocal_get(&block_event_queue_flag);
-  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(val == NULL)) {
-    val = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int));
-    tor_threadlocal_set(&block_event_queue_flag, val);
-  }
-  return val;
-/** Helper: inserts an event on the list of events queued to be sent to
- * one or more controllers, and schedules the events to be flushed if needed.
- *
- * This function takes ownership of <b>msg</b>, and may free it.
- *
- * We queue these events rather than send them immediately in order to break
- * the dependency in our callgraph from code that generates events for the
- * controller, and the network layer at large.  Otherwise, nearly every
- * interesting part of Tor would potentially call every other interesting part
- * of Tor.
- */
-queue_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, char *msg))
-  /* This is redundant with checks done elsewhere, but it's a last-ditch
-   * attempt to avoid queueing something we shouldn't have to queue. */
-    tor_free(msg);
-    return;
-  }
-  int *block_event_queue = get_block_event_queue();
-  if (*block_event_queue) {
-    tor_free(msg);
-    return;
-  }
-  queued_event_t *ev = tor_malloc(sizeof(*ev));
-  ev->event = event;
-  ev->msg = msg;
-  /* No queueing an event while queueing an event */
-  ++*block_event_queue;
-  tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
-  tor_assert(queued_control_events);
-  smartlist_add(queued_control_events, ev);
-  int activate_event = 0;
-  if (! flush_queued_event_pending && in_main_thread()) {
-    activate_event = 1;
-    flush_queued_event_pending = 1;
-  }
-  tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
-  --*block_event_queue;
-  /* We just put an event on the queue; mark the queue to be
-   * flushed.  We only do this from the main thread for now; otherwise,
-   * we'd need to incur locking overhead in Libevent or use a socket.
-   */
-  if (activate_event) {
-    tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
-    mainloop_event_activate(flush_queued_events_event);
-  }
-#define queued_event_free(ev) \
-  FREE_AND_NULL(queued_event_t, queued_event_free_, (ev))
-/** Release all storage held by <b>ev</b>. */
-static void
-queued_event_free_(queued_event_t *ev)
-  if (ev == NULL)
-    return;
-  tor_free(ev->msg);
-  tor_free(ev);
-/** Send every queued event to every controller that's interested in it,
- * and remove the events from the queue.  If <b>force</b> is true,
- * then make all controllers send their data out immediately, since we
- * may be about to shut down. */
-static void
-queued_events_flush_all(int force)
-  /* Make sure that we get all the pending log events, if there are any. */
-  flush_pending_log_callbacks();
-  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(queued_control_events == NULL)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  smartlist_t *all_conns = get_connection_array();
-  smartlist_t *controllers = smartlist_new();
-  smartlist_t *queued_events;
-  int *block_event_queue = get_block_event_queue();
-  ++*block_event_queue;
-  tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
-  /* No queueing an event while flushing events. */
-  flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
-  queued_events = queued_control_events;
-  queued_control_events = smartlist_new();
-  tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
-  /* Gather all the controllers that will care... */
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(all_conns, connection_t *, conn) {
-    if (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL &&
-        !conn->marked_for_close &&
-        conn->state == CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN) {
-      control_connection_t *control_conn = TO_CONTROL_CONN(conn);
-      smartlist_add(controllers, control_conn);
-    }
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(queued_events, queued_event_t *, ev) {
-    const event_mask_t bit = ((event_mask_t)1) << ev->event;
-    const size_t msg_len = strlen(ev->msg);
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(controllers, control_connection_t *,
-                            control_conn) {
-      if (control_conn->event_mask & bit) {
-        connection_buf_add(ev->msg, msg_len, TO_CONN(control_conn));
-      }
-    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(control_conn);
-    queued_event_free(ev);
-  if (force) {
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(controllers, control_connection_t *,
-                            control_conn) {
-      connection_flush(TO_CONN(control_conn));
-    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(control_conn);
-  }
-  smartlist_free(queued_events);
-  smartlist_free(controllers);
-  --*block_event_queue;
-/** Libevent callback: Flushes pending events to controllers that are
- * interested in them. */
-static void
-flush_queued_events_cb(mainloop_event_t *event, void *arg)
-  (void) event;
-  (void) arg;
-  queued_events_flush_all(0);
-/** Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
- * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is given by <b>msg</b>.
- *
- * The EXTENDED_FORMAT and NONEXTENDED_FORMAT flags behave similarly with
- * respect to the EXTENDED_EVENTS feature. */
-send_control_event_string,(uint16_t event,
-                           const char *msg))
-  tor_assert(event >= EVENT_MIN_ && event <= EVENT_MAX_);
-  queue_control_event_string(event, tor_strdup(msg));
-/** Helper for send_control_event and control_event_status:
- * Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
- * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is created by the printf-style format in
- * <b>format</b>, and other arguments as provided. */
-static void
-send_control_event_impl(uint16_t event,
-                        const char *format, va_list ap)
-  char *buf = NULL;
-  int len;
-  len = tor_vasprintf(&buf, format, ap);
-  if (len < 0) {
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unable to format event for controller.");
-    return;
-  }
-  queue_control_event_string(event, buf);
-/** Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
- * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is created by the printf-style format in
- * <b>format</b>, and other arguments as provided. */
-static void
-send_control_event(uint16_t event,
-                   const char *format, ...)
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, format);
-  send_control_event_impl(event, format, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
 /** Given a text circuit <b>id</b>, return the corresponding circuit. */
 static origin_circuit_t *
 get_circ(const char *id)
@@ -2805,104 +2182,6 @@ getinfo_helper_downloads(control_connection_t *control_conn,
-/** Allocate and return a description of <b>circ</b>'s current status,
- * including its path (if any). */
-static char *
-circuit_describe_status_for_controller(origin_circuit_t *circ)
-  char *rv;
-  smartlist_t *descparts = smartlist_new();
-  {
-    char *vpath = circuit_list_path_for_controller(circ);
-    if (*vpath) {
-      smartlist_add(descparts, vpath);
-    } else {
-      tor_free(vpath); /* empty path; don't put an extra space in the result */
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    cpath_build_state_t *build_state = circ->build_state;
-    smartlist_t *flaglist = smartlist_new();
-    char *flaglist_joined;
-    if (build_state->onehop_tunnel)
-      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"ONEHOP_TUNNEL");
-    if (build_state->is_internal)
-      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"IS_INTERNAL");
-    if (build_state->need_capacity)
-      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"NEED_CAPACITY");
-    if (build_state->need_uptime)
-      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"NEED_UPTIME");
-    /* Only emit a BUILD_FLAGS argument if it will have a non-empty value. */
-    if (smartlist_len(flaglist)) {
-      flaglist_joined = smartlist_join_strings(flaglist, ",", 0, NULL);
-      smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "BUILD_FLAGS=%s", flaglist_joined);
-      tor_free(flaglist_joined);
-    }
-    smartlist_free(flaglist);
-  }
-  smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "PURPOSE=%s",
-                    circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(circ->base_.purpose));
-  {
-    const char *hs_state =
-      circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(circ->base_.purpose);
-    if (hs_state != NULL) {
-      smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "HS_STATE=%s", hs_state);
-    }
-  }
-  if (circ->rend_data != NULL || circ->hs_ident != NULL) {
-    char addr[HS_SERVICE_ADDR_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
-    const char *onion_address;
-    if (circ->rend_data) {
-      onion_address = rend_data_get_address(circ->rend_data);
-    } else {
-      hs_build_address(&circ->hs_ident->identity_pk, HS_VERSION_THREE, addr);
-      onion_address = addr;
-    }
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "REND_QUERY=%s", onion_address);
-  }
-  {
-    char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
-    format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &circ->base_.timestamp_created);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "TIME_CREATED=%s", tbuf);
-  }
-  // Show username and/or password if available.
-  if (circ->socks_username_len > 0) {
-    char* socks_username_escaped = esc_for_log_len(circ->socks_username,
-                                     (size_t) circ->socks_username_len);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "SOCKS_USERNAME=%s",
-                           socks_username_escaped);
-    tor_free(socks_username_escaped);
-  }
-  if (circ->socks_password_len > 0) {
-    char* socks_password_escaped = esc_for_log_len(circ->socks_password,
-                                     (size_t) circ->socks_password_len);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "SOCKS_PASSWORD=%s",
-                           socks_password_escaped);
-    tor_free(socks_password_escaped);
-  }
-  rv = smartlist_join_strings(descparts, " ", 0, NULL);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(descparts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(descparts);
-  return rv;
 /** Implementation helper for GETINFO: knows how to generate summaries of the
  * current states of things we send events about. */
 static int
@@ -5647,1293 +4926,22 @@ connection_control_process_inbuf(control_connection_t *conn)
   conn->incoming_cmd_cur_len = 0;
   goto again;
+/** Cached liveness for network liveness events and GETINFO
+ */
+static int network_is_live = 0;
-/** Something major has happened to circuit <b>circ</b>: tell any
- * interested control connections. */
-control_event_circuit_status(origin_circuit_t *circ, circuit_status_event_t tp,
-                             int reason_code)
-  const char *status;
-  char reasons[64] = "";
+  return network_is_live;
-    return 0;
-  tor_assert(circ);
-  switch (tp)
-    {
-    case CIRC_EVENT_LAUNCHED: status = "LAUNCHED"; break;
-    case CIRC_EVENT_BUILT: status = "BUILT"; break;
-    case CIRC_EVENT_EXTENDED: status = "EXTENDED"; break;
-    case CIRC_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
-    case CIRC_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
-      tor_fragile_assert();
-      return 0;
-    }
-  if (tp == CIRC_EVENT_FAILED || tp == CIRC_EVENT_CLOSED) {
-    const char *reason_str = circuit_end_reason_to_control_string(reason_code);
-    char unk_reason_buf[16];
-    if (!reason_str) {
-      tor_snprintf(unk_reason_buf, 16, "UNKNOWN_%d", reason_code);
-      reason_str = unk_reason_buf;
-    }
-    if (reason_code > 0 && reason_code & END_CIRC_REASON_FLAG_REMOTE) {
-      tor_snprintf(reasons, sizeof(reasons),
-                   " REASON=DESTROYED REMOTE_REASON=%s", reason_str);
-    } else {
-      tor_snprintf(reasons, sizeof(reasons),
-                   " REASON=%s", reason_str);
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    char *circdesc = circuit_describe_status_for_controller(circ);
-    const char *sp = strlen(circdesc) ? " " : "";
-    send_control_event(EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS,
-                                "650 CIRC %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
-                                (unsigned long)circ->global_identifier,
-                                status, sp,
-                                circdesc,
-                                reasons);
-    tor_free(circdesc);
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Something minor has happened to circuit <b>circ</b>: tell any
- * interested control connections. */
-static int
-control_event_circuit_status_minor(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                   circuit_status_minor_event_t e,
-                                   int purpose, const struct timeval *tv)
-  const char *event_desc;
-  char event_tail[160] = "";
-    return 0;
-  tor_assert(circ);
-  switch (e)
-    {
-      event_desc = "PURPOSE_CHANGED";
-      {
-        /* event_tail can currently be up to 68 chars long */
-        const char *hs_state_str =
-          circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(purpose);
-        tor_snprintf(event_tail, sizeof(event_tail),
-                     " OLD_PURPOSE=%s%s%s",
-                     circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(purpose),
-                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? " OLD_HS_STATE=" : "",
-                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? hs_state_str : "");
-      }
-      break;
-      event_desc = "CANNIBALIZED";
-      {
-        /* event_tail can currently be up to 130 chars long */
-        const char *hs_state_str =
-          circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(purpose);
-        const struct timeval *old_timestamp_began = tv;
-        char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
-        format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, old_timestamp_began);
-        tor_snprintf(event_tail, sizeof(event_tail),
-                     " OLD_PURPOSE=%s%s%s OLD_TIME_CREATED=%s",
-                     circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(purpose),
-                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? " OLD_HS_STATE=" : "",
-                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? hs_state_str : "",
-                     tbuf);
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)e);
-      tor_fragile_assert();
-      return 0;
-    }
-  {
-    char *circdesc = circuit_describe_status_for_controller(circ);
-    const char *sp = strlen(circdesc) ? " " : "";
-    send_control_event(EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS_MINOR,
-                       "650 CIRC_MINOR %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
-                       (unsigned long)circ->global_identifier,
-                       event_desc, sp,
-                       circdesc,
-                       event_tail);
-    tor_free(circdesc);
-  }
-  return 0;
- * <b>circ</b> has changed its purpose from <b>old_purpose</b>: tell any
- * interested controllers.
- */
-control_event_circuit_purpose_changed(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                      int old_purpose)
-  return control_event_circuit_status_minor(circ,
-                                            CIRC_MINOR_EVENT_PURPOSE_CHANGED,
-                                            old_purpose,
-                                            NULL);
- * <b>circ</b> has changed its purpose from <b>old_purpose</b>, and its
- * created-time from <b>old_tv_created</b>: tell any interested controllers.
- */
-control_event_circuit_cannibalized(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                   int old_purpose,
-                                   const struct timeval *old_tv_created)
-  return control_event_circuit_status_minor(circ,
-                                            CIRC_MINOR_EVENT_CANNIBALIZED,
-                                            old_purpose,
-                                            old_tv_created);
-/** Given an AP connection <b>conn</b> and a <b>len</b>-character buffer
- * <b>buf</b>, determine the address:port combination requested on
- * <b>conn</b>, and write it to <b>buf</b>.  Return 0 on success, -1 on
- * failure. */
-static int
-write_stream_target_to_buf(entry_connection_t *conn, char *buf, size_t len)
-  char buf2[256];
-  if (conn->chosen_exit_name)
-    if (tor_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), ".%s.exit", conn->chosen_exit_name)<0)
-      return -1;
-  if (!conn->socks_request)
-    return -1;
-  if (tor_snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s:%d",
-               conn->socks_request->address,
-               conn->chosen_exit_name ? buf2 : "",
-               !conn->chosen_exit_name && connection_edge_is_rendezvous_stream(
-                                     ENTRY_TO_EDGE_CONN(conn)) ? ".onion" : "",
-               conn->socks_request->port)<0)
-    return -1;
-  return 0;
-/** Something has happened to the stream associated with AP connection
- * <b>conn</b>: tell any interested control connections. */
-control_event_stream_status(entry_connection_t *conn, stream_status_event_t tp,
-                            int reason_code)
-  char reason_buf[64];
-  char addrport_buf[64];
-  const char *status;
-  circuit_t *circ;
-  origin_circuit_t *origin_circ = NULL;
-  char buf[256];
-  const char *purpose = "";
-  tor_assert(conn->socks_request);
-    return 0;
-  if (tp == STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED &&
-    return 0;
-  write_stream_target_to_buf(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));
-  reason_buf[0] = '\0';
-  switch (tp)
-    {
-    case STREAM_EVENT_SENT_CONNECT: status = "SENTCONNECT"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_SENT_RESOLVE: status = "SENTRESOLVE"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_SUCCEEDED: status = "SUCCEEDED"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_NEW: status = "NEW"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_NEW_RESOLVE: status = "NEWRESOLVE"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_FAILED_RETRIABLE: status = "DETACHED"; break;
-    case STREAM_EVENT_REMAP: status = "REMAP"; break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  if (reason_code && (tp == STREAM_EVENT_FAILED ||
-                      tp == STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED ||
-                      tp == STREAM_EVENT_FAILED_RETRIABLE)) {
-    const char *reason_str = stream_end_reason_to_control_string(reason_code);
-    char *r = NULL;
-    if (!reason_str) {
-      tor_asprintf(&r, " UNKNOWN_%d", reason_code);
-      reason_str = r;
-    }
-    if (reason_code & END_STREAM_REASON_FLAG_REMOTE)
-      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf),
-                   " REASON=END REMOTE_REASON=%s", reason_str);
-    else
-      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf),
-                   " REASON=%s", reason_str);
-    tor_free(r);
-  } else if (reason_code && tp == STREAM_EVENT_REMAP) {
-    switch (reason_code) {
-      strlcpy(reason_buf, " SOURCE=CACHE", sizeof(reason_buf));
-      break;
-      strlcpy(reason_buf, " SOURCE=EXIT", sizeof(reason_buf));
-      break;
-    default:
-      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf), " REASON=UNKNOWN_%d",
-                   reason_code);
-      /* XXX do we want SOURCE=UNKNOWN_%d above instead? -RD */
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-    /*
-     * When the control conn is an AF_UNIX socket and we have no address,
-     * it gets set to "(Tor_internal)"; see dnsserv_launch_request() in
-     * dnsserv.c.
-     */
-    if (strcmp(ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->address, "(Tor_internal)") != 0) {
-      tor_snprintf(addrport_buf,sizeof(addrport_buf), " SOURCE_ADDR=%s:%d",
-                   ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->address, ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->port);
-    } else {
-      /*
-       * else leave it blank so control on AF_UNIX doesn't need to make
-       * something up.
-       */
-      addrport_buf[0] = '\0';
-    }
-  } else {
-    addrport_buf[0] = '\0';
-  }
-    purpose = " PURPOSE=DNS_REQUEST";
-  } else if (tp == STREAM_EVENT_NEW) {
-    if (conn->use_begindir) {
-      connection_t *linked = ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->linked_conn;
-      int linked_dir_purpose = -1;
-      if (linked && linked->type == CONN_TYPE_DIR)
-        linked_dir_purpose = linked->purpose;
-      if (DIR_PURPOSE_IS_UPLOAD(linked_dir_purpose))
-        purpose = " PURPOSE=DIR_UPLOAD";
-      else
-        purpose = " PURPOSE=DIR_FETCH";
-    } else
-      purpose = " PURPOSE=USER";
-  }
-  circ = circuit_get_by_edge_conn(ENTRY_TO_EDGE_CONN(conn));
-  if (circ && CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
-    origin_circ = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
-  send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_STATUS,
-                        "650 STREAM %"PRIu64" %s %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
-                     (ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->global_identifier),
-                     status,
-                        origin_circ?
-                           (unsigned long)origin_circ->global_identifier : 0ul,
-                        buf, reason_buf, addrport_buf, purpose);
-  /* XXX need to specify its intended exit, etc? */
-  return 0;
-/** Figure out the best name for the target router of an OR connection
- * <b>conn</b>, and write it into the <b>len</b>-character buffer
- * <b>name</b>. */
-static void
-orconn_target_get_name(char *name, size_t len, or_connection_t *conn)
-  const node_t *node = node_get_by_id(conn->identity_digest);
-  if (node) {
-    tor_assert(len > MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN);
-    node_get_verbose_nickname(node, name);
-  } else if (! tor_digest_is_zero(conn->identity_digest)) {
-    name[0] = '$';
-    base16_encode(name+1, len-1, conn->identity_digest,
-                  DIGEST_LEN);
-  } else {
-    tor_snprintf(name, len, "%s:%d",
-                 conn->base_.address, conn->base_.port);
-  }
-/** Called when the status of an OR connection <b>conn</b> changes: tell any
- * interested control connections. <b>tp</b> is the new status for the
- * connection.  If <b>conn</b> has just closed or failed, then <b>reason</b>
- * may be the reason why.
- */
-control_event_or_conn_status(or_connection_t *conn, or_conn_status_event_t tp,
-                             int reason)
-  int ncircs = 0;
-  const char *status;
-  char name[128];
-  char ncircs_buf[32] = {0}; /* > 8 + log10(2^32)=10 + 2 */
-    return 0;
-  switch (tp)
-    {
-    case OR_CONN_EVENT_LAUNCHED: status = "LAUNCHED"; break;
-    case OR_CONN_EVENT_CONNECTED: status = "CONNECTED"; break;
-    case OR_CONN_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
-    case OR_CONN_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
-    case OR_CONN_EVENT_NEW: status = "NEW"; break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  if (conn->chan) {
-    ncircs = circuit_count_pending_on_channel(TLS_CHAN_TO_BASE(conn->chan));
-  } else {
-    ncircs = 0;
-  }
-  ncircs += connection_or_get_num_circuits(conn);
-  if (ncircs && (tp == OR_CONN_EVENT_FAILED || tp == OR_CONN_EVENT_CLOSED)) {
-    tor_snprintf(ncircs_buf, sizeof(ncircs_buf), " NCIRCS=%d", ncircs);
-  }
-  orconn_target_get_name(name, sizeof(name), conn);
-  send_control_event(EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS,
-                              "650 ORCONN %s %s%s%s%s ID=%"PRIu64"\r\n",
-                              name, status,
-                              reason ? " REASON=" : "",
-                              orconn_end_reason_to_control_string(reason),
-                              ncircs_buf,
-                              (conn->base_.global_identifier));
-  return 0;
- * Print out STREAM_BW event for a single conn
- */
-control_event_stream_bandwidth(edge_connection_t *edge_conn)
-  struct timeval now;
-  char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
-    if (!edge_conn->n_read && !edge_conn->n_written)
-      return 0;
-    tor_gettimeofday(&now);
-    format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
-    send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_BANDWIDTH_USED,
-                       "650 STREAM_BW %"PRIu64" %lu %lu %s\r\n",
-                       (edge_conn->base_.global_identifier),
-                       (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_read,
-                       (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_written,
-                       tbuf);
-    edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
- * connections how much bandwidth streams have used. */
-    smartlist_t *conns = get_connection_array();
-    edge_connection_t *edge_conn;
-    struct timeval now;
-    char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(conns, connection_t *, conn)
-    {
-        if (conn->type != CONN_TYPE_AP)
-          continue;
-        edge_conn = TO_EDGE_CONN(conn);
-        if (!edge_conn->n_read && !edge_conn->n_written)
-          continue;
-        tor_gettimeofday(&now);
-        format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
-        send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_BANDWIDTH_USED,
-                           "650 STREAM_BW %"PRIu64" %lu %lu %s\r\n",
-                           (edge_conn->base_.global_identifier),
-                           (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_read,
-                           (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_written,
-                           tbuf);
-        edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control connections
- * how much bandwidth origin circuits have used. */
-    return 0;
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
-    if (!CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
-      continue;
-    control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ));
-  }
-  return 0;
- * Emit a CIRC_BW event line for a specific circuit.
- *
- * This function sets the values it emits to 0, and does not emit
- * an event if there is no new data to report since the last call.
- *
- * Therefore, it may be called at any frequency.
- */
-control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(origin_circuit_t *ocirc)
-  struct timeval now;
-  char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
-  tor_assert(ocirc);
-    return 0;
-  /* n_read_circ_bw and n_written_circ_bw are always updated
-   * when there is any new cell on a circuit, and set to 0 after
-   * the event, below.
-   *
-   * Therefore, checking them is sufficient to determine if there
-   * is new data to report. */
-  if (!ocirc->n_read_circ_bw && !ocirc->n_written_circ_bw)
-    return 0;
-  tor_gettimeofday(&now);
-  format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
-  send_control_event(EVENT_CIRC_BANDWIDTH_USED,
-                     "650 CIRC_BW ID=%d READ=%lu WRITTEN=%lu TIME=%s "
-                     "DELIVERED_READ=%lu OVERHEAD_READ=%lu "
-                     "DELIVERED_WRITTEN=%lu OVERHEAD_WRITTEN=%lu\r\n",
-                     ocirc->global_identifier,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_read_circ_bw,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_written_circ_bw,
-                     tbuf,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw,
-                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw);
-  ocirc->n_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_read_circ_bw = 0;
-  ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw = 0;
-  ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw = 0;
-  return 0;
-/** Print out CONN_BW event for a single OR/DIR/EXIT <b>conn</b> and reset
-  * bandwidth counters. */
-control_event_conn_bandwidth(connection_t *conn)
-  const char *conn_type_str;
-  if (!get_options()->TestingEnableConnBwEvent ||
-    return 0;
-  if (!conn->n_read_conn_bw && !conn->n_written_conn_bw)
-    return 0;
-  switch (conn->type) {
-    case CONN_TYPE_OR:
-      conn_type_str = "OR";
-      break;
-    case CONN_TYPE_DIR:
-      conn_type_str = "DIR";
-      break;
-    case CONN_TYPE_EXIT:
-      conn_type_str = "EXIT";
-      break;
-    default:
-      return 0;
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_CONN_BW,
-                     "650 CONN_BW ID=%"PRIu64" TYPE=%s "
-                     "READ=%lu WRITTEN=%lu\r\n",
-                     (conn->global_identifier),
-                     conn_type_str,
-                     (unsigned long)conn->n_read_conn_bw,
-                     (unsigned long)conn->n_written_conn_bw);
-  conn->n_written_conn_bw = conn->n_read_conn_bw = 0;
-  return 0;
-/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
- * connections how much bandwidth connections have used. */
-  if (get_options()->TestingEnableConnBwEvent &&
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(get_connection_array(), connection_t *, conn,
-                      control_event_conn_bandwidth(conn));
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Helper: iterate over cell statistics of <b>circ</b> and sum up added
- * cells, removed cells, and waiting times by cell command and direction.
- * Store results in <b>cell_stats</b>.  Free cell statistics of the
- * circuit afterwards. */
-sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circuit_t *circ, cell_stats_t *cell_stats)
-  memset(cell_stats, 0, sizeof(cell_stats_t));
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circ->testing_cell_stats,
-                          const testing_cell_stats_entry_t *, ent) {
-    tor_assert(ent->command <= CELL_COMMAND_MAX_);
-    if (!ent->removed && !ent->exitward) {
-      cell_stats->added_cells_appward[ent->command] += 1;
-    } else if (!ent->removed && ent->exitward) {
-      cell_stats->added_cells_exitward[ent->command] += 1;
-    } else if (!ent->exitward) {
-      cell_stats->removed_cells_appward[ent->command] += 1;
-      cell_stats->total_time_appward[ent->command] += ent->waiting_time * 10;
-    } else {
-      cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward[ent->command] += 1;
-      cell_stats->total_time_exitward[ent->command] += ent->waiting_time * 10;
-    }
-  circuit_clear_testing_cell_stats(circ);
-/** Helper: append a cell statistics string to <code>event_parts</code>,
- * prefixed with <code>key</code>=.  Statistics consist of comma-separated
- * key:value pairs with lower-case command strings as keys and cell
- * numbers or total waiting times as values.  A key:value pair is included
- * if the entry in <code>include_if_non_zero</code> is not zero, but with
- * the (possibly zero) entry from <code>number_to_include</code>.  Both
- * arrays are expected to have a length of CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1.  If no
- * entry in <code>include_if_non_zero</code> is positive, no string will
- * be added to <code>event_parts</code>. */
-append_cell_stats_by_command(smartlist_t *event_parts, const char *key,
-                             const uint64_t *include_if_non_zero,
-                             const uint64_t *number_to_include)
-  smartlist_t *key_value_strings = smartlist_new();
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i <= CELL_COMMAND_MAX_; i++) {
-    if (include_if_non_zero[i] > 0) {
-      smartlist_add_asprintf(key_value_strings, "%s:%"PRIu64,
-                             cell_command_to_string(i),
-                             (number_to_include[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  if (smartlist_len(key_value_strings) > 0) {
-    char *joined = smartlist_join_strings(key_value_strings, ",", 0, NULL);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "%s=%s", key, joined);
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(key_value_strings, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-    tor_free(joined);
-  }
-  smartlist_free(key_value_strings);
-/** Helper: format <b>cell_stats</b> for <b>circ</b> for inclusion in a
- * CELL_STATS event and write result string to <b>event_string</b>. */
-format_cell_stats(char **event_string, circuit_t *circ,
-                  cell_stats_t *cell_stats)
-  smartlist_t *event_parts = smartlist_new();
-  if (CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)) {
-    origin_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "ID=%lu",
-                 (unsigned long)ocirc->global_identifier);
-  } else if (TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ)->p_chan) {
-    or_circuit_t *or_circ = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "InboundQueue=%lu",
-                 (unsigned long)or_circ->p_circ_id);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "InboundConn=%"PRIu64,
-                 (or_circ->p_chan->global_identifier));
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundAdded",
-                                 cell_stats->added_cells_appward,
-                                 cell_stats->added_cells_appward);
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundRemoved",
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward,
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward);
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundTime",
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward,
-                                 cell_stats->total_time_appward);
-  }
-  if (circ->n_chan) {
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "OutboundQueue=%lu",
-                     (unsigned long)circ->n_circ_id);
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "OutboundConn=%"PRIu64,
-                 (circ->n_chan->global_identifier));
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundAdded",
-                                 cell_stats->added_cells_exitward,
-                                 cell_stats->added_cells_exitward);
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundRemoved",
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward,
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward);
-    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundTime",
-                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward,
-                                 cell_stats->total_time_exitward);
-  }
-  *event_string = smartlist_join_strings(event_parts, " ", 0, NULL);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(event_parts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(event_parts);
-/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control connection
- * how many cells have been processed for a given circuit. */
-  cell_stats_t *cell_stats;
-  char *event_string;
-  if (!get_options()->TestingEnableCellStatsEvent ||
-    return 0;
-  cell_stats = tor_malloc(sizeof(cell_stats_t));
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
-    if (!circ->testing_cell_stats)
-      continue;
-    sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circ, cell_stats);
-    format_cell_stats(&event_string, circ, cell_stats);
-    send_control_event(EVENT_CELL_STATS,
-                       "650 CELL_STATS %s\r\n", event_string);
-    tor_free(event_string);
-  }
-  tor_free(cell_stats);
-  return 0;
-/* about 5 minutes worth. */
-#define N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE 300
-/* Index into cached_bw_events to next write. */
-static int next_measurement_idx = 0;
-/* number of entries set in n_measurements */
-static int n_measurements = 0;
-static struct cached_bw_event_s {
-  uint32_t n_read;
-  uint32_t n_written;
-} cached_bw_events[N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE];
-/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
- * connections how much bandwidth we used. */
-control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written)
-  cached_bw_events[next_measurement_idx].n_read = n_read;
-  cached_bw_events[next_measurement_idx].n_written = n_written;
-  if (++next_measurement_idx == N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE)
-    next_measurement_idx = 0;
-  if (n_measurements < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE)
-    ++n_measurements;
-    send_control_event(EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED,
-                       "650 BW %lu %lu\r\n",
-                       (unsigned long)n_read,
-                       (unsigned long)n_written);
-  }
-  return 0;
-STATIC char *
-  int i;
-  int idx = (next_measurement_idx + N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE - n_measurements)
-  tor_assert(0 <= idx && idx < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE);
-  smartlist_t *elements = smartlist_new();
-  for (i = 0; i < n_measurements; ++i) {
-    tor_assert(0 <= idx && idx < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE);
-    const struct cached_bw_event_s *bwe = &cached_bw_events[idx];
-    smartlist_add_asprintf(elements, "%u,%u",
-                           (unsigned)bwe->n_read,
-                           (unsigned)bwe->n_written);
-    idx = (idx + 1) % N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE;
-  }
-  char *result = smartlist_join_strings(elements, " ", 0, NULL);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(elements, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(elements);
-  return result;
-/** Called when we are sending a log message to the controllers: suspend
- * sending further log messages to the controllers until we're done.  Used by
-  ++disable_log_messages;
-/** We're done sending a log message to the controllers: re-enable controller
- * logging.  Used by CONN_LOG_PROTECT. */
-  if (--disable_log_messages < 0)
-    tor_assert(0);
-/** We got a log message: tell any interested control connections. */
-control_event_logmsg(int severity, uint32_t domain, const char *msg)
-  int event;
-  /* Don't even think of trying to add stuff to a buffer from a cpuworker
-   * thread. (See #25987 for plan to fix.) */
-  if (! in_main_thread())
-    return;
-  if (disable_log_messages)
-    return;
-      severity <= LOG_NOTICE) {
-    char *esc = esc_for_log(msg);
-    ++disable_log_messages;
-    control_event_general_status(severity, "BUG REASON=%s", esc);
-    --disable_log_messages;
-    tor_free(esc);
-  }
-  event = log_severity_to_event(severity);
-  if (event >= 0 && EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event)) {
-    char *b = NULL;
-    const char *s;
-    if (strchr(msg, '\n')) {
-      char *cp;
-      b = tor_strdup(msg);
-      for (cp = b; *cp; ++cp)
-        if (*cp == '\r' || *cp == '\n')
-          *cp = ' ';
-    }
-    switch (severity) {
-      case LOG_DEBUG: s = "DEBUG"; break;
-      case LOG_INFO: s = "INFO"; break;
-      case LOG_NOTICE: s = "NOTICE"; break;
-      case LOG_WARN: s = "WARN"; break;
-      case LOG_ERR: s = "ERR"; break;
-      default: s = "UnknownLogSeverity"; break;
-    }
-    ++disable_log_messages;
-    send_control_event(event,  "650 %s %s\r\n", s, b?b:msg);
-    if (severity == LOG_ERR) {
-      /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
-      queued_events_flush_all(1);
-    }
-    --disable_log_messages;
-    tor_free(b);
-  }
- * Logging callback: called when there is a queued pending log callback.
- */
-  if (! in_main_thread()) {
-    /* We can't handle this case yet, since we're using a
-     * mainloop_event_t to invoke queued_events_flush_all.  We ought to
-     * use a different mechanism instead: see #25987.
-     **/
-    return;
-  }
-  tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
-  mainloop_event_activate(flush_queued_events_event);
-/** Called whenever we receive new router descriptors: tell any
- * interested control connections.  <b>routers</b> is a list of
- * routerinfo_t's.
- */
-control_event_descriptors_changed(smartlist_t *routers)
-  char *msg;
-    return 0;
-  {
-    smartlist_t *names = smartlist_new();
-    char *ids;
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(routers, routerinfo_t *, ri, {
-        char *b = tor_malloc(MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN+1);
-        router_get_verbose_nickname(b, ri);
-        smartlist_add(names, b);
-      });
-    ids = smartlist_join_strings(names, " ", 0, NULL);
-    tor_asprintf(&msg, "650 NEWDESC %s\r\n", ids);
-    send_control_event_string(EVENT_NEW_DESC,  msg);
-    tor_free(ids);
-    tor_free(msg);
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(names, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-    smartlist_free(names);
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Called when an address mapping on <b>from</b> from changes to <b>to</b>.
- * <b>expires</b> values less than 3 are special; see connection_edge.c.  If
- * <b>error</b> is non-NULL, it is an error code describing the failure
- * mode of the mapping.
- */
-control_event_address_mapped(const char *from, const char *to, time_t expires,
-                             const char *error, const int cached)
-    return 0;
-  if (expires < 3 || expires == TIME_MAX)
-    send_control_event(EVENT_ADDRMAP,
-                                "650 ADDRMAP %s %s NEVER %s%s"
-                                "CACHED=\"%s\"\r\n",
-                                  from, to, error?error:"", error?" ":"",
-                                cached?"YES":"NO");
-  else {
-    char buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
-    char buf2[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
-    format_local_iso_time(buf,expires);
-    format_iso_time(buf2,expires);
-    send_control_event(EVENT_ADDRMAP,
-                                "650 ADDRMAP %s %s \"%s\""
-                                " %s%sEXPIRES=\"%s\" CACHED=\"%s\"\r\n",
-                                from, to, buf,
-                                error?error:"", error?" ":"",
-                                buf2, cached?"YES":"NO");
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Cached liveness for network liveness events and GETINFO
- */
-static int network_is_live = 0;
-static int
-  return network_is_live;
-static void
-set_cached_network_liveness(int liveness)
-  network_is_live = liveness;
-/** The network liveness has changed; this is called from circuitstats.c
- * whenever we receive a cell, or when timeout expires and we assume the
- * network is down. */
-control_event_network_liveness_update(int liveness)
-  if (liveness > 0) {
-    if (get_cached_network_liveness() <= 0) {
-      /* Update cached liveness */
-      set_cached_network_liveness(1);
-      log_debug(LD_CONTROL, "Sending NETWORK_LIVENESS UP");
-      send_control_event_string(EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS,
-                                "650 NETWORK_LIVENESS UP\r\n");
-    }
-    /* else was already live, no-op */
-  } else {
-    if (get_cached_network_liveness() > 0) {
-      /* Update cached liveness */
-      set_cached_network_liveness(0);
-      log_debug(LD_CONTROL, "Sending NETWORK_LIVENESS DOWN");
-      send_control_event_string(EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS,
-                                "650 NETWORK_LIVENESS DOWN\r\n");
-    }
-    /* else was already dead, no-op */
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Helper function for NS-style events. Constructs and sends an event
- * of type <b>event</b> with string <b>event_string</b> out of the set of
- * networkstatuses <b>statuses</b>. Currently it is used for NS events
- * and NEWCONSENSUS events. */
-static int
-control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(smartlist_t *statuses,
-                                           uint16_t event,
-                                           const char *event_string)
-  smartlist_t *strs;
-  char *s, *esc = NULL;
-  if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event) || !smartlist_len(statuses))
-    return 0;
-  strs = smartlist_new();
-  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, "650+");
-  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, event_string);
-  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, "\r\n");
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(statuses, const routerstatus_t *, rs,
-    {
-      s = networkstatus_getinfo_helper_single(rs);
-      if (!s) continue;
-      smartlist_add(strs, s);
-    });
-  s = smartlist_join_strings(strs, "", 0, NULL);
-  write_escaped_data(s, strlen(s), &esc);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(strs, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(strs);
-  tor_free(s);
-  send_control_event_string(event,  esc);
-  send_control_event_string(event,
-                            "650 OK\r\n");
-  tor_free(esc);
-  return 0;
-/** Called when the routerstatus_ts <b>statuses</b> have changed: sends
- * an NS event to any controller that cares. */
-control_event_networkstatus_changed(smartlist_t *statuses)
-  return control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(statuses, EVENT_NS, "NS");
-/** Called when we get a new consensus networkstatus. Sends a NEWCONSENSUS
- * event consisting of an NS-style line for each relay in the consensus. */
-control_event_newconsensus(const networkstatus_t *consensus)
-  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS))
-    return 0;
-  return control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(
-           consensus->routerstatus_list, EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS, "NEWCONSENSUS");
-/** Called when we compute a new circuitbuildtimeout */
-control_event_buildtimeout_set(buildtimeout_set_event_t type,
-                               const char *args)
-  const char *type_string = NULL;
-  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET))
-    return 0;
-  switch (type) {
-      type_string = "COMPUTED";
-      break;
-      type_string = "RESET";
-      break;
-      type_string = "SUSPENDED";
-      break;
-      type_string = "DISCARD";
-      break;
-      type_string = "RESUME";
-      break;
-    default:
-      type_string = "UNKNOWN";
-      break;
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET,
-                     "650 BUILDTIMEOUT_SET %s %s\r\n",
-                     type_string, args);
-  return 0;
-/** Called when a signal has been processed from signal_callback */
-control_event_signal(uintptr_t signal_num)
-  const char *signal_string = NULL;
-  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL))
-    return 0;
-  switch (signal_num) {
-    case SIGHUP:
-      signal_string = "RELOAD";
-      break;
-    case SIGUSR1:
-      signal_string = "DUMP";
-      break;
-    case SIGUSR2:
-      signal_string = "DEBUG";
-      break;
-    case SIGNEWNYM:
-      signal_string = "NEWNYM";
-      break;
-      signal_string = "CLEARDNSCACHE";
-      break;
-      signal_string = "HEARTBEAT";
-      break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized signal %lu in control_event_signal",
-               (unsigned long)signal_num);
-      return -1;
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL,  "650 SIGNAL %s\r\n",
-                     signal_string);
-  return 0;
-/** Called when a single local_routerstatus_t has changed: Sends an NS event
- * to any controller that cares. */
-control_event_networkstatus_changed_single(const routerstatus_t *rs)
-  smartlist_t *statuses;
-  int r;
-    return 0;
-  statuses = smartlist_new();
-  smartlist_add(statuses, (void*)rs);
-  r = control_event_networkstatus_changed(statuses);
-  smartlist_free(statuses);
-  return r;
-/** Our own router descriptor has changed; tell any controllers that care.
- */
-  send_control_event(EVENT_DESCCHANGED,  "650 DESCCHANGED\r\n");
-  return 0;
-/** Helper: sends a status event where <b>type</b> is one of
- * EVENT_STATUS_{GENERAL,CLIENT,SERVER}, where <b>severity</b> is one of
- * LOG_{NOTICE,WARN,ERR}, and where <b>format</b> is a printf-style format
- * string corresponding to <b>args</b>. */
-static int
-control_event_status(int type, int severity, const char *format, va_list args)
-  char *user_buf = NULL;
-  char format_buf[160];
-  const char *status, *sev;
-  switch (type) {
-      status = "STATUS_GENERAL";
-      break;
-      status = "STATUS_CLIENT";
-      break;
-      status = "STATUS_SERVER";
-      break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status type %d", type);
-      return -1;
-  }
-  switch (severity) {
-    case LOG_NOTICE:
-      sev = "NOTICE";
-      break;
-    case LOG_WARN:
-      sev = "WARN";
-      break;
-    case LOG_ERR:
-      sev = "ERR";
-      break;
-    default:
-      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status severity %d", severity);
-      return -1;
-  }
-  if (tor_snprintf(format_buf, sizeof(format_buf), "650 %s %s",
-                   status, sev)<0) {
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Format string too long.");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  tor_vasprintf(&user_buf, format, args);
-  send_control_event(type,  "%s %s\r\n", format_buf, user_buf);
-  tor_free(user_buf);
-  return 0;
-#define CONTROL_EVENT_STATUS_BODY(event, sev)                   \
-  int r;                                                        \
-  do {                                                          \
-    va_list ap;                                                 \
-    if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event))                           \
-      return 0;                                                 \
-                                                                \
-    va_start(ap, format);                                       \
-    r = control_event_status((event), (sev), format, ap);       \
-    va_end(ap);                                                 \
-  } while (0)
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL event whose main text is obtained
- * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
-control_event_general_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-  return r;
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
- * controller(s) immediately. */
-control_event_general_error(const char *format, ...)
-  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
-  queued_events_flush_all(1);
-  return r;
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT event whose main text is obtained
- * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
-control_event_client_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-  return r;
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
- * controller(s) immediately. */
-control_event_client_error(const char *format, ...)
-  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
-  queued_events_flush_all(1);
-  return r;
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_SERVER event whose main text is obtained
- * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
-control_event_server_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-  return r;
-/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_SERVER LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
- * controller(s) immediately. */
-control_event_server_error(const char *format, ...)
-  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
-  queued_events_flush_all(1);
-  return r;
-/** Called when the status of an entry guard with the given <b>nickname</b>
- * and identity <b>digest</b> has changed to <b>status</b>: tells any
- * controllers that care. */
-control_event_guard(const char *nickname, const char *digest,
-                    const char *status)
-  char hbuf[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
-  base16_encode(hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), digest, DIGEST_LEN);
-    return 0;
-  {
-    char buf[MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN+1];
-    const node_t *node = node_get_by_id(digest);
-    if (node) {
-      node_get_verbose_nickname(node, buf);
-    } else {
-      tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$%s~%s", hbuf, nickname);
-    }
-    send_control_event(EVENT_GUARD,
-                       "650 GUARD ENTRY %s %s\r\n", buf, status);
-  }
-  return 0;
-/** Called when a configuration option changes. This is generally triggered
- * by SETCONF requests and RELOAD/SIGHUP signals. The <b>elements</b> is
- * a smartlist_t containing (key, value, ...) pairs in sequence.
- * <b>value</b> can be NULL. */
-control_event_conf_changed(const smartlist_t *elements)
-  int i;
-  char *result;
-  smartlist_t *lines;
-      smartlist_len(elements) == 0) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  lines = smartlist_new();
-  for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(elements); i += 2) {
-    char *k = smartlist_get(elements, i);
-    char *v = smartlist_get(elements, i+1);
-    if (v == NULL) {
-      smartlist_add_asprintf(lines, "650-%s", k);
-    } else {
-      smartlist_add_asprintf(lines, "650-%s=%s", k, v);
-    }
-  }
-  result = smartlist_join_strings(lines, "\r\n", 0, NULL);
-  send_control_event(EVENT_CONF_CHANGED,
-    "650-CONF_CHANGED\r\n%s\r\n650 OK\r\n", result);
-  tor_free(result);
-  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lines, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  smartlist_free(lines);
-  return 0;
+set_cached_network_liveness(int liveness)
+  network_is_live = liveness;
 /** Helper: Return a newly allocated string containing a path to the
  * file where we store our authentication cookie. */
@@ -7040,75 +5048,6 @@ monitor_owning_controller_process(const char *process_spec)
-/** We just generated a new summary of which countries we've seen clients
- * from recently. Send a copy to the controller in case it wants to
- * display it for the user. */
-control_event_clients_seen(const char *controller_str)
-  send_control_event(EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN,
-    "650 CLIENTS_SEEN %s\r\n", controller_str);
-/** A new pluggable transport called <b>transport_name</b> was
- *  launched on <b>addr</b>:<b>port</b>. <b>mode</b> is either
- *  "server" or "client" depending on the mode of the pluggable
- *  transport.
- *  "650" SP "TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED" SP Mode SP Name SP Address SP Port
- */
-control_event_transport_launched(const char *mode, const char *transport_name,
-                                 tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
-  send_control_event(EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED,
-                     "650 TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED %s %s %s %u\r\n",
-                     mode, transport_name, fmt_addr(addr), port);
-/** A pluggable transport called <b>pt_name</b> has emitted a log message
- * found in <b>message</b> at <b>severity</b> log level. */
-control_event_pt_log(const char *log)
-  send_control_event(EVENT_PT_LOG,
-                     "650 PT_LOG %s\r\n",
-                     log);
-/** A pluggable transport has emitted a STATUS message found in
- * <b>status</b>. */
-control_event_pt_status(const char *status)
-  send_control_event(EVENT_PT_STATUS,
-                     "650 PT_STATUS %s\r\n",
-                     status);
-/** Convert rendezvous auth type to string for HS_DESC control events
- */
-const char *
-rend_auth_type_to_string(rend_auth_type_t auth_type)
-  const char *str;
-  switch (auth_type) {
-    case REND_NO_AUTH:
-      str = "NO_AUTH";
-      break;
-    case REND_BASIC_AUTH:
-      str = "BASIC_AUTH";
-      break;
-      str = "STEALTH_AUTH";
-      break;
-    default:
-      str = "UNKNOWN";
-  }
-  return str;
 /** Return a longname the node whose identity is <b>id_digest</b>. If
  * node_get_by_id() returns NULL, base 16 encoding of <b>id_digest</b> is
  * returned instead.
@@ -7124,434 +5063,11 @@ node_describe_longname_by_id,(const char *id_digest))
   return longname;
-/** Return either the onion address if the given pointer is a non empty
- * string else the unknown string. */
-static const char *
-rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(const char *onion_address)
-  static const char *str_unknown = "UNKNOWN";
-  const char *str_ret = str_unknown;
-  /* No valid pointer, unknown it is. */
-  if (!onion_address) {
-    goto end;
-  }
-  /* Empty onion address thus we don't know, unknown it is. */
-  if (onion_address[0] == '\0') {
-    goto end;
-  }
-  /* All checks are good so return the given onion address. */
-  str_ret = onion_address;
- end:
-  return str_ret;
-/** send HS_DESC requested event.
- *
- * <b>rend_query</b> is used to fetch requested onion address and auth type.
- * <b>hs_dir</b> is the description of contacting hs directory.
- * <b>desc_id_base32</b> is the ID of requested hs descriptor.
- * <b>hsdir_index</b> is the HSDir fetch index value for v3, an hex string.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(const char *onion_address,
-                                      rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
-                                      const char *id_digest,
-                                      const char *desc_id,
-                                      const char *hsdir_index)
-  char *hsdir_index_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!id_digest || !desc_id)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (hsdir_index) {
-    tor_asprintf(&hsdir_index_field, " HSDIR_INDEX=%s", hsdir_index);
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
-                     "650 HS_DESC REQUESTED %s %s %s %s%s\r\n",
-                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
-                     rend_auth_type_to_string(auth_type),
-                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
-                     desc_id,
-                     hsdir_index_field ? hsdir_index_field : "");
-  tor_free(hsdir_index_field);
-/** For an HS descriptor query <b>rend_data</b>, using the
- * <b>onion_address</b> and HSDir fingerprint <b>hsdir_fp</b>, find out
- * which descriptor ID in the query is the right one.
- *
- * Return a pointer of the binary descriptor ID found in the query's object
- * or NULL if not found. */
-static const char *
-get_desc_id_from_query(const rend_data_t *rend_data, const char *hsdir_fp)
-  int replica;
-  const char *desc_id = NULL;
-  const rend_data_v2_t *rend_data_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data);
-  /* Possible if the fetch was done using a descriptor ID. This means that
-   * the HSFETCH command was used. */
-  if (!tor_digest_is_zero(rend_data_v2->desc_id_fetch)) {
-    desc_id = rend_data_v2->desc_id_fetch;
-    goto end;
-  }
-  /* Without a directory fingerprint at this stage, we can't do much. */
-  if (hsdir_fp == NULL) {
-     goto end;
-  }
-  /* OK, we have an onion address so now let's find which descriptor ID
-   * is the one associated with the HSDir fingerprint. */
-  for (replica = 0; replica < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS;
-       replica++) {
-    const char *digest = rend_data_get_desc_id(rend_data, replica, NULL);
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(rend_data->hsdirs_fp, char *, fingerprint) {
-      if (tor_memcmp(fingerprint, hsdir_fp, DIGEST_LEN) == 0) {
-        /* Found it! This descriptor ID is the right one. */
-        desc_id = digest;
-        goto end;
-      }
-    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(fingerprint);
-  }
- end:
-  return desc_id;
-/** send HS_DESC CREATED event when a local service generates a descriptor.
- *
- * <b>onion_address</b> is service address.
- * <b>desc_id</b> is the descriptor ID.
- * <b>replica</b> is the the descriptor replica number. If it is negative, it
- * is ignored.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_created(const char *onion_address,
-                                    const char *desc_id,
-                                    int replica)
-  char *replica_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (replica >= 0) {
-    tor_asprintf(&replica_field, " REPLICA=%d", replica);
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
-                     "650 HS_DESC CREATED %s UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %s%s\r\n",
-                     onion_address, desc_id,
-                     replica_field ? replica_field : "");
-  tor_free(replica_field);
-/** send HS_DESC upload event.
- *
- * <b>onion_address</b> is service address.
- * <b>hs_dir</b> is the description of contacting hs directory.
- * <b>desc_id</b> is the ID of requested hs descriptor.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_upload(const char *onion_address,
-                                   const char *id_digest,
-                                   const char *desc_id,
-                                   const char *hsdir_index)
-  char *hsdir_index_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!onion_address || !id_digest || !desc_id)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (hsdir_index) {
-    tor_asprintf(&hsdir_index_field, " HSDIR_INDEX=%s", hsdir_index);
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
-                     "650 HS_DESC UPLOAD %s UNKNOWN %s %s%s\r\n",
-                     onion_address,
-                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
-                     desc_id,
-                     hsdir_index_field ? hsdir_index_field : "");
-  tor_free(hsdir_index_field);
-/** send HS_DESC event after got response from hs directory.
- *
- * NOTE: this is an internal function used by following functions:
- * control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received
- * control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed
- * control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed
- *
- * So do not call this function directly.
- */
-static void
-event_hs_descriptor_receive_end(const char *action,
-                                const char *onion_address,
-                                const char *desc_id,
-                                rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
-                                const char *hsdir_id_digest,
-                                const char *reason)
-  char *reason_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!action || !onion_address)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (reason) {
-    tor_asprintf(&reason_field, " REASON=%s", reason);
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
-                     "650 HS_DESC %s %s %s %s%s%s\r\n",
-                     action,
-                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
-                     rend_auth_type_to_string(auth_type),
-                     hsdir_id_digest ?
-                        node_describe_longname_by_id(hsdir_id_digest) :
-                        "UNKNOWN",
-                     desc_id ? desc_id : "",
-                     reason_field ? reason_field : "");
-  tor_free(reason_field);
-/** send HS_DESC event after got response from hs directory.
- *
- * NOTE: this is an internal function used by following functions:
- * control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded
- * control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed
- *
- * So do not call this function directly.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end(const char *action,
-                                       const char *onion_address,
-                                       const char *id_digest,
-                                       const char *reason)
-  char *reason_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!action || !id_digest)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (reason) {
-    tor_asprintf(&reason_field, " REASON=%s", reason);
-  }
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
-                     "650 HS_DESC %s %s UNKNOWN %s%s\r\n",
-                     action,
-                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
-                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
-                     reason_field ? reason_field : "");
-  tor_free(reason_field);
-/** send HS_DESC RECEIVED event
- *
- * called when we successfully received a hidden service descriptor.
- */
-control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
-                                       const rend_data_t *rend_data,
-                                       const char *hsdir_id_digest)
-  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
-  const char *desc_id;
-  if (BUG(!rend_data || !hsdir_id_digest || !onion_address)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  desc_id = get_desc_id_from_query(rend_data, hsdir_id_digest);
-  if (desc_id != NULL) {
-    char desc_id_base32[REND_DESC_ID_V2_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
-    /* Set the descriptor ID digest to base32 so we can send it. */
-    base32_encode(desc_id_base32, sizeof(desc_id_base32), desc_id,
-                  DIGEST_LEN);
-    /* Extra whitespace is needed before the value. */
-    tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id_base32);
-  }
-  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("RECEIVED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
-                                  TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data)->auth_type,
-                                  hsdir_id_digest, NULL);
-  tor_free(desc_id_field);
-/* Send HS_DESC RECEIVED event
- *
- * Called when we successfully received a hidden service descriptor. */
-control_event_hsv3_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
-                                       const char *desc_id,
-                                       const char *hsdir_id_digest)
-  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id || !hsdir_id_digest)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Because DescriptorID is an optional positional value, we need to add a
-   * whitespace before in order to not be next to the HsDir value. */
-  tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id);
-  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("RECEIVED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
-                                  REND_NO_AUTH, hsdir_id_digest, NULL);
-  tor_free(desc_id_field);
-/** send HS_DESC UPLOADED event
- *
- * called when we successfully uploaded a hidden service descriptor.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded(const char *id_digest,
-                                     const char *onion_address)
-  if (BUG(!id_digest)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end("UPLOADED", onion_address,
-                                         id_digest, NULL);
-/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller that query <b>rend_data</b>
- * failed to retrieve hidden service descriptor from directory identified by
- * <b>id_digest</b>. If NULL, "UNKNOWN" is used. If <b>reason</b> is not NULL,
- * add it to REASON= field.
- */
-control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed(const rend_data_t *rend_data,
-                                     const char *hsdir_id_digest,
-                                     const char *reason)
-  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
-  const char *desc_id;
-  if (BUG(!rend_data)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  desc_id = get_desc_id_from_query(rend_data, hsdir_id_digest);
-  if (desc_id != NULL) {
-    char desc_id_base32[REND_DESC_ID_V2_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
-    /* Set the descriptor ID digest to base32 so we can send it. */
-    base32_encode(desc_id_base32, sizeof(desc_id_base32), desc_id,
-                  DIGEST_LEN);
-    /* Extra whitespace is needed before the value. */
-    tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id_base32);
-  }
-  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("FAILED", rend_data_get_address(rend_data),
-                                  desc_id_field,
-                                  TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data)->auth_type,
-                                  hsdir_id_digest, reason);
-  tor_free(desc_id_field);
-/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller that the query to
- * <b>onion_address</b> failed to retrieve hidden service descriptor
- * <b>desc_id</b> from directory identified by <b>hsdir_id_digest</b>. If
- * NULL, "UNKNOWN" is used.  If <b>reason</b> is not NULL, add it to REASON=
- * field. */
-control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed(const char *onion_address,
-                                     const char *desc_id,
-                                     const char *hsdir_id_digest,
-                                     const char *reason)
-  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
-  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id || !reason)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Because DescriptorID is an optional positional value, we need to add a
-   * whitespace before in order to not be next to the HsDir value. */
-  tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id);
-  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("FAILED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
-                                  REND_NO_AUTH, hsdir_id_digest, reason);
-  tor_free(desc_id_field);
-/** Send HS_DESC_CONTENT event after completion of a successful fetch
- * from hs directory. If <b>hsdir_id_digest</b> is NULL, it is replaced
- * by "UNKNOWN". If <b>content</b> is NULL, it is replaced by an empty
- * string. The  <b>onion_address</b> or <b>desc_id</b> set to NULL will
- * not trigger the control event. */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_content(const char *onion_address,
-                                    const char *desc_id,
-                                    const char *hsdir_id_digest,
-                                    const char *content)
-  static const char *event_name = "HS_DESC_CONTENT";
-  char *esc_content = NULL;
-  if (!onion_address || !desc_id) {
-    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Called with onion_address==%p, desc_id==%p, ",
-             onion_address, desc_id);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (content == NULL) {
-    /* Point it to empty content so it can still be escaped. */
-    content = "";
-  }
-  write_escaped_data(content, strlen(content), &esc_content);
-  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT,
-                     "650+%s %s %s %s\r\n%s650 OK\r\n",
-                     event_name,
-                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
-                     desc_id,
-                     hsdir_id_digest ?
-                        node_describe_longname_by_id(hsdir_id_digest) :
-                        "UNKNOWN",
-                     esc_content);
-  tor_free(esc_content);
-/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller upload of hidden service
- * descriptor identified by <b>id_digest</b> failed. If <b>reason</b>
- * is not NULL, add it to REASON= field.
- */
-control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed(const char *id_digest,
-                                          const char *onion_address,
-                                          const char *reason)
-  if (BUG(!id_digest)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end("FAILED", onion_address,
-                                         id_digest, reason);
 /** Free any leftover allocated memory of the control.c subsystem. */
-  smartlist_t *queued_events = NULL;
-  stats_prev_n_read = stats_prev_n_written = 0;
+  control_events_free_all();
   if (authentication_cookie) /* Free the auth cookie */
@@ -7559,34 +5075,6 @@ control_free_all(void)
     SMARTLIST_FOREACH(detached_onion_services, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
-  if (queued_control_events_lock) {
-    tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
-    flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
-    queued_events = queued_control_events;
-    queued_control_events = NULL;
-    tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
-  }
-  if (queued_events) {
-    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(queued_events, queued_event_t *, ev,
-                      queued_event_free(ev));
-    smartlist_free(queued_events);
-  }
-  if (flush_queued_events_event) {
-    mainloop_event_free(flush_queued_events_event);
-    flush_queued_events_event = NULL;
-  }
   authentication_cookie_is_set = 0;
-  global_event_mask = 0;
-  disable_log_messages = 0;
-/* For testing: change the value of global_event_mask */
-control_testing_set_global_event_mask(uint64_t mask)
-  global_event_mask = mask;
-#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control.h b/src/feature/control/control.h
index b2ab4c199..f9742d555 100644
--- a/src/feature/control/control.h
+++ b/src/feature/control/control.h
@@ -12,84 +12,6 @@
 #ifndef TOR_CONTROL_H
 #define TOR_CONTROL_H
-#include "core/or/ocirc_event.h"
-/** Used to indicate the type of a CIRC_MINOR event passed to the controller.
- * The various types are defined in control-spec.txt . */
-typedef enum circuit_status_minor_event_t {
-} circuit_status_minor_event_t;
-#include "core/or/orconn_event.h"
-/** Used to indicate the type of a stream event passed to the controller.
- * The various types are defined in control-spec.txt */
-typedef enum stream_status_event_t {
-  STREAM_EVENT_NEW          = 5,
-  STREAM_EVENT_REMAP        = 8
-} stream_status_event_t;
-/** Used to indicate the type of a buildtime event */
-typedef enum buildtimeout_set_event_t {
-} buildtimeout_set_event_t;
-/** Enum describing various stages of bootstrapping, for use with controller
- * bootstrap status events. The values range from 0 to 100. */
-typedef enum {
-  /* Initial connection to any relay */
-  /* Loading directory info */
-  /* Connecting to a relay for AP circuits */
-  /* Creating AP circuits */
-} bootstrap_status_t;
 control_connection_t *TO_CONTROL_CONN(connection_t *);
@@ -100,18 +22,6 @@ control_connection_t *TO_CONTROL_CONN(connection_t *);
-/** Reason for remapping an AP connection's address: we have a cached
- * answer. */
-/** Reason for remapping an AP connection's address: the exit node told us an
- * answer. */
-void control_initialize_event_queue(void);
-void control_update_global_event_mask(void);
-void control_adjust_event_log_severity(void);
 void control_ports_write_to_file(void);
 /** Log information about the connection <b>conn</b>, protecting it as with
@@ -132,65 +42,6 @@ void connection_control_closed(control_connection_t *conn);
 int connection_control_process_inbuf(control_connection_t *conn);
-#define EVENT_NS 0x000F
-int control_event_is_interesting(int event);
-void control_per_second_events(void);
-int control_any_per_second_event_enabled(void);
-int control_event_circuit_status(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                 circuit_status_event_t e, int reason);
-int control_event_circuit_purpose_changed(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                          int old_purpose);
-int control_event_circuit_cannibalized(origin_circuit_t *circ,
-                                       int old_purpose,
-                                       const struct timeval *old_tv_created);
-int control_event_stream_status(entry_connection_t *conn,
-                                stream_status_event_t e,
-                                int reason);
-int control_event_or_conn_status(or_connection_t *conn,
-                                 or_conn_status_event_t e, int reason);
-int control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written);
-int control_event_stream_bandwidth(edge_connection_t *edge_conn);
-int control_event_stream_bandwidth_used(void);
-int control_event_circ_bandwidth_used(void);
-int control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(origin_circuit_t *ocirc);
-int control_event_conn_bandwidth(connection_t *conn);
-int control_event_conn_bandwidth_used(void);
-int control_event_circuit_cell_stats(void);
-void control_event_logmsg(int severity, uint32_t domain, const char *msg);
-void control_event_logmsg_pending(void);
-int control_event_descriptors_changed(smartlist_t *routers);
-int control_event_address_mapped(const char *from, const char *to,
-                                 time_t expires, const char *error,
-                                 const int cached);
-int control_event_my_descriptor_changed(void);
-int control_event_network_liveness_update(int liveness);
-int control_event_networkstatus_changed(smartlist_t *statuses);
-int control_event_newconsensus(const networkstatus_t *consensus);
-int control_event_networkstatus_changed_single(const routerstatus_t *rs);
-int control_event_general_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_client_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_server_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_general_error(const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_client_error(const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_server_error(const char *format, ...)
-int control_event_guard(const char *nickname, const char *digest,
-                        const char *status);
-int control_event_conf_changed(const smartlist_t *elements);
-int control_event_buildtimeout_set(buildtimeout_set_event_t type,
-                                   const char *args);
-int control_event_signal(uintptr_t signal);
 int init_control_cookie_authentication(int enabled);
 char *get_controller_cookie_file_name(void);
 struct config_line_t;
@@ -200,176 +51,13 @@ void enable_control_logging(void);
 void monitor_owning_controller_process(const char *process_spec);
-void control_event_bootstrap(bootstrap_status_t status, int progress);
-MOCK_DECL(void, control_event_bootstrap_prob_or,(const char *warn,
-                                                 int reason,
-                                                 or_connection_t *or_conn));
-void control_event_boot_dir(bootstrap_status_t status, int progress);
-void control_event_boot_first_orconn(void);
-void control_event_bootstrap_problem(const char *warn, const char *reason,
-                                     const connection_t *conn, int dowarn);
-char *control_event_boot_last_msg(void);
-void control_event_bootstrap_reset(void);
-void control_event_clients_seen(const char *controller_str);
-void control_event_transport_launched(const char *mode,
-                                      const char *transport_name,
-                                      tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port);
-void control_event_pt_log(const char *log);
-void control_event_pt_status(const char *status);
 const char *rend_auth_type_to_string(rend_auth_type_t auth_type);
 MOCK_DECL(const char *, node_describe_longname_by_id,(const char *id_digest));
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(const char *onion_address,
-                                           rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
-                                           const char *id_digest,
-                                           const char *desc_id,
-                                           const char *hsdir_index);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_created(const char *onion_address,
-                                         const char *desc_id,
-                                         int replica);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload(const char *onion_address,
-                                        const char *desc_id,
-                                        const char *hs_dir,
-                                        const char *hsdir_index);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end(const char *action,
-                                            const char *onion_address,
-                                            const char *hs_dir,
-                                            const char *reason);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded(const char *hs_dir,
-                                          const char *onion_address);
-/* Hidden service v2 HS_DESC specific. */
-void control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed(const rend_data_t *rend_data,
-                                          const char *id_digest,
-                                          const char *reason);
-void control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
-                                            const rend_data_t *rend_data,
-                                            const char *id_digest);
-/* Hidden service v3 HS_DESC specific. */
-void control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed(const char *onion_address,
-                                          const char *desc_id,
-                                          const char *hsdir_id_digest,
-                                          const char *reason);
-void control_event_hsv3_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
-                                            const char *desc_id,
-                                            const char *hsdir_id_digest);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed(const char *hs_dir,
-                                               const char *onion_address,
-                                               const char *reason);
-void control_event_hs_descriptor_content(const char *onion_address,
-                                         const char *desc_id,
-                                         const char *hsdir_fp,
-                                         const char *content);
 void control_free_all(void);
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_ed25519.h"
-/* Recognized asynchronous event types.  It's okay to expand this list
- * because it is used both as a list of v0 event types, and as indices
- * into the bitfield to determine which controllers want which events.
- */
-/* This bitfield has no event zero    0x0000 */
-#define EVENT_MIN_                    0x0001
-#define EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS          0x0001
-#define EVENT_STREAM_STATUS           0x0002
-#define EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS          0x0003
-#define EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED          0x0004
-#define EVENT_NEW_DESC                0x0006
-#define EVENT_DEBUG_MSG               0x0007
-#define EVENT_INFO_MSG                0x0008
-#define EVENT_NOTICE_MSG              0x0009
-#define EVENT_WARN_MSG                0x000A
-#define EVENT_ERR_MSG                 0x000B
-#define EVENT_ADDRMAP                 0x000C
-/* There was an AUTHDIR_NEWDESCS event, but it no longer exists.  We
-   can reclaim 0x000D. */
-#define EVENT_DESCCHANGED             0x000E
-/* Exposed above */
-// #define EVENT_NS                   0x000F
-#define EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT           0x0010
-#define EVENT_STATUS_SERVER           0x0011
-#define EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL          0x0012
-#define EVENT_GUARD                   0x0013
-#define EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN            0x0015
-#define EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS            0x0016
-#define EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET        0x0017
-#define EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL              0x0018
-#define EVENT_CONF_CHANGED            0x0019
-#define EVENT_CONN_BW                 0x001A
-#define EVENT_CELL_STATS              0x001B
-/* UNUSED :                           0x001C */
-#define EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED      0x0020
-#define EVENT_HS_DESC                 0x0021
-#define EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT         0x0022
-#define EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS        0x0023
-#define EVENT_PT_LOG                  0x0024
-#define EVENT_PT_STATUS               0x0025
-#define EVENT_MAX_                    0x0025
-/* sizeof(control_connection_t.event_mask) in bits, currently a uint64_t */
-#define EVENT_CAPACITY_               0x0040
-/* If EVENT_MAX_ ever hits 0x0040, we need to make the mask into a
- * different structure, as it can only handle a maximum left shift of 1<<63. */
-#error control_connection_t.event_mask has an event greater than its capacity
-#define EVENT_MASK_(e)               (((uint64_t)1)<<(e))
-#define EVENT_MASK_NONE_             ((uint64_t)0x0)
-#define EVENT_MASK_ABOVE_MIN_        ((~((uint64_t)0x0)) << EVENT_MIN_)
-#define EVENT_MASK_BELOW_MAX_        ((~((uint64_t)0x0)) \
-                                      >> (EVENT_CAPACITY_ - EVENT_MAX_ \
-                                          - EVENT_MIN_))
-#define EVENT_MASK_ALL_              (EVENT_MASK_ABOVE_MIN_ \
-                                      & EVENT_MASK_BELOW_MAX_)
-/* Used only by control.c and test.c */
-STATIC size_t write_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out);
-STATIC size_t read_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out);
-          send_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, const char *msg));
-          queue_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, char *msg));
-void control_testing_set_global_event_mask(uint64_t mask);
-#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */
-/** Helper structure: temporarily stores cell statistics for a circuit. */
-typedef struct cell_stats_t {
-  /** Number of cells added in app-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t added_cells_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-  /** Number of cells added in exit-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t added_cells_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-  /** Number of cells removed in app-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t removed_cells_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-  /** Number of cells removed in exit-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t removed_cells_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-  /** Total waiting time of cells in app-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t total_time_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-  /** Total waiting time of cells in exit-ward direction by command. */
-  uint64_t total_time_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
-} cell_stats_t;
-void sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circuit_t *circ,
-                                  cell_stats_t *cell_stats);
-void append_cell_stats_by_command(smartlist_t *event_parts,
-                                  const char *key,
-                                  const uint64_t *include_if_non_zero,
-                                  const uint64_t *number_to_include);
-void format_cell_stats(char **event_string, circuit_t *circ,
-                       cell_stats_t *cell_stats);
-STATIC char *get_bw_samples(void);
 /* ADD_ONION secret key to create an ephemeral service. The command supports
  * multiple versions so this union stores the key and passes it to the HS
  * subsystem depending on the requested version. */
@@ -428,4 +116,9 @@ STATIC int getinfo_helper_current_time(
 #endif /* defined(CONTROL_PRIVATE) */
+int get_cached_network_liveness(void);
+void set_cached_network_liveness(int liveness);
+#endif /* defined(CONTROL_MODULE_PRIVATE) */
 #endif /* !defined(TOR_CONTROL_H) */
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c b/src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c
index 8153d7595..098e24682 100644
--- a/src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c
+++ b/src/feature/control/control_bootstrap.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "core/or/connection_st.h"
 #include "core/or/or_connection_st.h"
 #include "core/or/reasons.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
 #include "lib/malloc/malloc.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control_events.c b/src/feature/control/control_events.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07e1a9d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/control/control_events.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2280 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file control_events.c
+ * \brief Implement the event-reporting part of the controller API.
+ **/
+#include "core/or/or.h"
+#include "app/config/config.h"
+#include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
+#include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
+#include "core/or/channeltls.h"
+#include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
+#include "core/or/command.h"
+#include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
+#include "core/or/connection_or.h"
+#include "core/or/reasons.h"
+#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_fmt.h"
+#include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/routerinfo.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_connection_st.h"
+#include "core/or/entry_connection_st.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/networkstatus_st.h"
+#include "core/or/or_connection_st.h"
+#include "core/or/or_circuit_st.h"
+#include "core/or/origin_circuit_st.h"
+#include "lib/evloop/compat_libevent.h"
+static void flush_queued_events_cb(mainloop_event_t *event, void *arg);
+static void control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(uint64_t *r, uint64_t *w);
+/** Yield true iff <b>s</b> is the state of a control_connection_t that has
+ * finished authentication and is accepting commands. */
+/** An event mask of all the events that any controller is interested in
+ * receiving. */
+static event_mask_t global_event_mask = 0;
+/** True iff we have disabled log messages from being sent to the controller */
+static int disable_log_messages = 0;
+/** Macro: true if any control connection is interested in events of type
+ * <b>e</b>. */
+  (!! (global_event_mask & EVENT_MASK_(e)))
+/** Macro: true if any event from the bitfield 'e' is interesting. */
+  (!! (global_event_mask & (e)))
+static void send_control_event_impl(uint16_t event,
+                                    const char *format, va_list ap)
+static int control_event_status(int type, int severity, const char *format,
+                                va_list args)
+static void send_control_event(uint16_t event,
+                               const char *format, ...)
+/** Given a log severity, return the corresponding control event code. */
+static inline int
+log_severity_to_event(int severity)
+  switch (severity) {
+    case LOG_DEBUG: return EVENT_DEBUG_MSG;
+    case LOG_INFO: return EVENT_INFO_MSG;
+    case LOG_NOTICE: return EVENT_NOTICE_MSG;
+    case LOG_WARN: return EVENT_WARN_MSG;
+    case LOG_ERR: return EVENT_ERR_MSG;
+    default: return -1;
+  }
+/** Helper: clear bandwidth counters of all origin circuits. */
+static void
+  origin_circuit_t *ocirc;
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
+    if (!CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
+      continue;
+    ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
+    ocirc->n_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_read_circ_bw = 0;
+    ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw = 0;
+    ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw = 0;
+  }
+/** Set <b>global_event_mask*</b> to the bitwise OR of each live control
+ * connection's event_mask field. */
+  smartlist_t *conns = get_connection_array();
+  event_mask_t old_mask, new_mask;
+  old_mask = global_event_mask;
+  int any_old_per_sec_events = control_any_per_second_event_enabled();
+  global_event_mask = 0;
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(conns, connection_t *, _conn,
+  {
+    if (_conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL &&
+        STATE_IS_OPEN(_conn->state)) {
+      control_connection_t *conn = TO_CONTROL_CONN(_conn);
+      global_event_mask |= conn->event_mask;
+    }
+  });
+  new_mask = global_event_mask;
+  /* Handle the aftermath.  Set up the log callback to tell us only what
+   * we want to hear...*/
+  control_adjust_event_log_severity();
+  /* Macro: true if ev was false before and is true now. */
+#define NEWLY_ENABLED(ev) \
+  (! (old_mask & (ev)) && (new_mask & (ev)))
+  /* ...then, if we've started logging stream or circ bw, clear the
+   * appropriate fields. */
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(conns, connection_t *, conn,
+    {
+      if (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP) {
+        edge_connection_t *edge_conn = TO_EDGE_CONN(conn);
+        edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
+      }
+    });
+  }
+    clear_circ_bw_fields();
+  }
+    uint64_t r, w;
+    control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(&r, &w);
+  }
+  if (any_old_per_sec_events != control_any_per_second_event_enabled()) {
+    rescan_periodic_events(get_options());
+  }
+/** Given a control event code for a message event, return the corresponding
+ * log severity. */
+static inline int
+event_to_log_severity(int event)
+  switch (event) {
+    case EVENT_DEBUG_MSG: return LOG_DEBUG;
+    case EVENT_INFO_MSG: return LOG_INFO;
+    case EVENT_NOTICE_MSG: return LOG_NOTICE;
+    case EVENT_WARN_MSG: return LOG_WARN;
+    case EVENT_ERR_MSG: return LOG_ERR;
+    default: return -1;
+  }
+/** Adjust the log severities that result in control_event_logmsg being called
+ * to match the severity of log messages that any controllers are interested
+ * in. */
+  int i;
+  int min_log_event=EVENT_ERR_MSG, max_log_event=EVENT_DEBUG_MSG;
+  for (i = EVENT_DEBUG_MSG; i <= EVENT_ERR_MSG; ++i) {
+      min_log_event = i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = EVENT_ERR_MSG; i >= EVENT_DEBUG_MSG; --i) {
+      max_log_event = i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+    if (min_log_event > EVENT_NOTICE_MSG)
+      min_log_event = EVENT_NOTICE_MSG;
+    if (max_log_event < EVENT_ERR_MSG)
+      max_log_event = EVENT_ERR_MSG;
+  }
+  if (min_log_event <= max_log_event)
+    change_callback_log_severity(event_to_log_severity(min_log_event),
+                                 event_to_log_severity(max_log_event),
+                                 control_event_logmsg);
+  else
+    change_callback_log_severity(LOG_ERR, LOG_ERR,
+                                 control_event_logmsg);
+/** Return true iff the event with code <b>c</b> is being sent to any current
+ * control connection.  This is useful if the amount of work needed to prepare
+ * to call the appropriate control_event_...() function is high.
+ */
+control_event_is_interesting(int event)
+  return EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event);
+/** Return true if any event that needs to fire once a second is enabled. */
+  );
+/* The value of 'get_bytes_read()' the previous time that
+ * control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec() as called. */
+static uint64_t stats_prev_n_read = 0;
+/* The value of 'get_bytes_written()' the previous time that
+ * control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec() as called. */
+static uint64_t stats_prev_n_written = 0;
+ * Set <b>n_read</b> and <b>n_written</b> to the total number of bytes read
+ * and written by Tor since the last call to this function.
+ *
+ * Call this only from the main thread.
+ */
+static void
+control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(uint64_t *n_read,
+                              uint64_t *n_written)
+  const uint64_t stats_n_bytes_read = get_bytes_read();
+  const uint64_t stats_n_bytes_written = get_bytes_written();
+  *n_read = stats_n_bytes_read - stats_prev_n_read;
+  *n_written = stats_n_bytes_written - stats_prev_n_written;
+  stats_prev_n_read = stats_n_bytes_read;
+  stats_prev_n_written = stats_n_bytes_written;
+ * Run all the controller events (if any) that are scheduled to trigger once
+ * per second.
+ */
+  if (!control_any_per_second_event_enabled())
+    return;
+  uint64_t bytes_read, bytes_written;
+  control_get_bytes_rw_last_sec(&bytes_read, &bytes_written);
+  control_event_bandwidth_used((uint32_t)bytes_read,(uint32_t)bytes_written);
+  control_event_stream_bandwidth_used();
+  control_event_conn_bandwidth_used();
+  control_event_circ_bandwidth_used();
+  control_event_circuit_cell_stats();
+/** Represents an event that's queued to be sent to one or more
+ * controllers. */
+typedef struct queued_event_s {
+  uint16_t event;
+  char *msg;
+} queued_event_t;
+/** Pointer to int. If this is greater than 0, we don't allow new events to be
+ * queued. */
+static tor_threadlocal_t block_event_queue_flag;
+/** Holds a smartlist of queued_event_t objects that may need to be sent
+ * to one or more controllers */
+static smartlist_t *queued_control_events = NULL;
+/** True if the flush_queued_events_event is pending. */
+static int flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
+/** Lock to protect the above fields. */
+static tor_mutex_t *queued_control_events_lock = NULL;
+/** An event that should fire in order to flush the contents of
+ * queued_control_events. */
+static mainloop_event_t *flush_queued_events_event = NULL;
+  if (queued_control_events == NULL) {
+    queued_control_events = smartlist_new();
+  }
+  if (flush_queued_events_event == NULL) {
+    struct event_base *b = tor_libevent_get_base();
+    if (b) {
+      flush_queued_events_event =
+        mainloop_event_new(flush_queued_events_cb, NULL);
+      tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
+    }
+  }
+  if (queued_control_events_lock == NULL) {
+    queued_control_events_lock = tor_mutex_new();
+    tor_threadlocal_init(&block_event_queue_flag);
+  }
+static int *
+  int *val = tor_threadlocal_get(&block_event_queue_flag);
+  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(val == NULL)) {
+    val = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(int));
+    tor_threadlocal_set(&block_event_queue_flag, val);
+  }
+  return val;
+/** Helper: inserts an event on the list of events queued to be sent to
+ * one or more controllers, and schedules the events to be flushed if needed.
+ *
+ * This function takes ownership of <b>msg</b>, and may free it.
+ *
+ * We queue these events rather than send them immediately in order to break
+ * the dependency in our callgraph from code that generates events for the
+ * controller, and the network layer at large.  Otherwise, nearly every
+ * interesting part of Tor would potentially call every other interesting part
+ * of Tor.
+ */
+queue_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, char *msg))
+  /* This is redundant with checks done elsewhere, but it's a last-ditch
+   * attempt to avoid queueing something we shouldn't have to queue. */
+    tor_free(msg);
+    return;
+  }
+  int *block_event_queue = get_block_event_queue();
+  if (*block_event_queue) {
+    tor_free(msg);
+    return;
+  }
+  queued_event_t *ev = tor_malloc(sizeof(*ev));
+  ev->event = event;
+  ev->msg = msg;
+  /* No queueing an event while queueing an event */
+  ++*block_event_queue;
+  tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
+  tor_assert(queued_control_events);
+  smartlist_add(queued_control_events, ev);
+  int activate_event = 0;
+  if (! flush_queued_event_pending && in_main_thread()) {
+    activate_event = 1;
+    flush_queued_event_pending = 1;
+  }
+  tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
+  --*block_event_queue;
+  /* We just put an event on the queue; mark the queue to be
+   * flushed.  We only do this from the main thread for now; otherwise,
+   * we'd need to incur locking overhead in Libevent or use a socket.
+   */
+  if (activate_event) {
+    tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
+    mainloop_event_activate(flush_queued_events_event);
+  }
+#define queued_event_free(ev) \
+  FREE_AND_NULL(queued_event_t, queued_event_free_, (ev))
+/** Release all storage held by <b>ev</b>. */
+static void
+queued_event_free_(queued_event_t *ev)
+  if (ev == NULL)
+    return;
+  tor_free(ev->msg);
+  tor_free(ev);
+/** Send every queued event to every controller that's interested in it,
+ * and remove the events from the queue.  If <b>force</b> is true,
+ * then make all controllers send their data out immediately, since we
+ * may be about to shut down. */
+static void
+queued_events_flush_all(int force)
+  /* Make sure that we get all the pending log events, if there are any. */
+  flush_pending_log_callbacks();
+  if (PREDICT_UNLIKELY(queued_control_events == NULL)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  smartlist_t *all_conns = get_connection_array();
+  smartlist_t *controllers = smartlist_new();
+  smartlist_t *queued_events;
+  int *block_event_queue = get_block_event_queue();
+  ++*block_event_queue;
+  tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
+  /* No queueing an event while flushing events. */
+  flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
+  queued_events = queued_control_events;
+  queued_control_events = smartlist_new();
+  tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
+  /* Gather all the controllers that will care... */
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(all_conns, connection_t *, conn) {
+    if (conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL &&
+        !conn->marked_for_close &&
+        conn->state == CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN) {
+      control_connection_t *control_conn = TO_CONTROL_CONN(conn);
+      smartlist_add(controllers, control_conn);
+    }
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(queued_events, queued_event_t *, ev) {
+    const event_mask_t bit = ((event_mask_t)1) << ev->event;
+    const size_t msg_len = strlen(ev->msg);
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(controllers, control_connection_t *,
+                            control_conn) {
+      if (control_conn->event_mask & bit) {
+        connection_buf_add(ev->msg, msg_len, TO_CONN(control_conn));
+      }
+    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(control_conn);
+    queued_event_free(ev);
+  if (force) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(controllers, control_connection_t *,
+                            control_conn) {
+      connection_flush(TO_CONN(control_conn));
+    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(control_conn);
+  }
+  smartlist_free(queued_events);
+  smartlist_free(controllers);
+  --*block_event_queue;
+/** Libevent callback: Flushes pending events to controllers that are
+ * interested in them. */
+static void
+flush_queued_events_cb(mainloop_event_t *event, void *arg)
+  (void) event;
+  (void) arg;
+  queued_events_flush_all(0);
+/** Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
+ * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is given by <b>msg</b>.
+ *
+ * The EXTENDED_FORMAT and NONEXTENDED_FORMAT flags behave similarly with
+ * respect to the EXTENDED_EVENTS feature. */
+send_control_event_string,(uint16_t event,
+                           const char *msg))
+  tor_assert(event >= EVENT_MIN_ && event <= EVENT_MAX_);
+  queue_control_event_string(event, tor_strdup(msg));
+/** Helper for send_control_event and control_event_status:
+ * Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
+ * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is created by the printf-style format in
+ * <b>format</b>, and other arguments as provided. */
+static void
+send_control_event_impl(uint16_t event,
+                        const char *format, va_list ap)
+  char *buf = NULL;
+  int len;
+  len = tor_vasprintf(&buf, format, ap);
+  if (len < 0) {
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unable to format event for controller.");
+    return;
+  }
+  queue_control_event_string(event, buf);
+/** Send an event to all v1 controllers that are listening for code
+ * <b>event</b>.  The event's body is created by the printf-style format in
+ * <b>format</b>, and other arguments as provided. */
+static void
+send_control_event(uint16_t event,
+                   const char *format, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, format);
+  send_control_event_impl(event, format, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+/** Something major has happened to circuit <b>circ</b>: tell any
+ * interested control connections. */
+control_event_circuit_status(origin_circuit_t *circ, circuit_status_event_t tp,
+                             int reason_code)
+  const char *status;
+  char reasons[64] = "";
+    return 0;
+  tor_assert(circ);
+  switch (tp)
+    {
+    case CIRC_EVENT_LAUNCHED: status = "LAUNCHED"; break;
+    case CIRC_EVENT_BUILT: status = "BUILT"; break;
+    case CIRC_EVENT_EXTENDED: status = "EXTENDED"; break;
+    case CIRC_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
+    case CIRC_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
+      tor_fragile_assert();
+      return 0;
+    }
+  if (tp == CIRC_EVENT_FAILED || tp == CIRC_EVENT_CLOSED) {
+    const char *reason_str = circuit_end_reason_to_control_string(reason_code);
+    char unk_reason_buf[16];
+    if (!reason_str) {
+      tor_snprintf(unk_reason_buf, 16, "UNKNOWN_%d", reason_code);
+      reason_str = unk_reason_buf;
+    }
+    if (reason_code > 0 && reason_code & END_CIRC_REASON_FLAG_REMOTE) {
+      tor_snprintf(reasons, sizeof(reasons),
+                   " REASON=DESTROYED REMOTE_REASON=%s", reason_str);
+    } else {
+      tor_snprintf(reasons, sizeof(reasons),
+                   " REASON=%s", reason_str);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    char *circdesc = circuit_describe_status_for_controller(circ);
+    const char *sp = strlen(circdesc) ? " " : "";
+    send_control_event(EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS,
+                                "650 CIRC %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
+                                (unsigned long)circ->global_identifier,
+                                status, sp,
+                                circdesc,
+                                reasons);
+    tor_free(circdesc);
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Something minor has happened to circuit <b>circ</b>: tell any
+ * interested control connections. */
+static int
+control_event_circuit_status_minor(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                   circuit_status_minor_event_t e,
+                                   int purpose, const struct timeval *tv)
+  const char *event_desc;
+  char event_tail[160] = "";
+    return 0;
+  tor_assert(circ);
+  switch (e)
+    {
+      event_desc = "PURPOSE_CHANGED";
+      {
+        /* event_tail can currently be up to 68 chars long */
+        const char *hs_state_str =
+          circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(purpose);
+        tor_snprintf(event_tail, sizeof(event_tail),
+                     " OLD_PURPOSE=%s%s%s",
+                     circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(purpose),
+                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? " OLD_HS_STATE=" : "",
+                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? hs_state_str : "");
+      }
+      break;
+      event_desc = "CANNIBALIZED";
+      {
+        /* event_tail can currently be up to 130 chars long */
+        const char *hs_state_str =
+          circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(purpose);
+        const struct timeval *old_timestamp_began = tv;
+        char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
+        format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, old_timestamp_began);
+        tor_snprintf(event_tail, sizeof(event_tail),
+                     " OLD_PURPOSE=%s%s%s OLD_TIME_CREATED=%s",
+                     circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(purpose),
+                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? " OLD_HS_STATE=" : "",
+                     (hs_state_str != NULL) ? hs_state_str : "",
+                     tbuf);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)e);
+      tor_fragile_assert();
+      return 0;
+    }
+  {
+    char *circdesc = circuit_describe_status_for_controller(circ);
+    const char *sp = strlen(circdesc) ? " " : "";
+    send_control_event(EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS_MINOR,
+                       "650 CIRC_MINOR %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
+                       (unsigned long)circ->global_identifier,
+                       event_desc, sp,
+                       circdesc,
+                       event_tail);
+    tor_free(circdesc);
+  }
+  return 0;
+ * <b>circ</b> has changed its purpose from <b>old_purpose</b>: tell any
+ * interested controllers.
+ */
+control_event_circuit_purpose_changed(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                      int old_purpose)
+  return control_event_circuit_status_minor(circ,
+                                            CIRC_MINOR_EVENT_PURPOSE_CHANGED,
+                                            old_purpose,
+                                            NULL);
+ * <b>circ</b> has changed its purpose from <b>old_purpose</b>, and its
+ * created-time from <b>old_tv_created</b>: tell any interested controllers.
+ */
+control_event_circuit_cannibalized(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                   int old_purpose,
+                                   const struct timeval *old_tv_created)
+  return control_event_circuit_status_minor(circ,
+                                            CIRC_MINOR_EVENT_CANNIBALIZED,
+                                            old_purpose,
+                                            old_tv_created);
+/** Something has happened to the stream associated with AP connection
+ * <b>conn</b>: tell any interested control connections. */
+control_event_stream_status(entry_connection_t *conn, stream_status_event_t tp,
+                            int reason_code)
+  char reason_buf[64];
+  char addrport_buf[64];
+  const char *status;
+  circuit_t *circ;
+  origin_circuit_t *origin_circ = NULL;
+  char buf[256];
+  const char *purpose = "";
+  tor_assert(conn->socks_request);
+    return 0;
+  if (tp == STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED &&
+    return 0;
+  write_stream_target_to_buf(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));
+  reason_buf[0] = '\0';
+  switch (tp)
+    {
+    case STREAM_EVENT_SENT_CONNECT: status = "SENTCONNECT"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_SENT_RESOLVE: status = "SENTRESOLVE"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_SUCCEEDED: status = "SUCCEEDED"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_NEW: status = "NEW"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_NEW_RESOLVE: status = "NEWRESOLVE"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_FAILED_RETRIABLE: status = "DETACHED"; break;
+    case STREAM_EVENT_REMAP: status = "REMAP"; break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  if (reason_code && (tp == STREAM_EVENT_FAILED ||
+                      tp == STREAM_EVENT_CLOSED ||
+                      tp == STREAM_EVENT_FAILED_RETRIABLE)) {
+    const char *reason_str = stream_end_reason_to_control_string(reason_code);
+    char *r = NULL;
+    if (!reason_str) {
+      tor_asprintf(&r, " UNKNOWN_%d", reason_code);
+      reason_str = r;
+    }
+    if (reason_code & END_STREAM_REASON_FLAG_REMOTE)
+      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf),
+                   " REASON=END REMOTE_REASON=%s", reason_str);
+    else
+      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf),
+                   " REASON=%s", reason_str);
+    tor_free(r);
+  } else if (reason_code && tp == STREAM_EVENT_REMAP) {
+    switch (reason_code) {
+      strlcpy(reason_buf, " SOURCE=CACHE", sizeof(reason_buf));
+      break;
+      strlcpy(reason_buf, " SOURCE=EXIT", sizeof(reason_buf));
+      break;
+    default:
+      tor_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf), " REASON=UNKNOWN_%d",
+                   reason_code);
+      /* XXX do we want SOURCE=UNKNOWN_%d above instead? -RD */
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+    /*
+     * When the control conn is an AF_UNIX socket and we have no address,
+     * it gets set to "(Tor_internal)"; see dnsserv_launch_request() in
+     * dnsserv.c.
+     */
+    if (strcmp(ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->address, "(Tor_internal)") != 0) {
+      tor_snprintf(addrport_buf,sizeof(addrport_buf), " SOURCE_ADDR=%s:%d",
+                   ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->address, ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->port);
+    } else {
+      /*
+       * else leave it blank so control on AF_UNIX doesn't need to make
+       * something up.
+       */
+      addrport_buf[0] = '\0';
+    }
+  } else {
+    addrport_buf[0] = '\0';
+  }
+    purpose = " PURPOSE=DNS_REQUEST";
+  } else if (tp == STREAM_EVENT_NEW) {
+    if (conn->use_begindir) {
+      connection_t *linked = ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->linked_conn;
+      int linked_dir_purpose = -1;
+      if (linked && linked->type == CONN_TYPE_DIR)
+        linked_dir_purpose = linked->purpose;
+      if (DIR_PURPOSE_IS_UPLOAD(linked_dir_purpose))
+        purpose = " PURPOSE=DIR_UPLOAD";
+      else
+        purpose = " PURPOSE=DIR_FETCH";
+    } else
+      purpose = " PURPOSE=USER";
+  }
+  circ = circuit_get_by_edge_conn(ENTRY_TO_EDGE_CONN(conn));
+  if (circ && CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
+    origin_circ = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
+  send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_STATUS,
+                        "650 STREAM %"PRIu64" %s %lu %s%s%s%s\r\n",
+                     (ENTRY_TO_CONN(conn)->global_identifier),
+                     status,
+                        origin_circ?
+                           (unsigned long)origin_circ->global_identifier : 0ul,
+                        buf, reason_buf, addrport_buf, purpose);
+  /* XXX need to specify its intended exit, etc? */
+  return 0;
+/** Called when the status of an OR connection <b>conn</b> changes: tell any
+ * interested control connections. <b>tp</b> is the new status for the
+ * connection.  If <b>conn</b> has just closed or failed, then <b>reason</b>
+ * may be the reason why.
+ */
+control_event_or_conn_status(or_connection_t *conn, or_conn_status_event_t tp,
+                             int reason)
+  int ncircs = 0;
+  const char *status;
+  char name[128];
+  char ncircs_buf[32] = {0}; /* > 8 + log10(2^32)=10 + 2 */
+    return 0;
+  switch (tp)
+    {
+    case OR_CONN_EVENT_LAUNCHED: status = "LAUNCHED"; break;
+    case OR_CONN_EVENT_CONNECTED: status = "CONNECTED"; break;
+    case OR_CONN_EVENT_FAILED: status = "FAILED"; break;
+    case OR_CONN_EVENT_CLOSED: status = "CLOSED"; break;
+    case OR_CONN_EVENT_NEW: status = "NEW"; break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status code %d", (int)tp);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  if (conn->chan) {
+    ncircs = circuit_count_pending_on_channel(TLS_CHAN_TO_BASE(conn->chan));
+  } else {
+    ncircs = 0;
+  }
+  ncircs += connection_or_get_num_circuits(conn);
+  if (ncircs && (tp == OR_CONN_EVENT_FAILED || tp == OR_CONN_EVENT_CLOSED)) {
+    tor_snprintf(ncircs_buf, sizeof(ncircs_buf), " NCIRCS=%d", ncircs);
+  }
+  orconn_target_get_name(name, sizeof(name), conn);
+  send_control_event(EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS,
+                              "650 ORCONN %s %s%s%s%s ID=%"PRIu64"\r\n",
+                              name, status,
+                              reason ? " REASON=" : "",
+                              orconn_end_reason_to_control_string(reason),
+                              ncircs_buf,
+                              (conn->base_.global_identifier));
+  return 0;
+ * Print out STREAM_BW event for a single conn
+ */
+control_event_stream_bandwidth(edge_connection_t *edge_conn)
+  struct timeval now;
+  char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
+    if (!edge_conn->n_read && !edge_conn->n_written)
+      return 0;
+    tor_gettimeofday(&now);
+    format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
+    send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_BANDWIDTH_USED,
+                       "650 STREAM_BW %"PRIu64" %lu %lu %s\r\n",
+                       (edge_conn->base_.global_identifier),
+                       (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_read,
+                       (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_written,
+                       tbuf);
+    edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
+ * connections how much bandwidth streams have used. */
+    smartlist_t *conns = get_connection_array();
+    edge_connection_t *edge_conn;
+    struct timeval now;
+    char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(conns, connection_t *, conn)
+    {
+        if (conn->type != CONN_TYPE_AP)
+          continue;
+        edge_conn = TO_EDGE_CONN(conn);
+        if (!edge_conn->n_read && !edge_conn->n_written)
+          continue;
+        tor_gettimeofday(&now);
+        format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
+        send_control_event(EVENT_STREAM_BANDWIDTH_USED,
+                           "650 STREAM_BW %"PRIu64" %lu %lu %s\r\n",
+                           (edge_conn->base_.global_identifier),
+                           (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_read,
+                           (unsigned long)edge_conn->n_written,
+                           tbuf);
+        edge_conn->n_written = edge_conn->n_read = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control connections
+ * how much bandwidth origin circuits have used. */
+    return 0;
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
+    if (!CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ))
+      continue;
+    control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ));
+  }
+  return 0;
+ * Emit a CIRC_BW event line for a specific circuit.
+ *
+ * This function sets the values it emits to 0, and does not emit
+ * an event if there is no new data to report since the last call.
+ *
+ * Therefore, it may be called at any frequency.
+ */
+control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(origin_circuit_t *ocirc)
+  struct timeval now;
+  char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
+  tor_assert(ocirc);
+    return 0;
+  /* n_read_circ_bw and n_written_circ_bw are always updated
+   * when there is any new cell on a circuit, and set to 0 after
+   * the event, below.
+   *
+   * Therefore, checking them is sufficient to determine if there
+   * is new data to report. */
+  if (!ocirc->n_read_circ_bw && !ocirc->n_written_circ_bw)
+    return 0;
+  tor_gettimeofday(&now);
+  format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &now);
+  send_control_event(EVENT_CIRC_BANDWIDTH_USED,
+                     "650 CIRC_BW ID=%d READ=%lu WRITTEN=%lu TIME=%s "
+                     "DELIVERED_READ=%lu OVERHEAD_READ=%lu "
+                     "DELIVERED_WRITTEN=%lu OVERHEAD_WRITTEN=%lu\r\n",
+                     ocirc->global_identifier,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_read_circ_bw,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_written_circ_bw,
+                     tbuf,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw,
+                     (unsigned long)ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw);
+  ocirc->n_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_read_circ_bw = 0;
+  ocirc->n_overhead_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_overhead_read_circ_bw = 0;
+  ocirc->n_delivered_written_circ_bw = ocirc->n_delivered_read_circ_bw = 0;
+  return 0;
+/** Print out CONN_BW event for a single OR/DIR/EXIT <b>conn</b> and reset
+  * bandwidth counters. */
+control_event_conn_bandwidth(connection_t *conn)
+  const char *conn_type_str;
+  if (!get_options()->TestingEnableConnBwEvent ||
+    return 0;
+  if (!conn->n_read_conn_bw && !conn->n_written_conn_bw)
+    return 0;
+  switch (conn->type) {
+    case CONN_TYPE_OR:
+      conn_type_str = "OR";
+      break;
+    case CONN_TYPE_DIR:
+      conn_type_str = "DIR";
+      break;
+    case CONN_TYPE_EXIT:
+      conn_type_str = "EXIT";
+      break;
+    default:
+      return 0;
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_CONN_BW,
+                     "650 CONN_BW ID=%"PRIu64" TYPE=%s "
+                     "READ=%lu WRITTEN=%lu\r\n",
+                     (conn->global_identifier),
+                     conn_type_str,
+                     (unsigned long)conn->n_read_conn_bw,
+                     (unsigned long)conn->n_written_conn_bw);
+  conn->n_written_conn_bw = conn->n_read_conn_bw = 0;
+  return 0;
+/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
+ * connections how much bandwidth connections have used. */
+  if (get_options()->TestingEnableConnBwEvent &&
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(get_connection_array(), connection_t *, conn,
+                      control_event_conn_bandwidth(conn));
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Helper: iterate over cell statistics of <b>circ</b> and sum up added
+ * cells, removed cells, and waiting times by cell command and direction.
+ * Store results in <b>cell_stats</b>.  Free cell statistics of the
+ * circuit afterwards. */
+sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circuit_t *circ, cell_stats_t *cell_stats)
+  memset(cell_stats, 0, sizeof(cell_stats_t));
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circ->testing_cell_stats,
+                          const testing_cell_stats_entry_t *, ent) {
+    tor_assert(ent->command <= CELL_COMMAND_MAX_);
+    if (!ent->removed && !ent->exitward) {
+      cell_stats->added_cells_appward[ent->command] += 1;
+    } else if (!ent->removed && ent->exitward) {
+      cell_stats->added_cells_exitward[ent->command] += 1;
+    } else if (!ent->exitward) {
+      cell_stats->removed_cells_appward[ent->command] += 1;
+      cell_stats->total_time_appward[ent->command] += ent->waiting_time * 10;
+    } else {
+      cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward[ent->command] += 1;
+      cell_stats->total_time_exitward[ent->command] += ent->waiting_time * 10;
+    }
+  circuit_clear_testing_cell_stats(circ);
+/** Helper: append a cell statistics string to <code>event_parts</code>,
+ * prefixed with <code>key</code>=.  Statistics consist of comma-separated
+ * key:value pairs with lower-case command strings as keys and cell
+ * numbers or total waiting times as values.  A key:value pair is included
+ * if the entry in <code>include_if_non_zero</code> is not zero, but with
+ * the (possibly zero) entry from <code>number_to_include</code>.  Both
+ * arrays are expected to have a length of CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1.  If no
+ * entry in <code>include_if_non_zero</code> is positive, no string will
+ * be added to <code>event_parts</code>. */
+append_cell_stats_by_command(smartlist_t *event_parts, const char *key,
+                             const uint64_t *include_if_non_zero,
+                             const uint64_t *number_to_include)
+  smartlist_t *key_value_strings = smartlist_new();
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i <= CELL_COMMAND_MAX_; i++) {
+    if (include_if_non_zero[i] > 0) {
+      smartlist_add_asprintf(key_value_strings, "%s:%"PRIu64,
+                             cell_command_to_string(i),
+                             (number_to_include[i]));
+    }
+  }
+  if (smartlist_len(key_value_strings) > 0) {
+    char *joined = smartlist_join_strings(key_value_strings, ",", 0, NULL);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "%s=%s", key, joined);
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(key_value_strings, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+    tor_free(joined);
+  }
+  smartlist_free(key_value_strings);
+/** Helper: format <b>cell_stats</b> for <b>circ</b> for inclusion in a
+ * CELL_STATS event and write result string to <b>event_string</b>. */
+format_cell_stats(char **event_string, circuit_t *circ,
+                  cell_stats_t *cell_stats)
+  smartlist_t *event_parts = smartlist_new();
+  if (CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)) {
+    origin_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "ID=%lu",
+                 (unsigned long)ocirc->global_identifier);
+  } else if (TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ)->p_chan) {
+    or_circuit_t *or_circ = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "InboundQueue=%lu",
+                 (unsigned long)or_circ->p_circ_id);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "InboundConn=%"PRIu64,
+                 (or_circ->p_chan->global_identifier));
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundAdded",
+                                 cell_stats->added_cells_appward,
+                                 cell_stats->added_cells_appward);
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundRemoved",
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward,
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward);
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "InboundTime",
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_appward,
+                                 cell_stats->total_time_appward);
+  }
+  if (circ->n_chan) {
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "OutboundQueue=%lu",
+                     (unsigned long)circ->n_circ_id);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(event_parts, "OutboundConn=%"PRIu64,
+                 (circ->n_chan->global_identifier));
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundAdded",
+                                 cell_stats->added_cells_exitward,
+                                 cell_stats->added_cells_exitward);
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundRemoved",
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward,
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward);
+    append_cell_stats_by_command(event_parts, "OutboundTime",
+                                 cell_stats->removed_cells_exitward,
+                                 cell_stats->total_time_exitward);
+  }
+  *event_string = smartlist_join_strings(event_parts, " ", 0, NULL);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(event_parts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(event_parts);
+/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control connection
+ * how many cells have been processed for a given circuit. */
+  cell_stats_t *cell_stats;
+  char *event_string;
+  if (!get_options()->TestingEnableCellStatsEvent ||
+    return 0;
+  cell_stats = tor_malloc(sizeof(cell_stats_t));
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(circuit_get_global_list(), circuit_t *, circ) {
+    if (!circ->testing_cell_stats)
+      continue;
+    sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circ, cell_stats);
+    format_cell_stats(&event_string, circ, cell_stats);
+    send_control_event(EVENT_CELL_STATS,
+                       "650 CELL_STATS %s\r\n", event_string);
+    tor_free(event_string);
+  }
+  tor_free(cell_stats);
+  return 0;
+/* about 5 minutes worth. */
+#define N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE 300
+/* Index into cached_bw_events to next write. */
+static int next_measurement_idx = 0;
+/* number of entries set in n_measurements */
+static int n_measurements = 0;
+static struct cached_bw_event_s {
+  uint32_t n_read;
+  uint32_t n_written;
+} cached_bw_events[N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE];
+/** A second or more has elapsed: tell any interested control
+ * connections how much bandwidth we used. */
+control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written)
+  cached_bw_events[next_measurement_idx].n_read = n_read;
+  cached_bw_events[next_measurement_idx].n_written = n_written;
+  if (++next_measurement_idx == N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE)
+    next_measurement_idx = 0;
+  if (n_measurements < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE)
+    ++n_measurements;
+    send_control_event(EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED,
+                       "650 BW %lu %lu\r\n",
+                       (unsigned long)n_read,
+                       (unsigned long)n_written);
+  }
+  return 0;
+char *
+  int i;
+  int idx = (next_measurement_idx + N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE - n_measurements)
+  tor_assert(0 <= idx && idx < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE);
+  smartlist_t *elements = smartlist_new();
+  for (i = 0; i < n_measurements; ++i) {
+    tor_assert(0 <= idx && idx < N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE);
+    const struct cached_bw_event_s *bwe = &cached_bw_events[idx];
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(elements, "%u,%u",
+                           (unsigned)bwe->n_read,
+                           (unsigned)bwe->n_written);
+    idx = (idx + 1) % N_BW_EVENTS_TO_CACHE;
+  }
+  char *result = smartlist_join_strings(elements, " ", 0, NULL);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(elements, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(elements);
+  return result;
+/** Called when we are sending a log message to the controllers: suspend
+ * sending further log messages to the controllers until we're done.  Used by
+  ++disable_log_messages;
+/** We're done sending a log message to the controllers: re-enable controller
+ * logging.  Used by CONN_LOG_PROTECT. */
+  if (--disable_log_messages < 0)
+    tor_assert(0);
+/** We got a log message: tell any interested control connections. */
+control_event_logmsg(int severity, uint32_t domain, const char *msg)
+  int event;
+  /* Don't even think of trying to add stuff to a buffer from a cpuworker
+   * thread. (See #25987 for plan to fix.) */
+  if (! in_main_thread())
+    return;
+  if (disable_log_messages)
+    return;
+      severity <= LOG_NOTICE) {
+    char *esc = esc_for_log(msg);
+    ++disable_log_messages;
+    control_event_general_status(severity, "BUG REASON=%s", esc);
+    --disable_log_messages;
+    tor_free(esc);
+  }
+  event = log_severity_to_event(severity);
+  if (event >= 0 && EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event)) {
+    char *b = NULL;
+    const char *s;
+    if (strchr(msg, '\n')) {
+      char *cp;
+      b = tor_strdup(msg);
+      for (cp = b; *cp; ++cp)
+        if (*cp == '\r' || *cp == '\n')
+          *cp = ' ';
+    }
+    switch (severity) {
+      case LOG_DEBUG: s = "DEBUG"; break;
+      case LOG_INFO: s = "INFO"; break;
+      case LOG_NOTICE: s = "NOTICE"; break;
+      case LOG_WARN: s = "WARN"; break;
+      case LOG_ERR: s = "ERR"; break;
+      default: s = "UnknownLogSeverity"; break;
+    }
+    ++disable_log_messages;
+    send_control_event(event,  "650 %s %s\r\n", s, b?b:msg);
+    if (severity == LOG_ERR) {
+      /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
+      queued_events_flush_all(1);
+    }
+    --disable_log_messages;
+    tor_free(b);
+  }
+ * Logging callback: called when there is a queued pending log callback.
+ */
+  if (! in_main_thread()) {
+    /* We can't handle this case yet, since we're using a
+     * mainloop_event_t to invoke queued_events_flush_all.  We ought to
+     * use a different mechanism instead: see #25987.
+     **/
+    return;
+  }
+  tor_assert(flush_queued_events_event);
+  mainloop_event_activate(flush_queued_events_event);
+/** Called whenever we receive new router descriptors: tell any
+ * interested control connections.  <b>routers</b> is a list of
+ * routerinfo_t's.
+ */
+control_event_descriptors_changed(smartlist_t *routers)
+  char *msg;
+    return 0;
+  {
+    smartlist_t *names = smartlist_new();
+    char *ids;
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(routers, routerinfo_t *, ri, {
+        char *b = tor_malloc(MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN+1);
+        router_get_verbose_nickname(b, ri);
+        smartlist_add(names, b);
+      });
+    ids = smartlist_join_strings(names, " ", 0, NULL);
+    tor_asprintf(&msg, "650 NEWDESC %s\r\n", ids);
+    send_control_event_string(EVENT_NEW_DESC,  msg);
+    tor_free(ids);
+    tor_free(msg);
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(names, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+    smartlist_free(names);
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Called when an address mapping on <b>from</b> from changes to <b>to</b>.
+ * <b>expires</b> values less than 3 are special; see connection_edge.c.  If
+ * <b>error</b> is non-NULL, it is an error code describing the failure
+ * mode of the mapping.
+ */
+control_event_address_mapped(const char *from, const char *to, time_t expires,
+                             const char *error, const int cached)
+    return 0;
+  if (expires < 3 || expires == TIME_MAX)
+    send_control_event(EVENT_ADDRMAP,
+                                "650 ADDRMAP %s %s NEVER %s%s"
+                                "CACHED=\"%s\"\r\n",
+                                  from, to, error?error:"", error?" ":"",
+                                cached?"YES":"NO");
+  else {
+    char buf[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+    char buf2[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
+    format_local_iso_time(buf,expires);
+    format_iso_time(buf2,expires);
+    send_control_event(EVENT_ADDRMAP,
+                                "650 ADDRMAP %s %s \"%s\""
+                                " %s%sEXPIRES=\"%s\" CACHED=\"%s\"\r\n",
+                                from, to, buf,
+                                error?error:"", error?" ":"",
+                                buf2, cached?"YES":"NO");
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** The network liveness has changed; this is called from circuitstats.c
+ * whenever we receive a cell, or when timeout expires and we assume the
+ * network is down. */
+control_event_network_liveness_update(int liveness)
+  if (liveness > 0) {
+    if (get_cached_network_liveness() <= 0) {
+      /* Update cached liveness */
+      set_cached_network_liveness(1);
+      log_debug(LD_CONTROL, "Sending NETWORK_LIVENESS UP");
+      send_control_event_string(EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS,
+                                "650 NETWORK_LIVENESS UP\r\n");
+    }
+    /* else was already live, no-op */
+  } else {
+    if (get_cached_network_liveness() > 0) {
+      /* Update cached liveness */
+      set_cached_network_liveness(0);
+      log_debug(LD_CONTROL, "Sending NETWORK_LIVENESS DOWN");
+      send_control_event_string(EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS,
+                                "650 NETWORK_LIVENESS DOWN\r\n");
+    }
+    /* else was already dead, no-op */
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Helper function for NS-style events. Constructs and sends an event
+ * of type <b>event</b> with string <b>event_string</b> out of the set of
+ * networkstatuses <b>statuses</b>. Currently it is used for NS events
+ * and NEWCONSENSUS events. */
+static int
+control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(smartlist_t *statuses,
+                                           uint16_t event,
+                                           const char *event_string)
+  smartlist_t *strs;
+  char *s, *esc = NULL;
+  if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event) || !smartlist_len(statuses))
+    return 0;
+  strs = smartlist_new();
+  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, "650+");
+  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, event_string);
+  smartlist_add_strdup(strs, "\r\n");
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(statuses, const routerstatus_t *, rs,
+    {
+      s = networkstatus_getinfo_helper_single(rs);
+      if (!s) continue;
+      smartlist_add(strs, s);
+    });
+  s = smartlist_join_strings(strs, "", 0, NULL);
+  write_escaped_data(s, strlen(s), &esc);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(strs, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(strs);
+  tor_free(s);
+  send_control_event_string(event,  esc);
+  send_control_event_string(event,
+                            "650 OK\r\n");
+  tor_free(esc);
+  return 0;
+/** Called when the routerstatus_ts <b>statuses</b> have changed: sends
+ * an NS event to any controller that cares. */
+control_event_networkstatus_changed(smartlist_t *statuses)
+  return control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(statuses, EVENT_NS, "NS");
+/** Called when we get a new consensus networkstatus. Sends a NEWCONSENSUS
+ * event consisting of an NS-style line for each relay in the consensus. */
+control_event_newconsensus(const networkstatus_t *consensus)
+  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS))
+    return 0;
+  return control_event_networkstatus_changed_helper(
+           consensus->routerstatus_list, EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS, "NEWCONSENSUS");
+/** Called when we compute a new circuitbuildtimeout */
+control_event_buildtimeout_set(buildtimeout_set_event_t type,
+                               const char *args)
+  const char *type_string = NULL;
+  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET))
+    return 0;
+  switch (type) {
+      type_string = "COMPUTED";
+      break;
+      type_string = "RESET";
+      break;
+      type_string = "SUSPENDED";
+      break;
+      type_string = "DISCARD";
+      break;
+      type_string = "RESUME";
+      break;
+    default:
+      type_string = "UNKNOWN";
+      break;
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET,
+                     "650 BUILDTIMEOUT_SET %s %s\r\n",
+                     type_string, args);
+  return 0;
+/** Called when a signal has been processed from signal_callback */
+control_event_signal(uintptr_t signal_num)
+  const char *signal_string = NULL;
+  if (!control_event_is_interesting(EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL))
+    return 0;
+  switch (signal_num) {
+    case SIGHUP:
+      signal_string = "RELOAD";
+      break;
+    case SIGUSR1:
+      signal_string = "DUMP";
+      break;
+    case SIGUSR2:
+      signal_string = "DEBUG";
+      break;
+    case SIGNEWNYM:
+      signal_string = "NEWNYM";
+      break;
+      signal_string = "CLEARDNSCACHE";
+      break;
+      signal_string = "HEARTBEAT";
+      break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized signal %lu in control_event_signal",
+               (unsigned long)signal_num);
+      return -1;
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL,  "650 SIGNAL %s\r\n",
+                     signal_string);
+  return 0;
+/** Called when a single local_routerstatus_t has changed: Sends an NS event
+ * to any controller that cares. */
+control_event_networkstatus_changed_single(const routerstatus_t *rs)
+  smartlist_t *statuses;
+  int r;
+    return 0;
+  statuses = smartlist_new();
+  smartlist_add(statuses, (void*)rs);
+  r = control_event_networkstatus_changed(statuses);
+  smartlist_free(statuses);
+  return r;
+/** Our own router descriptor has changed; tell any controllers that care.
+ */
+  send_control_event(EVENT_DESCCHANGED,  "650 DESCCHANGED\r\n");
+  return 0;
+/** Helper: sends a status event where <b>type</b> is one of
+ * EVENT_STATUS_{GENERAL,CLIENT,SERVER}, where <b>severity</b> is one of
+ * LOG_{NOTICE,WARN,ERR}, and where <b>format</b> is a printf-style format
+ * string corresponding to <b>args</b>. */
+static int
+control_event_status(int type, int severity, const char *format, va_list args)
+  char *user_buf = NULL;
+  char format_buf[160];
+  const char *status, *sev;
+  switch (type) {
+      status = "STATUS_GENERAL";
+      break;
+      status = "STATUS_CLIENT";
+      break;
+      status = "STATUS_SERVER";
+      break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status type %d", type);
+      return -1;
+  }
+  switch (severity) {
+    case LOG_NOTICE:
+      sev = "NOTICE";
+      break;
+    case LOG_WARN:
+      sev = "WARN";
+      break;
+    case LOG_ERR:
+      sev = "ERR";
+      break;
+    default:
+      log_warn(LD_BUG, "Unrecognized status severity %d", severity);
+      return -1;
+  }
+  if (tor_snprintf(format_buf, sizeof(format_buf), "650 %s %s",
+                   status, sev)<0) {
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Format string too long.");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  tor_vasprintf(&user_buf, format, args);
+  send_control_event(type,  "%s %s\r\n", format_buf, user_buf);
+  tor_free(user_buf);
+  return 0;
+#define CONTROL_EVENT_STATUS_BODY(event, sev)                   \
+  int r;                                                        \
+  do {                                                          \
+    va_list ap;                                                 \
+    if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(event))                           \
+      return 0;                                                 \
+                                                                \
+    va_start(ap, format);                                       \
+    r = control_event_status((event), (sev), format, ap);       \
+    va_end(ap);                                                 \
+  } while (0)
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL event whose main text is obtained
+ * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
+control_event_general_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+  return r;
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
+ * controller(s) immediately. */
+control_event_general_error(const char *format, ...)
+  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
+  queued_events_flush_all(1);
+  return r;
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT event whose main text is obtained
+ * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
+control_event_client_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+  return r;
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
+ * controller(s) immediately. */
+control_event_client_error(const char *format, ...)
+  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
+  queued_events_flush_all(1);
+  return r;
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_SERVER event whose main text is obtained
+ * by formatting the arguments using the printf-style <b>format</b>. */
+control_event_server_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+  return r;
+/** Format and send an EVENT_STATUS_SERVER LOG_ERR event, and flush it to the
+ * controller(s) immediately. */
+control_event_server_error(const char *format, ...)
+  /* Force a flush, since we may be about to die horribly */
+  queued_events_flush_all(1);
+  return r;
+/** Called when the status of an entry guard with the given <b>nickname</b>
+ * and identity <b>digest</b> has changed to <b>status</b>: tells any
+ * controllers that care. */
+control_event_guard(const char *nickname, const char *digest,
+                    const char *status)
+  char hbuf[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
+  base16_encode(hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+    return 0;
+  {
+    char buf[MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN+1];
+    const node_t *node = node_get_by_id(digest);
+    if (node) {
+      node_get_verbose_nickname(node, buf);
+    } else {
+      tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "$%s~%s", hbuf, nickname);
+    }
+    send_control_event(EVENT_GUARD,
+                       "650 GUARD ENTRY %s %s\r\n", buf, status);
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Called when a configuration option changes. This is generally triggered
+ * by SETCONF requests and RELOAD/SIGHUP signals. The <b>elements</b> is
+ * a smartlist_t containing (key, value, ...) pairs in sequence.
+ * <b>value</b> can be NULL. */
+control_event_conf_changed(const smartlist_t *elements)
+  int i;
+  char *result;
+  smartlist_t *lines;
+      smartlist_len(elements) == 0) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  lines = smartlist_new();
+  for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(elements); i += 2) {
+    char *k = smartlist_get(elements, i);
+    char *v = smartlist_get(elements, i+1);
+    if (v == NULL) {
+      smartlist_add_asprintf(lines, "650-%s", k);
+    } else {
+      smartlist_add_asprintf(lines, "650-%s=%s", k, v);
+    }
+  }
+  result = smartlist_join_strings(lines, "\r\n", 0, NULL);
+  send_control_event(EVENT_CONF_CHANGED,
+    "650-CONF_CHANGED\r\n%s\r\n650 OK\r\n", result);
+  tor_free(result);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(lines, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(lines);
+  return 0;
+/** We just generated a new summary of which countries we've seen clients
+ * from recently. Send a copy to the controller in case it wants to
+ * display it for the user. */
+control_event_clients_seen(const char *controller_str)
+  send_control_event(EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN,
+    "650 CLIENTS_SEEN %s\r\n", controller_str);
+/** A new pluggable transport called <b>transport_name</b> was
+ *  launched on <b>addr</b>:<b>port</b>. <b>mode</b> is either
+ *  "server" or "client" depending on the mode of the pluggable
+ *  transport.
+ *  "650" SP "TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED" SP Mode SP Name SP Address SP Port
+ */
+control_event_transport_launched(const char *mode, const char *transport_name,
+                                 tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
+  send_control_event(EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED,
+                     "650 TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED %s %s %s %u\r\n",
+                     mode, transport_name, fmt_addr(addr), port);
+/** A pluggable transport called <b>pt_name</b> has emitted a log message
+ * found in <b>message</b> at <b>severity</b> log level. */
+control_event_pt_log(const char *log)
+  send_control_event(EVENT_PT_LOG,
+                     "650 PT_LOG %s\r\n",
+                     log);
+/** A pluggable transport has emitted a STATUS message found in
+ * <b>status</b>. */
+control_event_pt_status(const char *status)
+  send_control_event(EVENT_PT_STATUS,
+                     "650 PT_STATUS %s\r\n",
+                     status);
+/** Convert rendezvous auth type to string for HS_DESC control events
+ */
+const char *
+rend_auth_type_to_string(rend_auth_type_t auth_type)
+  const char *str;
+  switch (auth_type) {
+    case REND_NO_AUTH:
+      str = "NO_AUTH";
+      break;
+    case REND_BASIC_AUTH:
+      str = "BASIC_AUTH";
+      break;
+      str = "STEALTH_AUTH";
+      break;
+    default:
+      str = "UNKNOWN";
+  }
+  return str;
+/** Return either the onion address if the given pointer is a non empty
+ * string else the unknown string. */
+static const char *
+rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(const char *onion_address)
+  static const char *str_unknown = "UNKNOWN";
+  const char *str_ret = str_unknown;
+  /* No valid pointer, unknown it is. */
+  if (!onion_address) {
+    goto end;
+  }
+  /* Empty onion address thus we don't know, unknown it is. */
+  if (onion_address[0] == '\0') {
+    goto end;
+  }
+  /* All checks are good so return the given onion address. */
+  str_ret = onion_address;
+ end:
+  return str_ret;
+/** send HS_DESC requested event.
+ *
+ * <b>rend_query</b> is used to fetch requested onion address and auth type.
+ * <b>hs_dir</b> is the description of contacting hs directory.
+ * <b>desc_id_base32</b> is the ID of requested hs descriptor.
+ * <b>hsdir_index</b> is the HSDir fetch index value for v3, an hex string.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(const char *onion_address,
+                                      rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
+                                      const char *id_digest,
+                                      const char *desc_id,
+                                      const char *hsdir_index)
+  char *hsdir_index_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!id_digest || !desc_id)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (hsdir_index) {
+    tor_asprintf(&hsdir_index_field, " HSDIR_INDEX=%s", hsdir_index);
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
+                     "650 HS_DESC REQUESTED %s %s %s %s%s\r\n",
+                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
+                     rend_auth_type_to_string(auth_type),
+                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
+                     desc_id,
+                     hsdir_index_field ? hsdir_index_field : "");
+  tor_free(hsdir_index_field);
+/** send HS_DESC CREATED event when a local service generates a descriptor.
+ *
+ * <b>onion_address</b> is service address.
+ * <b>desc_id</b> is the descriptor ID.
+ * <b>replica</b> is the the descriptor replica number. If it is negative, it
+ * is ignored.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_created(const char *onion_address,
+                                    const char *desc_id,
+                                    int replica)
+  char *replica_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (replica >= 0) {
+    tor_asprintf(&replica_field, " REPLICA=%d", replica);
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
+                     "650 HS_DESC CREATED %s UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %s%s\r\n",
+                     onion_address, desc_id,
+                     replica_field ? replica_field : "");
+  tor_free(replica_field);
+/** send HS_DESC upload event.
+ *
+ * <b>onion_address</b> is service address.
+ * <b>hs_dir</b> is the description of contacting hs directory.
+ * <b>desc_id</b> is the ID of requested hs descriptor.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_upload(const char *onion_address,
+                                   const char *id_digest,
+                                   const char *desc_id,
+                                   const char *hsdir_index)
+  char *hsdir_index_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!onion_address || !id_digest || !desc_id)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (hsdir_index) {
+    tor_asprintf(&hsdir_index_field, " HSDIR_INDEX=%s", hsdir_index);
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
+                     "650 HS_DESC UPLOAD %s UNKNOWN %s %s%s\r\n",
+                     onion_address,
+                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
+                     desc_id,
+                     hsdir_index_field ? hsdir_index_field : "");
+  tor_free(hsdir_index_field);
+/** send HS_DESC event after got response from hs directory.
+ *
+ * NOTE: this is an internal function used by following functions:
+ * control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received
+ * control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed
+ * control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed
+ *
+ * So do not call this function directly.
+ */
+static void
+event_hs_descriptor_receive_end(const char *action,
+                                const char *onion_address,
+                                const char *desc_id,
+                                rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
+                                const char *hsdir_id_digest,
+                                const char *reason)
+  char *reason_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!action || !onion_address)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (reason) {
+    tor_asprintf(&reason_field, " REASON=%s", reason);
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
+                     "650 HS_DESC %s %s %s %s%s%s\r\n",
+                     action,
+                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
+                     rend_auth_type_to_string(auth_type),
+                     hsdir_id_digest ?
+                        node_describe_longname_by_id(hsdir_id_digest) :
+                        "UNKNOWN",
+                     desc_id ? desc_id : "",
+                     reason_field ? reason_field : "");
+  tor_free(reason_field);
+/** send HS_DESC event after got response from hs directory.
+ *
+ * NOTE: this is an internal function used by following functions:
+ * control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded
+ * control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed
+ *
+ * So do not call this function directly.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end(const char *action,
+                                       const char *onion_address,
+                                       const char *id_digest,
+                                       const char *reason)
+  char *reason_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!action || !id_digest)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (reason) {
+    tor_asprintf(&reason_field, " REASON=%s", reason);
+  }
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC,
+                     "650 HS_DESC %s %s UNKNOWN %s%s\r\n",
+                     action,
+                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
+                     node_describe_longname_by_id(id_digest),
+                     reason_field ? reason_field : "");
+  tor_free(reason_field);
+/** For an HS descriptor query <b>rend_data</b>, using the
+ * <b>onion_address</b> and HSDir fingerprint <b>hsdir_fp</b>, find out
+ * which descriptor ID in the query is the right one.
+ *
+ * Return a pointer of the binary descriptor ID found in the query's object
+ * or NULL if not found. */
+static const char *
+get_desc_id_from_query(const rend_data_t *rend_data, const char *hsdir_fp)
+  int replica;
+  const char *desc_id = NULL;
+  const rend_data_v2_t *rend_data_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data);
+  /* Possible if the fetch was done using a descriptor ID. This means that
+   * the HSFETCH command was used. */
+  if (!tor_digest_is_zero(rend_data_v2->desc_id_fetch)) {
+    desc_id = rend_data_v2->desc_id_fetch;
+    goto end;
+  }
+  /* Without a directory fingerprint at this stage, we can't do much. */
+  if (hsdir_fp == NULL) {
+     goto end;
+  }
+  /* OK, we have an onion address so now let's find which descriptor ID
+   * is the one associated with the HSDir fingerprint. */
+  for (replica = 0; replica < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS;
+       replica++) {
+    const char *digest = rend_data_get_desc_id(rend_data, replica, NULL);
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(rend_data->hsdirs_fp, char *, fingerprint) {
+      if (tor_memcmp(fingerprint, hsdir_fp, DIGEST_LEN) == 0) {
+        /* Found it! This descriptor ID is the right one. */
+        desc_id = digest;
+        goto end;
+      }
+    } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(fingerprint);
+  }
+ end:
+  return desc_id;
+/** send HS_DESC RECEIVED event
+ *
+ * called when we successfully received a hidden service descriptor.
+ */
+control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
+                                       const rend_data_t *rend_data,
+                                       const char *hsdir_id_digest)
+  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
+  const char *desc_id;
+  if (BUG(!rend_data || !hsdir_id_digest || !onion_address)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  desc_id = get_desc_id_from_query(rend_data, hsdir_id_digest);
+  if (desc_id != NULL) {
+    char desc_id_base32[REND_DESC_ID_V2_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
+    /* Set the descriptor ID digest to base32 so we can send it. */
+    base32_encode(desc_id_base32, sizeof(desc_id_base32), desc_id,
+                  DIGEST_LEN);
+    /* Extra whitespace is needed before the value. */
+    tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id_base32);
+  }
+  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("RECEIVED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
+                                  TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data)->auth_type,
+                                  hsdir_id_digest, NULL);
+  tor_free(desc_id_field);
+/* Send HS_DESC RECEIVED event
+ *
+ * Called when we successfully received a hidden service descriptor. */
+control_event_hsv3_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
+                                       const char *desc_id,
+                                       const char *hsdir_id_digest)
+  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id || !hsdir_id_digest)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Because DescriptorID is an optional positional value, we need to add a
+   * whitespace before in order to not be next to the HsDir value. */
+  tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id);
+  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("RECEIVED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
+                                  REND_NO_AUTH, hsdir_id_digest, NULL);
+  tor_free(desc_id_field);
+/** send HS_DESC UPLOADED event
+ *
+ * called when we successfully uploaded a hidden service descriptor.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded(const char *id_digest,
+                                     const char *onion_address)
+  if (BUG(!id_digest)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end("UPLOADED", onion_address,
+                                         id_digest, NULL);
+/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller that query <b>rend_data</b>
+ * failed to retrieve hidden service descriptor from directory identified by
+ * <b>id_digest</b>. If NULL, "UNKNOWN" is used. If <b>reason</b> is not NULL,
+ * add it to REASON= field.
+ */
+control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed(const rend_data_t *rend_data,
+                                     const char *hsdir_id_digest,
+                                     const char *reason)
+  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
+  const char *desc_id;
+  if (BUG(!rend_data)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  desc_id = get_desc_id_from_query(rend_data, hsdir_id_digest);
+  if (desc_id != NULL) {
+    char desc_id_base32[REND_DESC_ID_V2_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
+    /* Set the descriptor ID digest to base32 so we can send it. */
+    base32_encode(desc_id_base32, sizeof(desc_id_base32), desc_id,
+                  DIGEST_LEN);
+    /* Extra whitespace is needed before the value. */
+    tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id_base32);
+  }
+  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("FAILED", rend_data_get_address(rend_data),
+                                  desc_id_field,
+                                  TO_REND_DATA_V2(rend_data)->auth_type,
+                                  hsdir_id_digest, reason);
+  tor_free(desc_id_field);
+/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller that the query to
+ * <b>onion_address</b> failed to retrieve hidden service descriptor
+ * <b>desc_id</b> from directory identified by <b>hsdir_id_digest</b>. If
+ * NULL, "UNKNOWN" is used.  If <b>reason</b> is not NULL, add it to REASON=
+ * field. */
+control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed(const char *onion_address,
+                                     const char *desc_id,
+                                     const char *hsdir_id_digest,
+                                     const char *reason)
+  char *desc_id_field = NULL;
+  if (BUG(!onion_address || !desc_id || !reason)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Because DescriptorID is an optional positional value, we need to add a
+   * whitespace before in order to not be next to the HsDir value. */
+  tor_asprintf(&desc_id_field, " %s", desc_id);
+  event_hs_descriptor_receive_end("FAILED", onion_address, desc_id_field,
+                                  REND_NO_AUTH, hsdir_id_digest, reason);
+  tor_free(desc_id_field);
+/** Send HS_DESC_CONTENT event after completion of a successful fetch
+ * from hs directory. If <b>hsdir_id_digest</b> is NULL, it is replaced
+ * by "UNKNOWN". If <b>content</b> is NULL, it is replaced by an empty
+ * string. The  <b>onion_address</b> or <b>desc_id</b> set to NULL will
+ * not trigger the control event. */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_content(const char *onion_address,
+                                    const char *desc_id,
+                                    const char *hsdir_id_digest,
+                                    const char *content)
+  static const char *event_name = "HS_DESC_CONTENT";
+  char *esc_content = NULL;
+  if (!onion_address || !desc_id) {
+    log_warn(LD_BUG, "Called with onion_address==%p, desc_id==%p, ",
+             onion_address, desc_id);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (content == NULL) {
+    /* Point it to empty content so it can still be escaped. */
+    content = "";
+  }
+  write_escaped_data(content, strlen(content), &esc_content);
+  send_control_event(EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT,
+                     "650+%s %s %s %s\r\n%s650 OK\r\n",
+                     event_name,
+                     rend_hsaddress_str_or_unknown(onion_address),
+                     desc_id,
+                     hsdir_id_digest ?
+                        node_describe_longname_by_id(hsdir_id_digest) :
+                        "UNKNOWN",
+                     esc_content);
+  tor_free(esc_content);
+/** Send HS_DESC event to inform controller upload of hidden service
+ * descriptor identified by <b>id_digest</b> failed. If <b>reason</b>
+ * is not NULL, add it to REASON= field.
+ */
+control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed(const char *id_digest,
+                                          const char *onion_address,
+                                          const char *reason)
+  if (BUG(!id_digest)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end("FAILED", onion_address,
+                                         id_digest, reason);
+  smartlist_t *queued_events = NULL;
+  stats_prev_n_read = stats_prev_n_written = 0;
+  if (queued_control_events_lock) {
+    tor_mutex_acquire(queued_control_events_lock);
+    flush_queued_event_pending = 0;
+    queued_events = queued_control_events;
+    queued_control_events = NULL;
+    tor_mutex_release(queued_control_events_lock);
+  }
+  if (queued_events) {
+    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(queued_events, queued_event_t *, ev,
+                      queued_event_free(ev));
+    smartlist_free(queued_events);
+  }
+  if (flush_queued_events_event) {
+    mainloop_event_free(flush_queued_events_event);
+    flush_queued_events_event = NULL;
+  }
+  global_event_mask = 0;
+  disable_log_messages = 0;
+/* For testing: change the value of global_event_mask */
+control_testing_set_global_event_mask(uint64_t mask)
+  global_event_mask = mask;
+#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control_events.h b/src/feature/control/control_events.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e7934671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/control/control_events.h
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file control_events.h
+ * \brief Header file for control_events.c.
+ **/
+#include "core/or/ocirc_event.h"
+/** Used to indicate the type of a CIRC_MINOR event passed to the controller.
+ * The various types are defined in control-spec.txt . */
+typedef enum circuit_status_minor_event_t {
+} circuit_status_minor_event_t;
+#include "core/or/orconn_event.h"
+/** Used to indicate the type of a stream event passed to the controller.
+ * The various types are defined in control-spec.txt */
+typedef enum stream_status_event_t {
+  STREAM_EVENT_NEW          = 5,
+  STREAM_EVENT_REMAP        = 8
+} stream_status_event_t;
+/** Used to indicate the type of a buildtime event */
+typedef enum buildtimeout_set_event_t {
+} buildtimeout_set_event_t;
+/** Enum describing various stages of bootstrapping, for use with controller
+ * bootstrap status events. The values range from 0 to 100. */
+typedef enum {
+  /* Initial connection to any relay */
+  /* Loading directory info */
+  /* Connecting to a relay for AP circuits */
+  /* Creating AP circuits */
+} bootstrap_status_t;
+/** Reason for remapping an AP connection's address: we have a cached
+ * answer. */
+/** Reason for remapping an AP connection's address: the exit node told us an
+ * answer. */
+void control_initialize_event_queue(void);
+void control_update_global_event_mask(void);
+void control_adjust_event_log_severity(void);
+#define EVENT_NS 0x000F
+int control_event_is_interesting(int event);
+void control_per_second_events(void);
+int control_any_per_second_event_enabled(void);
+int control_event_circuit_status(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                 circuit_status_event_t e, int reason);
+int control_event_circuit_purpose_changed(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                          int old_purpose);
+int control_event_circuit_cannibalized(origin_circuit_t *circ,
+                                       int old_purpose,
+                                       const struct timeval *old_tv_created);
+int control_event_stream_status(entry_connection_t *conn,
+                                stream_status_event_t e,
+                                int reason);
+int control_event_or_conn_status(or_connection_t *conn,
+                                 or_conn_status_event_t e, int reason);
+int control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written);
+int control_event_stream_bandwidth(edge_connection_t *edge_conn);
+int control_event_stream_bandwidth_used(void);
+int control_event_circ_bandwidth_used(void);
+int control_event_circ_bandwidth_used_for_circ(origin_circuit_t *ocirc);
+int control_event_conn_bandwidth(connection_t *conn);
+int control_event_conn_bandwidth_used(void);
+int control_event_circuit_cell_stats(void);
+void control_event_logmsg(int severity, uint32_t domain, const char *msg);
+void control_event_logmsg_pending(void);
+int control_event_descriptors_changed(smartlist_t *routers);
+int control_event_address_mapped(const char *from, const char *to,
+                                 time_t expires, const char *error,
+                                 const int cached);
+int control_event_my_descriptor_changed(void);
+int control_event_network_liveness_update(int liveness);
+int control_event_networkstatus_changed(smartlist_t *statuses);
+int control_event_newconsensus(const networkstatus_t *consensus);
+int control_event_networkstatus_changed_single(const routerstatus_t *rs);
+int control_event_general_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_client_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_server_status(int severity, const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_general_error(const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_client_error(const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_server_error(const char *format, ...)
+int control_event_guard(const char *nickname, const char *digest,
+                        const char *status);
+int control_event_conf_changed(const smartlist_t *elements);
+int control_event_buildtimeout_set(buildtimeout_set_event_t type,
+                                   const char *args);
+int control_event_signal(uintptr_t signal);
+void control_event_bootstrap(bootstrap_status_t status, int progress);
+MOCK_DECL(void, control_event_bootstrap_prob_or,(const char *warn,
+                                                 int reason,
+                                                 or_connection_t *or_conn));
+void control_event_boot_dir(bootstrap_status_t status, int progress);
+void control_event_boot_first_orconn(void);
+void control_event_bootstrap_problem(const char *warn, const char *reason,
+                                     const connection_t *conn, int dowarn);
+char *control_event_boot_last_msg(void);
+void control_event_bootstrap_reset(void);
+void control_event_clients_seen(const char *controller_str);
+void control_event_transport_launched(const char *mode,
+                                      const char *transport_name,
+                                      tor_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port);
+void control_event_pt_log(const char *log);
+void control_event_pt_status(const char *status);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(const char *onion_address,
+                                           rend_auth_type_t auth_type,
+                                           const char *id_digest,
+                                           const char *desc_id,
+                                           const char *hsdir_index);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_created(const char *onion_address,
+                                         const char *desc_id,
+                                         int replica);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload(const char *onion_address,
+                                        const char *desc_id,
+                                        const char *hs_dir,
+                                        const char *hsdir_index);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_end(const char *action,
+                                            const char *onion_address,
+                                            const char *hs_dir,
+                                            const char *reason);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_uploaded(const char *hs_dir,
+                                          const char *onion_address);
+/* Hidden service v2 HS_DESC specific. */
+void control_event_hsv2_descriptor_failed(const rend_data_t *rend_data,
+                                          const char *id_digest,
+                                          const char *reason);
+void control_event_hsv2_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
+                                            const rend_data_t *rend_data,
+                                            const char *id_digest);
+/* Hidden service v3 HS_DESC specific. */
+void control_event_hsv3_descriptor_failed(const char *onion_address,
+                                          const char *desc_id,
+                                          const char *hsdir_id_digest,
+                                          const char *reason);
+void control_event_hsv3_descriptor_received(const char *onion_address,
+                                            const char *desc_id,
+                                            const char *hsdir_id_digest);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_upload_failed(const char *hs_dir,
+                                               const char *onion_address,
+                                               const char *reason);
+void control_event_hs_descriptor_content(const char *onion_address,
+                                         const char *desc_id,
+                                         const char *hsdir_fp,
+                                         const char *content);
+void control_events_free_all(void);
+char *get_bw_samples(void);
+#endif /* defined(CONTROL_MODULE_PRIVATE) */
+/** Bitfield: The bit 1<<e is set if <b>any</b> open control
+ * connection is interested in events of type <b>e</b>.  We use this
+ * so that we can decide to skip generating event messages that nobody
+ * has interest in without having to walk over the global connection
+ * list to find out.
+ **/
+typedef uint64_t event_mask_t;
+/* Recognized asynchronous event types.  It's okay to expand this list
+ * because it is used both as a list of v0 event types, and as indices
+ * into the bitfield to determine which controllers want which events.
+ */
+/* This bitfield has no event zero    0x0000 */
+#define EVENT_MIN_                    0x0001
+#define EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS          0x0001
+#define EVENT_STREAM_STATUS           0x0002
+#define EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS          0x0003
+#define EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED          0x0004
+#define EVENT_NEW_DESC                0x0006
+#define EVENT_DEBUG_MSG               0x0007
+#define EVENT_INFO_MSG                0x0008
+#define EVENT_NOTICE_MSG              0x0009
+#define EVENT_WARN_MSG                0x000A
+#define EVENT_ERR_MSG                 0x000B
+#define EVENT_ADDRMAP                 0x000C
+/* There was an AUTHDIR_NEWDESCS event, but it no longer exists.  We
+   can reclaim 0x000D. */
+#define EVENT_DESCCHANGED             0x000E
+/* Exposed above */
+// #define EVENT_NS                   0x000F
+#define EVENT_STATUS_CLIENT           0x0010
+#define EVENT_STATUS_SERVER           0x0011
+#define EVENT_STATUS_GENERAL          0x0012
+#define EVENT_GUARD                   0x0013
+#define EVENT_CLIENTS_SEEN            0x0015
+#define EVENT_NEWCONSENSUS            0x0016
+#define EVENT_BUILDTIMEOUT_SET        0x0017
+#define EVENT_GOT_SIGNAL              0x0018
+#define EVENT_CONF_CHANGED            0x0019
+#define EVENT_CONN_BW                 0x001A
+#define EVENT_CELL_STATS              0x001B
+/* UNUSED :                           0x001C */
+#define EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED      0x0020
+#define EVENT_HS_DESC                 0x0021
+#define EVENT_HS_DESC_CONTENT         0x0022
+#define EVENT_NETWORK_LIVENESS        0x0023
+#define EVENT_PT_LOG                  0x0024
+#define EVENT_PT_STATUS               0x0025
+#define EVENT_MAX_                    0x0025
+/* sizeof(control_connection_t.event_mask) in bits, currently a uint64_t */
+#define EVENT_CAPACITY_               0x0040
+/* If EVENT_MAX_ ever hits 0x0040, we need to make the mask into a
+ * different structure, as it can only handle a maximum left shift of 1<<63. */
+#error control_connection_t.event_mask has an event greater than its capacity
+#define EVENT_MASK_(e)               (((uint64_t)1)<<(e))
+#define EVENT_MASK_NONE_             ((uint64_t)0x0)
+#define EVENT_MASK_ABOVE_MIN_        ((~((uint64_t)0x0)) << EVENT_MIN_)
+#define EVENT_MASK_BELOW_MAX_        ((~((uint64_t)0x0)) \
+                                      >> (EVENT_CAPACITY_ - EVENT_MAX_ \
+                                          - EVENT_MIN_))
+#define EVENT_MASK_ALL_              (EVENT_MASK_ABOVE_MIN_ \
+                                      & EVENT_MASK_BELOW_MAX_)
+/** Helper structure: temporarily stores cell statistics for a circuit. */
+typedef struct cell_stats_t {
+  /** Number of cells added in app-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t added_cells_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+  /** Number of cells added in exit-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t added_cells_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+  /** Number of cells removed in app-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t removed_cells_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+  /** Number of cells removed in exit-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t removed_cells_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+  /** Total waiting time of cells in app-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t total_time_appward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+  /** Total waiting time of cells in exit-ward direction by command. */
+  uint64_t total_time_exitward[CELL_COMMAND_MAX_ + 1];
+} cell_stats_t;
+void sum_up_cell_stats_by_command(circuit_t *circ,
+                                  cell_stats_t *cell_stats);
+void append_cell_stats_by_command(smartlist_t *event_parts,
+                                  const char *key,
+                                  const uint64_t *include_if_non_zero,
+                                  const uint64_t *number_to_include);
+void format_cell_stats(char **event_string, circuit_t *circ,
+                       cell_stats_t *cell_stats);
+          send_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, const char *msg));
+          queue_control_event_string,(uint16_t event, char *msg));
+void control_testing_set_global_event_mask(uint64_t mask);
+#endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */
+#endif /* defined(CONTROL_EVENTS_PRIVATE) */
+#endif /* !defined(TOR_CONTROL_EVENTS_H) */
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control_fmt.c b/src/feature/control/control_fmt.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6d791991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/control/control_fmt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file control.c
+ * \brief Formatting functions for controller data.
+ */
+#include "core/or/or.h"
+#include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
+#include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
+#include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
+#include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_fmt.h"
+#include "feature/nodelist/nodelist.h"
+#include "core/or/cpath_build_state_st.h"
+#include "core/or/entry_connection_st.h"
+#include "core/or/or_connection_st.h"
+#include "core/or/origin_circuit_st.h"
+#include "core/or/socks_request_st.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_connection_st.h"
+/** Acts like sprintf, but writes its formatted string to the end of
+ * <b>conn</b>-\>outbuf. */
+connection_printf_to_buf(control_connection_t *conn, const char *format, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  char *buf = NULL;
+  int len;
+  va_start(ap,format);
+  len = tor_vasprintf(&buf, format, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  if (len < 0) {
+    log_err(LD_BUG, "Unable to format string for controller.");
+    tor_assert(0);
+  }
+  connection_buf_add(buf, (size_t)len, TO_CONN(conn));
+  tor_free(buf);
+/** Given an AP connection <b>conn</b> and a <b>len</b>-character buffer
+ * <b>buf</b>, determine the address:port combination requested on
+ * <b>conn</b>, and write it to <b>buf</b>.  Return 0 on success, -1 on
+ * failure. */
+write_stream_target_to_buf(entry_connection_t *conn, char *buf, size_t len)
+  char buf2[256];
+  if (conn->chosen_exit_name)
+    if (tor_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), ".%s.exit", conn->chosen_exit_name)<0)
+      return -1;
+  if (!conn->socks_request)
+    return -1;
+  if (tor_snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s:%d",
+               conn->socks_request->address,
+               conn->chosen_exit_name ? buf2 : "",
+               !conn->chosen_exit_name && connection_edge_is_rendezvous_stream(
+                                     ENTRY_TO_EDGE_CONN(conn)) ? ".onion" : "",
+               conn->socks_request->port)<0)
+    return -1;
+  return 0;
+/** Figure out the best name for the target router of an OR connection
+ * <b>conn</b>, and write it into the <b>len</b>-character buffer
+ * <b>name</b>. */
+orconn_target_get_name(char *name, size_t len, or_connection_t *conn)
+  const node_t *node = node_get_by_id(conn->identity_digest);
+  if (node) {
+    tor_assert(len > MAX_VERBOSE_NICKNAME_LEN);
+    node_get_verbose_nickname(node, name);
+  } else if (! tor_digest_is_zero(conn->identity_digest)) {
+    name[0] = '$';
+    base16_encode(name+1, len-1, conn->identity_digest,
+                  DIGEST_LEN);
+  } else {
+    tor_snprintf(name, len, "%s:%d",
+                 conn->base_.address, conn->base_.port);
+  }
+/** Allocate and return a description of <b>circ</b>'s current status,
+ * including its path (if any). */
+char *
+circuit_describe_status_for_controller(origin_circuit_t *circ)
+  char *rv;
+  smartlist_t *descparts = smartlist_new();
+  {
+    char *vpath = circuit_list_path_for_controller(circ);
+    if (*vpath) {
+      smartlist_add(descparts, vpath);
+    } else {
+      tor_free(vpath); /* empty path; don't put an extra space in the result */
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    cpath_build_state_t *build_state = circ->build_state;
+    smartlist_t *flaglist = smartlist_new();
+    char *flaglist_joined;
+    if (build_state->onehop_tunnel)
+      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"ONEHOP_TUNNEL");
+    if (build_state->is_internal)
+      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"IS_INTERNAL");
+    if (build_state->need_capacity)
+      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"NEED_CAPACITY");
+    if (build_state->need_uptime)
+      smartlist_add(flaglist, (void *)"NEED_UPTIME");
+    /* Only emit a BUILD_FLAGS argument if it will have a non-empty value. */
+    if (smartlist_len(flaglist)) {
+      flaglist_joined = smartlist_join_strings(flaglist, ",", 0, NULL);
+      smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "BUILD_FLAGS=%s", flaglist_joined);
+      tor_free(flaglist_joined);
+    }
+    smartlist_free(flaglist);
+  }
+  smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "PURPOSE=%s",
+                    circuit_purpose_to_controller_string(circ->base_.purpose));
+  {
+    const char *hs_state =
+      circuit_purpose_to_controller_hs_state_string(circ->base_.purpose);
+    if (hs_state != NULL) {
+      smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "HS_STATE=%s", hs_state);
+    }
+  }
+  if (circ->rend_data != NULL || circ->hs_ident != NULL) {
+    char addr[HS_SERVICE_ADDR_LEN_BASE32 + 1];
+    const char *onion_address;
+    if (circ->rend_data) {
+      onion_address = rend_data_get_address(circ->rend_data);
+    } else {
+      hs_build_address(&circ->hs_ident->identity_pk, HS_VERSION_THREE, addr);
+      onion_address = addr;
+    }
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "REND_QUERY=%s", onion_address);
+  }
+  {
+    char tbuf[ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN+1];
+    format_iso_time_nospace_usec(tbuf, &circ->base_.timestamp_created);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "TIME_CREATED=%s", tbuf);
+  }
+  // Show username and/or password if available.
+  if (circ->socks_username_len > 0) {
+    char* socks_username_escaped = esc_for_log_len(circ->socks_username,
+                                     (size_t) circ->socks_username_len);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "SOCKS_USERNAME=%s",
+                           socks_username_escaped);
+    tor_free(socks_username_escaped);
+  }
+  if (circ->socks_password_len > 0) {
+    char* socks_password_escaped = esc_for_log_len(circ->socks_password,
+                                     (size_t) circ->socks_password_len);
+    smartlist_add_asprintf(descparts, "SOCKS_PASSWORD=%s",
+                           socks_password_escaped);
+    tor_free(socks_password_escaped);
+  }
+  rv = smartlist_join_strings(descparts, " ", 0, NULL);
+  SMARTLIST_FOREACH(descparts, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+  smartlist_free(descparts);
+  return rv;
+/** Given a <b>len</b>-character string in <b>data</b>, made of lines
+ * terminated by CRLF, allocate a new string in *<b>out</b>, and copy the
+ * contents of <b>data</b> into *<b>out</b>, adding a period before any period
+ * that appears at the start of a line, and adding a period-CRLF line at
+ * the end. Replace all LF characters sequences with CRLF.  Return the number
+ * of bytes in *<b>out</b>.
+ */
+write_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out)
+  tor_assert(len < SIZE_MAX - 9);
+  size_t sz_out = len+8+1;
+  char *outp;
+  const char *start = data, *end;
+  size_t i;
+  int start_of_line;
+  for (i=0; i < len; ++i) {
+    if (data[i] == '\n') {
+      sz_out += 2; /* Maybe add a CR; maybe add a dot. */
+      if (sz_out >= SIZE_T_CEILING) {
+        log_warn(LD_BUG, "Input to write_escaped_data was too long");
+        *out = tor_strdup(".\r\n");
+        return 3;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  *out = outp = tor_malloc(sz_out);
+  end = data+len;
+  start_of_line = 1;
+  while (data < end) {
+    if (*data == '\n') {
+      if (data > start && data[-1] != '\r')
+        *outp++ = '\r';
+      start_of_line = 1;
+    } else if (*data == '.') {
+      if (start_of_line) {
+        start_of_line = 0;
+        *outp++ = '.';
+      }
+    } else {
+      start_of_line = 0;
+    }
+    *outp++ = *data++;
+  }
+  if (outp < *out+2 || fast_memcmp(outp-2, "\r\n", 2)) {
+    *outp++ = '\r';
+    *outp++ = '\n';
+  }
+  *outp++ = '.';
+  *outp++ = '\r';
+  *outp++ = '\n';
+  *outp = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate just in case. */
+  tor_assert(outp >= *out);
+  tor_assert((size_t)(outp - *out) <= sz_out);
+  return outp - *out;
+/** Given a <b>len</b>-character string in <b>data</b>, made of lines
+ * terminated by CRLF, allocate a new string in *<b>out</b>, and copy
+ * the contents of <b>data</b> into *<b>out</b>, removing any period
+ * that appears at the start of a line, and replacing all CRLF sequences
+ * with LF.   Return the number of
+ * bytes in *<b>out</b>. */
+read_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out)
+  char *outp;
+  const char *next;
+  const char *end;
+  *out = outp = tor_malloc(len+1);
+  end = data+len;
+  while (data < end) {
+    /* we're at the start of a line. */
+    if (*data == '.')
+      ++data;
+    next = memchr(data, '\n', end-data);
+    if (next) {
+      size_t n_to_copy = next-data;
+      /* Don't copy a CR that precedes this LF. */
+      if (n_to_copy && *(next-1) == '\r')
+        --n_to_copy;
+      memcpy(outp, data, n_to_copy);
+      outp += n_to_copy;
+      data = next+1; /* This will point at the start of the next line,
+                      * or the end of the string, or a period. */
+    } else {
+      memcpy(outp, data, end-data);
+      outp += (end-data);
+      *outp = '\0';
+      return outp - *out;
+    }
+    *outp++ = '\n';
+  }
+  *outp = '\0';
+  return outp - *out;
diff --git a/src/feature/control/control_fmt.h b/src/feature/control/control_fmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e36edd2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/control/control_fmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2001 Matej Pfajfar.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */
+/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
+ * \file control_fmt.h
+ * \brief Header file for control_fmt.c.
+ **/
+void connection_printf_to_buf(control_connection_t *conn,
+                                     const char *format, ...)
+int write_stream_target_to_buf(entry_connection_t *conn, char *buf,
+                               size_t len);
+void orconn_target_get_name(char *buf, size_t len,
+                            or_connection_t *conn);
+char *circuit_describe_status_for_controller(origin_circuit_t *circ);
+size_t write_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out);
+size_t read_escaped_data(const char *data, size_t len, char **out);
+#endif /* !defined(TOR_CONTROL_FMT_H) */
diff --git a/src/feature/dirclient/dirclient.c b/src/feature/dirclient/dirclient.c
index 70b6a2002..0b79b0779 100644
--- a/src/feature/dirclient/dirclient.c
+++ b/src/feature/dirclient/dirclient.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "feature/client/bridges.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/authmode.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/dirvote.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/shared_random.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/hibernate/hibernate.c b/src/feature/hibernate/hibernate.c
index 70c2b4f69..7351e5e00 100644
--- a/src/feature/hibernate/hibernate.c
+++ b/src/feature/hibernate/hibernate.c
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ hibernating, phase 2:
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/defs/time.h"
 #include "feature/hibernate/hibernate.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/hs/hs_control.c b/src/feature/hs/hs_control.c
index d837c5bee..20a106160 100644
--- a/src/feature/hs/hs_control.c
+++ b/src/feature/hs/hs_control.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "core/or/or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_format.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/nodelist/dirlist.c b/src/feature/nodelist/dirlist.c
index 93baa6e4e..e2a1d6a9f 100644
--- a/src/feature/nodelist/dirlist.c
+++ b/src/feature/nodelist/dirlist.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/authmode.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/dirlist.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/nodelist/networkstatus.c b/src/feature/nodelist/networkstatus.c
index 023115978..ea9f12367 100644
--- a/src/feature/nodelist/networkstatus.c
+++ b/src/feature/nodelist/networkstatus.c
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 #include "feature/client/bridges.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/reachability.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/consdiffmgr.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/nodelist/nodelist.c b/src/feature/nodelist/nodelist.c
index 8371d787f..f878d47fd 100644
--- a/src/feature/nodelist/nodelist.c
+++ b/src/feature/nodelist/nodelist.c
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 #include "core/or/protover.h"
 #include "feature/client/bridges.h"
 #include "feature/client/entrynodes.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/process_descs.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/nodelist/routerlist.c b/src/feature/nodelist/routerlist.c
index d1220f553..48f448ad1 100644
--- a/src/feature/nodelist/routerlist.c
+++ b/src/feature/nodelist/routerlist.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "feature/client/bridges.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/authmode.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/process_descs.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/reachability.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/relay/dns.c b/src/feature/relay/dns.c
index fa0a1b591..664edf96a 100644
--- a/src/feature/relay/dns.c
+++ b/src/feature/relay/dns.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/relay/dns.h"
 #include "feature/relay/router.h"
 #include "feature/relay/routermode.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c b/src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c
index 8589efb48..c343d19b8 100644
--- a/src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c
+++ b/src/feature/relay/ext_orport.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
@@ -659,4 +659,3 @@ ext_orport_free_all(void)
   if (ext_or_auth_cookie) /* Free the auth cookie */
diff --git a/src/feature/relay/router.c b/src/feature/relay/router.c
index cdd032f78..fcc84730b 100644
--- a/src/feature/relay/router.c
+++ b/src/feature/relay/router.c
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/protover.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirauth/process_descs.h"
 #include "feature/dircache/dirserv.h"
 #include "feature/dirclient/dirclient.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/relay/selftest.c b/src/feature/relay/selftest.c
index 064eea6c4..eeddd09b6 100644
--- a/src/feature/relay/selftest.c
+++ b/src/feature/relay/selftest.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "core/or/crypt_path_st.h"
 #include "core/or/origin_circuit_st.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirclient/dirclient.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/nodelist/authority_cert_st.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/rend/rendclient.c b/src/feature/rend/rendclient.c
index 4ca783c7c..5a8b23454 100644
--- a/src/feature/rend/rendclient.c
+++ b/src/feature/rend/rendclient.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "core/or/connection_edge.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirclient/dirclient.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_circuit.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/rend/rendcommon.c b/src/feature/rend/rendcommon.c
index 5cc054f45..777de2984 100644
--- a/src/feature/rend/rendcommon.c
+++ b/src/feature/rend/rendcommon.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "core/or/circuitlist.h"
 #include "core/or/circuituse.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_util.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_client.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/rend/rendservice.c b/src/feature/rend/rendservice.c
index 73edcaccf..57475a64b 100644
--- a/src/feature/rend/rendservice.c
+++ b/src/feature/rend/rendservice.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include "core/or/policies.h"
 #include "core/or/relay.h"
 #include "feature/client/circpathbias.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/dirclient/dirclient.h"
 #include "feature/dircommon/directory.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_common.h"
diff --git a/src/feature/stats/geoip_stats.c b/src/feature/stats/geoip_stats.c
index 5119da19a..6fb21f4f7 100644
--- a/src/feature/stats/geoip_stats.c
+++ b/src/feature/stats/geoip_stats.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include "ht.h"
 #include "lib/buf/buffers.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/client/dnsserv.h"
 #include "core/or/dos.h"
 #include "lib/geoip/geoip.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_controller_events.c b/src/test/test_controller_events.c
index 647eac43c..910aacace 100644
--- a/src/test/test_controller_events.c
+++ b/src/test/test_controller_events.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "core/or/or.h"
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "core/or/ocirc_event.h"
 #include "core/or/orconn_event.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "test/test.h"
 #include "core/or/or_circuit_st.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_extorport.c b/src/test/test_extorport.c
index aeb71ec58..f5d16af92 100644
--- a/src/test/test_extorport.c
+++ b/src/test/test_extorport.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "core/mainloop/connection.h"
 #include "core/or/connection_or.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
-#include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
 #include "feature/relay/ext_orport.h"
 #include "core/mainloop/mainloop.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_hs.c b/src/test/test_hs.c
index a611b46ca..de10a10d8 100644
--- a/src/test/test_hs.c
+++ b/src/test/test_hs.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * \brief Unit tests for hidden service.
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "test/test.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_common.h"
 #include "feature/rend/rendcommon.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_hs_control.c b/src/test/test_hs_control.c
index ba67712f1..d23d31954 100644
--- a/src/test/test_hs_control.c
+++ b/src/test/test_hs_control.c
@@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
  * \brief Unit tests for hidden service control port event and command.
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "test/test.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_common.h"
 #include "feature/hs/hs_control.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_pt.c b/src/test/test_pt.c
index d2996f4cc..612006906 100644
--- a/src/test/test_pt.c
+++ b/src/test/test_pt.c
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
 #define PT_PRIVATE
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "app/config/confparse.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "core/or/circuitbuild.h"
 #include "app/config/statefile.h"
diff --git a/src/test/test_util.c b/src/test/test_util.c
index 4990aa709..4875a7c94 100644
--- a/src/test/test_util.c
+++ b/src/test/test_util.c
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "lib/buf/buffers.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_fmt.h"
 #include "feature/client/transports.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_format.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
diff --git a/src/test/testing_common.c b/src/test/testing_common.c
index 8fc8ef783..1c2a2e896 100644
--- a/src/test/testing_common.c
+++ b/src/test/testing_common.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "orconfig.h"
 #include "core/or/or.h"
 #include "feature/control/control.h"
+#include "feature/control/control_events.h"
 #include "app/config/config.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_dh.h"
 #include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_ed25519.h"

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